Assignment Due Monday 09/14/2020 at 9 am

Assignment needed, APA Format, minimum of 250 words per question, Specific instructions are in attached document below

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Please refer to book

Pride, W.M. & Ferrell, O.C. (2019). Marketing (20th ed.) Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. ISBN: 978-1337272896

MRKT 500

Answer each “numbered” question in a minimum of 250 words. Responses can be in bullets. Please do not delete questions.

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Go beyond reporting on the topic to analyzing the topic…what are the implications, what are the ramifications, how do you compare and contrast A/B, what are the similarities/differences between X/Y? Use business examples (organizations, people, events) to support your response.

1. What is strategic marketing and how it is used by marketers in today’s changing world of business and marketing? What are the 4Ps and why are they still relevant?

2. What is the alignment between marketing and business strategies? What kind of analyses are critical for marketing strategies and why are the analyses important?

3. Why are internal and external environmental scanning critical components of the marketing environment? Explain 2 internal and 2 external forces.

4. What are the similarities and differences between ethics and social responsibility? What are 2 ethical challenges in marketing? What are 2 examples social responsibility?

5. What is the importance of marketing research? Why do organizations use primary and secondary research? How has social media impacted marketing research?

6. What are targeting and segmentation? What is the difference between demographics and psychographics? What are examples of a relevant segment for targeting and segmenting markets?

7. What situational, psychological and social influences on consumer buyer behavior?

8. What makes business and consumer buying processes different? What are the influences on business purchasing process?

9. Why has reaching global markets become so important? What environmental forces impact marketing in a global marketplace? How do companies enter global markets?

10. Why has digital marketing become so important? What are some of the legal/ethical issues in digital media? How does digital impact the 4Ps/marketing mix?

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