Assignment: Assessing Cost-Benefit and Utility in Selection

Given the volume of jobs that need to be filled, the difficulty in filling specific positions, and the potential impact of making poor hiring decisions, companies should strategically plan how to recruit and select employees. Such planning will ensure the amount of effort is cost effective and achieves the desired results. Consequently, many organizations today engage in such planning by conducting cost-benefit and utility analyses to ensure the requisite amount of effort is dedicated to obtain the desired results (Boudreau, 1990; Bodreau & Ramstad, 2002). In the long term, these analyses may save organizations time, money, and effort. On the other hand, it is also important to consider the potential impact of poor hiring practices not only on the company, but also on the unsuccessful applicant or the new hire that does not work out.

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For this Assignment, review this week’s media and the personnel selection processes that you developed for your Week 3 Assignment. Consider the cost benefit and utility of the personnel selection process for each job type.

Develop a cost benefit analysis and a utility analysis for a personnel selection process for the three job types presented in the media (manufacturing, sales, executive).

Your Assignment should specifically detail the following:

  • The resources required (e.g., cost, personnel, time, etc.) for each job type
  • The benefits and drawbacks of each component of the personnel selection process (e.g., application, interview, testing, etc.)
  • The impacts of the applicant pool, the number of openings, and the projected volume of applicants for each job type
  • Justifications for the personnel selection process to be used for each job type


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Personnel Selection Process Development




Personnel Selection Process Development

Job Types Presented in the Media

The media presents three types of jobs. The first one is an onsite or outside sales manager, a chief operating officer, and a Solar PV operator. The sales manager to be hired will be responsible for redirecting and leading all the sales staff. The managers will be expected to be among the hiring, training, and coaching committee of the members of the sales. The officers will be part of motivating and rewarding performing employees in collaboration with other departments responsible for better organizational performance. The highly motivated sales manager will be higher, ensuring that every member within the team that they will be leading attains his/her goals. Among other essential skills that the managers should have, they should have excellent communication skills and have at least four years of experience in a relevant field. All the academic and other qualifications for the job position are presented through media.

Greenway requires a Chief Operating Officer who will be working handy with the CEO of the company in executing crucial company activities at the headquarter levels. Among other responsibilities, the officer will be supervising the overall organization while controlling all other offices at the regional levels. Together with the CEO, he/she will serve as the middle ground between the customers and company teams that are working. Among other requirements, applicants must have attained at least five years of experience in the management field, be a holder of a bachelor’s degree in mechanical or electrical engineering and have at least ten years of experience in the utility energy industry.

A Solar PV installer to be hired will be part and parcel of the installation experts currently in place. The person will be required to work handily with the road installation crews in installing the latest solar equipment. The person hired will be required to attend a training about the newest equipment currently in use. Some of the responsibilities will include monitoring the installed equipment and evaluation of their performance, among others. The experts to be hired are required to have undergone training in the basic roofing and construction and be in a position of working with any form of construction materials. The hired person will be required to use it from the company headquarters.

Evidence of Validity by Development, Design, and Analysis

Evidence of validity will be executed through the criterion-related standards. The strategy is responsible for determining the existing ability of measures to predict a variable normally designated as a criterion. A criterion to be used will be well defined and extremely gold standard in the sense that it will incorporate the developing, design, and analysis of the members presented for a specific job position (Youngman, 2016). Attaining the level of validity that will include the three elements will result in incredible results, and hence the right people will be hired to fill the positions.

Criterion-related validity works from two perspectives. These are the predictive validity of concurrent validity. The predictive aspect will be responsible for measuring the degree to which the future level of the variable can be predicted out of the current measures in place. Concurrent validity, on the other hand, measures the existing relationship between the estimated standards and the existing tests.

Strategies to Include Various Properties

Application/ Resume

The application/resume properties will be utilized in the resume screening process of personnel selection. The summaries will be examined one by one either manually or through the help of a software to allow candidates to qualify to the next level of the section process. Proper examination of resumes tells whether a person qualifies for a certain position or not. The core aspect of the resume property will revolve around the background section within the summary since it fully explains what the applicant has been doing and what he/she is capable of doing.

Pre-employment Tests

These refer to the assessment tests that applicants are subjected to before being employed. During the process, the candidates are normally grouped into ‘promising,’ ‘maybe’ and ‘disqualified.’ The promising and maybe groups are further subjected to an extra assessment in the form of tests to check whether they are competent enough to fill the advertised positions. Examinations can be informed of auditions, written tests where they will be required to respond to several questions, or even a practical assessment that will need them to apply the skills gained in the real world or their field of specialization.

Job Interviews

Job interviews will remain ideal in offering an opportunity to decide the kind of people who fully qualify for an offer and the ones not qualifying. A consultation can tell much about a person, the degree to which he/she is competent with the skills presented in the paper, and the amount of information, knowledge, and skills that the person is having.

Other Tests

There exist several tests that candidates might be expected to undergo before attending an interview or any other activity about employment. For instance, candidates are expected to undergo a medical examination, assessed early enough before proceeding to any vetting process. This is essential in ensuring that the health status of people is well known before starting any activity.

Personnel Selection Assessment Selected

The personnel selection assessment selected is the Personality Tests. This is a selection procedure responsible for measuring the extent to which candidates/applicants are in line or related to future job performance. The selection procedure is based upon testing and examining the one or all the five personality dimensions. The dimensions take into account by the tests include extroversion, emotional stability, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness to experience (Nikolaou et al., 2018). The selection assessment requires special consideration of several issues. The first one is the careful selection of the candidate traits. For instance, employers with high assertiveness degrees and high independence levels should be selected. Secondly, any test to be undertaken should be carried out carefully to ensures that it is analyzed reliably with little impacts.

Normally, there are no correct or wrong answers for personality tests. However, there is a need to question the procedure followed. Although some elements of personality tests might be intrusive, litigation should be dominating. The technique also lacks face validity, like other assessments. Therefore, the administration of the available candidates ought to be done in a quality way.

The rationale for the Selected Personnel Assessment

The rationale for the selection of the assessment mentioned above lies in the advantages associated with it. The first rationale is that it can facilitate lower candidate turnover in case the applicants are selected based on the traits they are holding and ones that are highly related to employees with high longevity in the field that they should be recruited in. It is such a solid demand that many people might fail to comply with. The second rationale for the assessment is that it can reveal more information about the applicants about their abilities and interests (Nikolaou et al., 2018). With enough knowledge in place, they determine the ideal, and the best candidate becomes easier because essential issues will be taken into account. The last rationale for its selection is its capacity to point out the interpersonal traits necessary for a specific job. This eventually renders the right person for the post advertised.

Ethical and Legal Implications of the Assessment Selected

Like education and pre-employment assessments, personality tests are subject to several effects that can be examined from an ethical perspective. The moral effects can occur for better or for worse because they are dealing with people’s lives. The first situation where ethical issues arise when dealing with personality tests is designing and formulating decisions based on the assessment to be executed (Mukherjee & Kumar, 2016). The conclusions might seem to favor a certain group while leaving out the other group.

Secondly, adhering to ethical considerations might be expensive and even time consuming for an assessment process. For this reason, some teams might opt to leave some out so that they can get the right candidate. Some hiring teams might opt to leave ethical considerations to reach a targeted candidate winning (Mukherjee & Kumar, 2016). They are hence bringing in the issue of ethical concerns.


Mukherjee, S., & Kumar, U. (2016). Ethical issues in personality assessment. The Wiley Handbook of Personality Assessment, 415-426.

Nikolaou, I., Foti, K., Zeigler-Hill, V., & Shackelford, T. K. (2018). Personnel selection and personality. In The SAGE handbook of personality and individual differences (pp. 659-677). Sage. Retrieved from

Youngman, J. F. (2017). The use and abuse of pre-employment personality tests. Business Horizons, 60(3), 261-269. Retrieved from

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