assignment Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)

 Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) (Information Technology)

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For this assignment, you need to find three examples of an AUP from the Internet or other sources. Download these, or copy them and convert them into a PDF to attach to your submission. After reading/skimming these AUPs, attempt to write your own abbreviated AUP. Keep your AUP to a maximum of 5 pages and a minimum of 3 pages. You can cut and paste from your examples; however, be advised that this needs to fit the needs of the small marketing company weeks 5. Change text accordingly if you copy from other sources and make sure it is relevant. 

Submit your paper and the 3 PDF examples for this assignment.  

I attached the week 5 assignment just in case if you needed.

RISK MANAGEMENTcomputer science

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Cisco 892 ISR

Cisco Catalyst 2960S-48LPS-L – Switch

Windows Server 2008 R2
Exchange 2010

Red Hat Enterprise
Apache, PHP, MySQL


Windows Server 2008 R2
Primary Domain Controller and File Share

48 Desktop Computers
Windows 7 Ent

83 Laptop Computers
Windows 7 Ent

8 Tablets, Android OS 17 Smart Phones
Android OS

U05A1 – Directions – For this assignment, evaluate the above network diagram for a basic small marketing firm in San Francisco, CA. You have been asked to write-
up a basic risk assessment for this company. In the first part, brainstorm and list every risk you can imagine (realistic for this company) include virtual, physical and
“stupid” in your listing. Provide a brief one-to-two sentence overview for each risk you list. In the second section, pick the top risk and create a Quantitative RA (last
week) for a single loss expectancy. Each event will have it’s own price tag and amount of downtime. The values for each device is listed as “P” for physical cost and
“V” for the estimated value of the data on each device. Each day the network is down results in a loss of $86,000.00.

P -$9423.00
V -$242,000.00

P -$7453.00
V -$49,000.00

P -$14,785.00
V -$132,000.00

P -$924.00

P -$2754.00

P – $1425.00 Each
P -$1274.00 Each

P -$399.00 Each
P -$199.00 Each

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