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MK170 Personal Branding for Sales and Marke6ng Professionals:

Project 2


Project Descrip6on:

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As we learned in Chapter 2, reaching out to successful mentors, teachers and entrepreneurs is a winning strategy
when crea8ng your personal brand. Simply put – learning from those who are successful will enhance the chances
that you’ll be successful.

For Project 2, select an entrepreneur that you admire and discuss why you find this par8cular person an

• What obstacles did they overcome?

• What were some of the things that they did that made them succeed?

• What mistakes did they learn from?

You can either reach out to an entrepreneur that you know personally, or conduct research via secondary research
(i.e. the internet). Make sure you cite your sources in your research. In your own words, write at least 250 words
about what makes this person a good mentor, especially for you.

Submit your project to Project 2 in Moodle.


Grading Rubric

Grading accepts a start value of 100. Points will be deducted for failure to fully complete or meet the stated requirements.
Grading: 90-100 = Represents work of superior quality (A); 80-89 = Represents work of good to very good quality (B); 70-79 =
Represents adequate command of class content (C); 69 and below = Represents work that shows a need for development or
improvement (F); 0 = Represents plagiarized work (F).

MK170: Personal Branding for Sales and Marke6ng Professionals (BCM)


Project 2

YOUR SCORE: ________

Instructor Comments:

Descrip6on of requirements


For Project 2, select an entrepreneur that you admire and discuss why you
find this par8cular person an inspira8on.


• What obstacles did they overcome? 15

• What were some of the things that they did that made them


• What mistakes did they learn from? 15

Cited your sources in your research. 10

Wrote 250-word minimum. 10

Project was submiPed by due date. 10


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