
Practical Connection

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I’m working as a software developer in Dot Net. My skills involved ASP.Net, ADO.Net, MVC, Web Api’s, WCF Services, Ajax, Angular, SQL Server

Access Control: How this course is helping me in current working environment. Please describe for minimum 50 words

The course provides an in depth study of the three main security principles: availability, integrity and confidentiality. The

course examines mechanisms used to control what resources an entity can access, and the extent of the entity’s

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capabilities to interact with the


The course also examines approaches to auditing how the entity interacts with the


Physical Security: How this course is helping me in current working environment. Please describe for minimum 50 words

The course examines risks, threats, and countermeasures to secure data, personnel and hardware. This involves facility

creation and selection concerns, facility access control methods, and safety issues.

Information Security and Risk Management: How this course is helping me in current working environment. Please describe for minimum 50 words

The course provides a methodology to identify an institution’s information technology assets, the proper way to determine

the necessary level of protection required, and techniques for developing budgets for security implementations.

Business Continuity Plan and Disaster Recovery Plan: How this course is helping me in current working environment. Please describe for minimum 50 words

The course examines the preservation of business activities when faced with disruptions or disasters. It involves the

processes that are used to create a business continuity and disaster recovery plan and strategies for critical resource


Cryptography: How this course is helping me in current working environment. Please describe for minimum 50 words

The course examines methods and techniques for concealing data for security purposes. Topics covered will include

cryptographic techniques, approaches and technologies.

Operations Security: How this course is helping me in current working environment. Please describe for minimum 50 words

The course examines controls over personnel, hardware, software, and systems. It also covers possible abuse channels

and proper countermeasures.

Legal Regulations, Compliance and Investigation: How this course is helping me in current working environment. Please describe for minimum 50 words

This course helps students understand the various types of cybercrimes, and law enforcement’s responses to them through

digital forensics. The legal environment of cyberspace will be unpacked as the student becomes familiar with how technology

facilitates social relationships between deviants and criminals. From hacking and online fraud to sexual exploitation, intellectual

property theft, cyberbullying, and even cyber-terrorism and warfare, digital forensics investigations, cybercrime policies, and

legislation are presented as strategic solutions to make the world wide web and its users secure.

Telecommunications Network Security: How this course is helping me in current working environment. Please describe for minimum 50 words

The course provides fundamental concepts of networking including: examination of public and private communication

systems, networking topologies, devices, protocols, and remote access. It additionally explores strategies on identifying

areas for security vulnerabilities on networks.

Security Architecture and Design: How this course is helping me in current working environment. Please describe for minimum 50 words

The course focuses on the concepts and standards for designing and implementing secure software systems.

Application Security: How this course is helping me in current working environment. Please describe for minimum 50 words

This course discusses methods to increase the security of application development and thwart attacker attempts to

manipulate code. It also explores the software lifecycle and change control to reduce the probability of poorly written

applications that allows an attacker to exploit coding errors. Database development models will be introduced focusing on

choosing the best model to increase security.

Information Security Project: How this course is helping me in current working environment. Please describe for minimum 50 words

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