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CSS110 Customer Rela0onship Management: Por9olio Assignment 2

Stanford Life Design Lab: h

Informa0onal Interview

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This assignment is for students who are currently not in an ac0ve externship and therefore not able to
complete their Externship Journal assignments. Students who are able to complete their Externship
Journals are not required to do this assignment.

Descrip0on: For this project you will conduct an informa0onal interview with someone in a company,
field, or posi0on you would like to work in. An informa5onal interview is NOT a job interview. It’s a
conversa5on that YOU ini5ate to gather informa5on, advice, and possibly a connec5on to jobs.

Watch this video and/or read this ar0cle from the US Department of Labor to learn more about what
informa5onal interviews are, how they can be helpful, how to choose someone to interview and ini5ate
contact, how to dress and behave in one, and how to prepare good ques5ons.

This ar0cle from The Muse suggests using LinkedIn to find a person and advises how to ask politely and

Once you have a person in mind and have set up a call, zoom chat, in-person email or even an email
exchange, prepare at least 10 open-ended ques0ons to direct the conversa0on.

Record video or audio only with the interviewee’s permission. Or, take notes and prepare an interview

For your por9olio assignment submission:

• Write a short introduc5on to the person, name, posi5on 5tle, company, email or telephone contact
(for purposes of this assignment only), and why / how you decided to contact this par5cular person.

• Include the transcript, audio, or video link in your response.

• ARer the interview, in at least 200 words, write a summary of what was most interes5ng and helpful
for you from the interview, and reflect on your feelings about the experience.

Submit your 10 interview ques5ons and the three other parts listed above to Por9olio Assignment 2 in


Grading Rubric

Grading accepts a start value of 100. Points will be deducted for failure to fully complete or meet the stated
requirements. 90-100 = Represents work of superior quality (A); 80-89 = Represents work of good to very good quality
(B); 70-79 = Represents adequate command of class content (C); 69 and below = Represents work that shows a need for
development or improvement (F); 0 = Represents plagiarized work (F).

CSS110: Case Studies in Customer Service

Por9olio Assignment 2: Informa0onal Interview

YOUR SCORE: ________

Instructor Comments:

Descrip0on of requirements


Response includes a short introduc5on to the person interviewed with their
full name, posi5on 5tle, company and contact informa5on, as well as an
explana5on of why / how the person was chosen.


Prepared at least 10 open-ended interview ques5ons. 20

Response includes a wriYen transcript, audio, or video from the interview. 25

Wrote at least a 200-word summary of what was most interes5ng and
helpful from the interview, and expressed overall thoughts and feelings
about the experience


Assignment was submiYed by due date 10


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