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  1. Many different threats can arise to the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data-at-rest, data-in-transit, and processing. Some threats may affect only 1 of these security risks (like confidentiality only), and other threats affect more than 1 or even all these risks. 

    Create a 1- to 2-page table in Microsoft Word identifying a minimum of 6 threats using the column headers and details below:  

    Threat to Type of Data
    Mitigation Suggestion
     Within your table:
    Identify relevant threats. List 1 per column.
    Determine the type of data threatened (data-at-rest, data-in-transit, or processing). Identify the data type in the column.
    Determine if confidentiality, integrity, or availability was affected. Use the labels C, I, and/or A in the column.
    Describe the mitigation plan in 2 to 3 sentences in the column. 
    Threat: Password Compromise
    Threat to Type of Data: Data-At-Rest
    Confidentiality/Integrity/Availability: C & I
    Mitigation: Employ a strong password that is changed at regular intervals. Do not share your password or write it down on sticky notes on your desk.

    Include a short paragraph that highlights 2 access control techniques or policies that enforce security. 

    Cite at least 2 resources to support your assignment.

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    Format your assignment according to APA guidelines. 

    Submit your assignment. 

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