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Read the obituaries from a newspaper for a period of one week. As you read the obituaries, record the age, sex, and cause of death for each person noted. Multiply the data by 52 to get an equivalent of one year’s worth of data. Calculate crude mortality rates (# deaths in year/city population) and cause-specific (you pick a cause of death & count how many died from that cause from your data x 52, then divide by city population), then age-specific mortality rates (pick an age bracket, then count how many people died from your group, multiply by 52. Now divide by the population for that age bracket only (look this up online). The formula tables attached will help you. Show at least the data (sex, age, cause of death if noted) found from the newspaper for some points. Then show your math using the formulas for the rest. If you listened to the audio lecture, it states to be able to correctly do this, you must look up the population of the city you get your data from. If your city does not indicate cause of death, put “no cause listed”.  Hint: Choose a smaller city for this because if you pick a large city, the more numbers you are going to be working with.

*This will be the most difficult homework all semester, but shows you how to collect data and interpret it.

Start DateSep 7, 2020 12:00 PMDue DateSep 11, 2020 12:00 PMAttachmentstables (430.29 KB)

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