Assignment 4: Fraud Prevention and Detection Plan


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  1. Evaluate the key elements that should be included in the plan, including a justification as to how the element is likely to protect corporate assets and minimize risk based on your research.
  2. Create an argument to be presented to the senior leadership in support of a fraud prevention and detection plan, indicating the consequences of failure to implement the plan. Provide support for your argument.
  3. Create an approach to identify the roles and responsibilities of key personnel in the organization, indicating the significance of each role in the fraud prevention and detection equation. Provide support for your rationale.
  4. Compare the roles of management, internal auditors, external auditors, governing bodies, and the board of directors, and assess how each can contribute to your fraud prevention and detection plan.
  5. Evaluate the tools that you would propose to use to make your plan more effective in mitigating or eliminating fraud and how you would justify the risk / reward ratio of each tool recommended.
  6. Prepare a fraud prevention and detection plan based on your findings, indicating how you would communicate the plan to employees throughout the organization.
  7. Predict the future occurrences of corporate fraud and the likelihood that it will be detected by regulatory agencies based on your research. Provide support for your rationale. 

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