assignment 4

In this assignment, you will create a  timeline to help you understand the context of events and movements you  studied this week, and how these events relate to your current career.  You will put these ideas together for presentation in a PowerPoint and  explore how they influenced each other and your career.

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In this assignment, you will choose three  ways that the policies of the United States Imperialism (e.g., Monroe  Doctrine, American Indian policies, slave codes, territorial  annexations) have impacted American society and economics today. Put them in order of when they occurred in American History and create a PowerPoint presentation that pulls them all together.


  1. Choose three ways that the policies of the United States Imperialism have impacted American society and economics today.
  2. Describe each policy and explain how you believe the policy has impacted American society and economics today.
  3. Each slide must have an image  (picture) from American History that represents it. The picture can be a  person, a document, a poster, a cartoon, a photograph, etc. from  American History. Be sure to include a citation for this image in small  text on the slide.
  4. Add at least 200 words of explanation for each policy to the slides.  In at least 200 words you want to explain the policy. This text should  be added directly to each slide. Imagine what you would say if you were  presenting to your co-workers or classmates. You may use more than one  slide per policy if you wish.
  5. You must include at least 5 slides  (an introduction, 3 policy slides, and a reference slide) for your  PowerPoint presentation. You also must use one source and include  citations for the images you use on each slide. 

Submit your presentation as a PowerPoint presentation file (.ppt or .pptx file).

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