Assignment 4

Assignment4: Presentation to the Board

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Due Week 10, worth 150 points

You’ve done a tremendous amount of planning, research, and strategizing in your role as the task force leader. It’s now time to bring it all together. You will create a presentation in which synthesize your research and recommendations from the first three assignments.

As you know, the ability to create and deliver strong presentations is a critical skill for all managers, leaders, and employees. You can improve this skill through practice. In this final assignment, you will have the opportunity to hone your presentation skills.


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1. Decide which method of presentation you will use: PowerPoint with narration, where you use Kaltura to record your screen as you talk (screencast), or a video presentation in which you use your webcam and Kaltura to record yourself presenting. Make time to practice!

2. Prepare by reviewing these resources (access links in course shell):

a. Structuring an Effective Presentation

b. How to Deliver an Effective Presentation

c. Death by PowerPoint

d. Screen Recording – for PowerPoint

e. Record and Upload a Video – for video with webcam


Create a PowerPoint slide presentation with narration (8-10 slides recommended) or a 5-7 minute video presentation (do not exceed 7 minutes, as this may present file size issues) for the Board of Directors. Include these components:

1. Assignment 1 Executive Summary
Use the executive summary from Assignment 1 to prepare and present the key elements associated with your research and recommendations.

2. Assignment 2 Executive Summary
Use the executive summary from Assignment 2 to prepare and present the key elements associated with your research and recommendations.

3. Assignment 3 Executive Summary
Use the executive summary from Assignment 3 to prepare and present the key elements associated with your research and recommendations.

4. Speaker’s Notes
Include speaker’s notes for each slide (or a bulleted script if using video) to indicate what you will say as you deliver the presentation to the Board of Directors.

5. Presentation
Deliver your presentation with professional presence. Upload your PowerPoint screencast or video presentation following the instructions in the Kaltura videos above.

Follow APA Standards

Points: 150

Assignment 4: Presentation to the Board



Below 70% F


70-79% C


80-89% B


90-100% A

1. Assignment 1 Executive Summary

Weight: 10%

Does not utilize the executive summary from Assignment 1 to prepare and present the key elements associated with this research.

Partially utilizes the executive summary from Assignment 1; some of the key elements associated with this research are missing.

Satisfactorily utilizes the executive summary from Assignment 1; most of the key elements associated with this research are included.

Fully utilizes the executive summary from Assignment 1; all the key elements associated with this research are included.

2. Assignment 2 Executive Summary

Weight: 10%

Does not utilize the executive summary from Assignment 2 to prepare and present the key elements associated with this research.

Partially utilizes the executive summary from Assignment 2; some of the key elements associated with this research are missing.

Satisfactorily utilizes the executive summary from Assignment 2; most of the key elements associated with this research are included.

Fully utilizes the executive summary from Assignment 2; all the key elements associated with this research are included.

3. Assignment 3 Executive Summary

Weight: 10%

Does not utilize the executive summary from Assignment 3 to prepare and present the key elements associated with this research.

Partially utilizes the executive summary from Assignment 3; some of the key elements associated with this research are missing.

Satisfactorily utilizes the executive summary from Assignment 3; most of the key elements associated with this research are included.

Fully utilizes the executive summary from Assignment 3; all the key elements associated with this research are included.

4. Speaker’s Notes

Weight: 10%

Does not include speaker’s notes or a bulleted script.

Includes some speaker’s notes or a partial script. The full presentation is not represented.

Includes speaker’s notes or a script for most slides or screens, but there are some parts of the presentation that are not supported.

The speaker’s notes or script completely support the presentation.

5. Presentation

Weight: 50%

Student does not demonstrate, or demonstrates incompletely, a level of professional presence.
Employs an inappropriate tone and contextually inappropriate vocabulary is used.
Student’s appearance and demeanor are not professional.
Slides or visuals are unsatisfactory and unprofessional in look and feel.
The presentation may not have been uploaded.

Student demonstrates a passable level of professional presence.
Employs a fairly appropriate professional tone for the audience and uses fairly contextually appropriate vocabulary.
Student is fairly professional in appearance and presentation.
Slides or visuals are unsatisfactory and unprofessional in look and feel.
The presentation was uploaded.

Student demonstrates a moderate level of professional presence.
Employs a satisfactorily professional tone for the audience and uses vocabulary that is largely appropriate in context.
Student is mostly professional in appearance and presentation.
Slides or visuals are satisfactory and professional in look and feel.
The presentation was uploaded.

Student demonstrates a high degree of professional presence.
Employs an appropriately professional tone for the audience and makes use of vocabulary that is appropriate in context.
Student is professional in appearance and presentation.
Slides or visuals are professional in look and feel.
The presentation was uploaded.

6. Professional Formatting

Weight: 10%

Writing does not meet minimal standards. Tone is not professional. Communication is wholly lacking in logic, clarity, and/or consistent formatting. Contains many spelling, mechanical, formatting, citation, and/or grammatical errors.
References are not provided.

Writing is satisfactory. Professional tone is developing. Shows moderate logic, clarity, and/or consistent formatting. May contain more than a few spelling, grammar, mechanical, formatting, or citation errors.
Does not meet the required number of references; some or all references are poor-quality choices.

Writing could be improved, but meets acceptable standards. Tone is professional. Shows logic, clarity, and consistent formatting. May contain few or no spelling, mechanical, and/or grammatical errors. There may be minor formatting or citation errors.
Meets the number of required references; all references are high-quality choices.

Writing is excellent. Tone is professional and sophisticated. Shows logic, clarity, and consistent formatting. Contains no spelling, mechanical, or grammatical errors. Contains no formatting or citation errors.
Exceeds number of required references; all references are high-quality choices.

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