Assignment 3

 Business Launch Plan Part III. & Pitch Video Instructions In the third part of your Business Launch plan, you’ll layout your plan for your website, SEM strategy, Financial Analysis and Markup Analysis. After you’re done, you’ll record an Elevator Pitch video (60 seconds or less). It will address what your business is, your USP, early track and what your ask is from potential investors. Your completed 

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Adventure Works Marketing Plan



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BUS599_Business Launch Plan

Sales Strategy 2
Website/SEM Strategy 3
Promotion Strategy 4
Financial Analysis/

Markup Analysis

Video Pitch Instructions…………………………………………………………………………………………….6

Sales Strategy

Business Summary

How do you plan to prospect for customers? Where will you look?

How will you target your customers?

How will you convert and sell to them?

What are your top 5 goals/action steps related to website development?

SEM Strategy:

Top 5 goals/action steps related to your SEM Strategy:

Website/SEM Strategy
Promotion Strategy

What are your top 5 goals/action steps related to growing your following on social media?






What are your top 5 action steps related to email/database development and marketing?





Financial Analysis

List your operating expenses:

Markup Analysis

Calculate the Following:

(Selling Price of your product/service- Cost to Produce)/Cost to Produce= Markup Percentage

Part II. Pitch Video

You’ll record a Pitch Video (no more than 1 minute). In the video, you’ll deliver a pitch related to your business in which you will succinctly address the following four areas:

1) Identify your business name and exactly what your product or service is.

2) Describe what sets you apart from similar companies. Include your USP.

3) Discuss early traction and/or facets of your business that could make it catch on quickly (those that would be of interest to potential investors).

4) Make a financial ask- state the amount of money you’re asking for, what you’ll use it for, and what you are willing to give up in return (i.e. the percentage or stake in the business). Be sure to use one of the valuation methods discussed in this course so that the math here makes sense.

Again, your completed Assignment 3 Template and Pitch video are due by Sunday midnight of Week 10 and should be uploaded to Blackboard. Reach out to your professor with any questions and good luck.

Note: If you would like to tailor this assignment to better match your current business goals and position, please contact your professor to discuss.

Title Page 4

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