assignment 3

In this research article, the researcher used a non-probability and convenience sampling strategy to collect the data. The researchers’ main focus on this study is the impact of self-care activity in the management of diabetes for the African-American population. According to the article, the researchers used an appropriate method of sampling and have done it correctly. The study was conducted in grocery store, churches, and shopping center for recruiting participants for this study in South Florida. The total number of the participants are 100. There were 73 female and 27 males.

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           I believed that this study was perfectly done. I have found various strength and weakness when it came to their sampling Procedure. For the strength, the researchers used power analysis because there are exactly 100 participants to get an accurate result. And another thing of the strength for this study is that they provide the information regarding diabetes self-care to the participates and they also give a gift card to everyone who participated. The weakness that I noticed in this study such as having more female than male. They should have balanced out the number of genders. Another weakness is that the researchers mentioned that a lot of people from South Florida are from Caribbean, in that case I think their sample is not a representative of the population. They should have picked people from different places not only in that specific area.

            Based on my understanding, quantitative findings are generalizable across the population studied, based on random sampling and statistically significance of inferential statistical testing and analysis. A large population can be studied using a relatively smaller sample size, based on Power analysis. This is what exactly the researchers have done for this study.


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Kleier, J. A., & Dittman, P. W. (2014). Attitude and empowerment as predictors of self- reported self-care and A1C values among African Americans with diabetes mellitus:     Nephrology Nursing Journal 41(5), 487–493.

The response should be at least 150 words and we need to expand the idea too that’s the way they gonna graded …just adding new ideas related to the article or topic by using one journal article … you can use the same article

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