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School/ Department Name School of Engineering/ Petroleum Engineering

Program Code and Title: BEPF15 – Degree of Petroleum Engineering

Course Code and Title: 151PTE 321 – Engineering Geology

Assessment Number and Title: Assessment 3 – Assignment # 1

Assessment Type: Written Assignment

Assessment Location: ACK – Online Submission

Assessment Date: Saturday 9th January, 2021

Assessment Time/Duration: Due: Monday 11th January, 2021 at 11:55 PM

Student Name:

Student ID:

Section (s): G2P1, G2P2

Assessment General


• This is a calculation based project and you may use the class material such
as your lecture notes, online resource, and software such as excel (if


• You may not discuss or share this project or questions related to the project
with your fellow classmates or other individuals.

• Show your work, you may scan your hand work or insert calculation steps
in this document.

• Please type your answers using Microsoft Words and ensure to type your
equations correctly.

• If you require any assistance during the assessment period, please
communicate through e-mail or MS Teams.


Task Number Maximum Marks Student Marks

1 1.5

2 4

3 1.25

4 1.25

5 2

6 2.5

7 2.5

Total Mark 15

Assessor Feedback:

Assessor Name: Dr. Seyed Mehdi Seyed Alizadeh


Assessor Signature:

Student Name:

Student Signature:

Assessment Tool

Task 1:

(1.5 Marks)

What are the processes that are responsible for the marine transgression and regression?

Assessment Tool

Task 2: (4 Marks)

The matrix in figure below is a set of measurements for water saturations (in % points) at

different locations in a reservoir rock formation. The data are plotted on a regular grid with both

horizontal (x) and vertical (y) distance of 1 between neighbouring points of measurement.

a) Write down the general equation for variogram calculation.

(1 Mark)

Assessment Tool

b) Calculate the experimental variogram for horizontal (x or 0°), vertical (y or 90°) and for the
diagonal (45°) direction for the shortest possible nonzero distance in each case.

(3 Marks)

Assessment Tool

Task 3: (1.25 Marks)

Match the following typical deposition with the corresponding basin name. The correspondence is one-






























Assessment Tool

Task 4: (1.25 Marks)

Match the following typical sediments sources with the corresponding basin name. The

correspondence is one-to-one.









Sediments are supplied

from rivers.

Fluvial and lacustrine


The clastic sediment

supply is largely

from the adjacent

continental land area.

In the deeper parts

sedimentation is

mainly pelagic,

consisting of fine-

grained biogenic

detritus and clays.

In some places sediments

are carried down the

subduction zone.

Assessment Tool

Task 5: (2 Marks)

Draw a correlation for the three geologic sequences shown in the three locations in Figure 1 using the

fossils to establish the relative age for each sequence.

Outcrops at three different locations

Assessment Tool

Task 6: (2.5 Marks)

In the geologic sequence shown in Figure 1 establish the right time sequence of the five formations,

from the oldest to the youngest.





Assessment Tool

Task 7: (2.5 Marks)

The coefficient of variation for permeability for several core plugs from different rock

formations are as follows:



Coef. Of

variation of


Degree of heterogeneity

Homogeneous Heterogeneous Highly


A 0.75

B 1.1

C 0.34

D 1.8

E 0.21

F 0.83

(a) In the table above, specify the degree of heterogeneity for each rock type by a (x) sign in

front of the correct choice.

(1.5 Marks)

(b) Explain why you have selected the choices for the previous part.

(1 Mark)

Engineering Geology

Lecture 6

Learning Outcomes

After completing this chapter the student will:

• familiarize himself with common types of sedimentary basins and their


• learn the relationship between the formation of sedimentary basins and


• familiarize himself with the different kind of sedimentary rocks deposited in

different sedimentary basins;

• learn what are the most favorable sedimentary basins for O&G


Sedimentary Basins

• Sedimentary basins are regions where sediment accumulates into

successions of hundreds to thousands of metres in thickness over areas of

thousands to millions of square kilometres.

• The underlying control on the formation of sedimentary basins is plate

tectonics and hence basins are normally classified in terms of their position

in relation to plate tectonic settings and tectonic processes.

• Each basin type has distinctive features, and the characteristics of

sedimentation and the stratigraphic succession that develops in a rift valley

can be seen to be distinctly different from those of an ocean trench.

• The sedimentary rocks in a basin provide a record of the tectonic history

of the area.

• They also provide the record of the effects of other controls on deposition,

such as climate, base level and sediment supply.

Sedimentary Basins

Three main settings of basin formation can be recognized:

1. basins associated with regional extension within and between plates;

2. basins related to convergent plate boundaries;

3. basins associated with strike-slip plate boundaries.

Basins Related to Lithospheric Extension

• The motion of tectonic plates produces in some areas the extension of the

lithosphere and in other places compression.

• In the early stages of extension Rifts form and are typically sites of

continental sedimentation.

Sedimentary Basins

Rift Basins

• In regions of extension

continental crust fractures to

produce rifts, which are structural

valleys bound by extensional

(normal) faults.

• The down-faulted blocks are

referred to as graben and the up-

faulted areas as horsts.

• The structural weakness in the

crust and high heat flow

associated with rifting may result

in volcanic activity.

• Sediment is supplied from the

rift flanks or brought in by rivers

flowing along the axis of the rift.

from G. Nichols, “Sedimentology and Stratigraphy”, 2009

Sedimentary Basins
Rift Basins

• In regions of extension
continental crust fractures to

produce rifts, which are

structural valleys bound by

extensional (normal) faults.

• The down-faulted blocks are

referred to as graben and the

up-faulted areas as horsts.

• The structural weakness in the
crust and high heat flow
associated with rifting may result
in volcanic activity.
• Sediment is supplied from the
rift flanks or brought in by rivers
flowing along the axis of the rift.
from G. Nichols, “Sedimentology and Stratigraphy”, 2009

Sedimentary Basins
Intracratonic Basins

• These are areas of broad

subsidence within a

continental block (craton)

away from plate margins or

regions of orogeny.

• Rifts are therefore areas of

high heat flow, a high

geothermal gradient.

• When geothermal gradient is

reduced the crust cools,

contracts and sinks

resulting in thermal


• Fluvial and lacustrine

sediments are commonly

encountered in intra-cratonic

from G. Nichols, “Sedimentology and Stratigraphy”, 2009

Sedimentary Basins
Proto-oceanic troughs

• As the extension of the continental

crust continues this leads to

thinning and eventually to rupture.

• Basaltic magmas rise to the

surface in the axis of the rift and

start to form new oceanic crust.

• The basin will be wholly or partly

flooded by seawater.

• Rivers will be depositing

sediment to shelf areas and out into

deeper water in the axis of the

trough as turbidity currents.

• Connection to the open ocean may be intermittent during the early stage of

basin formation and in arid areas with high evaporation rates the basin may

periodically desiccate. Evaporites (gypsum or halite) may form in these


• This stage is known as a ‘proto-oceanic trough’ and is the first stage in the

initiation of an ocean basin: the remnant flanks of the rift become the passive

margins of the ocean basin as it develops.

from G. Nichols, “Sedimentology and Stratigraphy”, 2009

Sedimentary Basins
Passive margins

• The regions of continental crust

and the transition to oceanic

crust along the edges of

spreading oceans basins are

known as passive margins.

• Passive because no subduction is

happening in this region.

• The continental crust is

commonly thinned in this region

and there may be a zone of

transitional crust before fully

oceanic crust of the ocean basin

is encountered. Transitional crust

forms by basaltic magmas

injecting into continental crust in a

diffuse zone as a proto-oceanic

trough develops.

• Subsidence of the passive margin is due

to continued cooling of the lithosphere as

the heat source of the spreading centre

becomes further away, augmented by

the load on the crust due to the pile of

sediment that accumulates.

• The clastic sediment supply is largely

from the adjacent continental land area.

from G. Nichols, “Sedimentology and Stratigraphy”, 2009

Stages in the Development of a Passive Margin

Sedimentary Basins
Passive margins

• The supply of clastic sediments will be low in areas adjacent to desert

areas, and the margin will be a starved margin, experiencing a low clastic

sedimentation rate.

• In contrast, a large river system may carry large amounts of detritus and

build out a large deltaic wedge of sediment onto the margin.

• In the absence of terrigenous detrital supply, the shelf may be the site of

accumulation of large amounts of biogenic carbonate sediment, although

the volume and character of the material will be determined by the local


• Passive margins are important areas of accumulation of both carbonate

and clastic sediment: they may extend over tens to hundreds of

thousands of square kilometres and develop thicknesses of many

thousands of metres.

• They are also areas that are sensitive to the effects of eustatic changes

in sea level because most of the deposition occurs in water depths of up

to 100 m.

Detailed Cross-section of a Passive Margin

Atlantic Margin

Triassic rift valley sediments

Jurassic salt

Cretaceous &

Cenozoic sediments

What is the relative

age of the basalt?

Sedimentary Basins
Ocean basins

• Basaltic crust formed at mid-oceanic ridges is hot and relatively buoyant.

• As the basin grows in size by new magmas created along the spreading

ridges, older crust moves away from the hot mid-ocean ridge.

• Cooling of the crust increases its density and decreases relative

buoyancy, so as crust moves away from the ridges, it sinks.

• Mid-ocean ridges are typically at depths of around 2500 m.

• The depth of the ocean basin increases away from the ridges to between

4,000 and 5,000 m where the basaltic crust is old and cool.

• The ocean floor is not a flat surface. Spreading ridges tend to be irregular,

offset by transform faults that create some areas of local topography.

• Isolated volcanoes and linear chains of volcanic activity related to

hotspots (mantle plumes) such as the Hawaiian Islands form submerged

seamounts or exposed islands.

Sedimentary Basins
Ocean basins

• The shallow water environment may be a site of carbonate production

and the formation of reefs.

• In the deeper parts of the ocean basins sedimentation is mainly pelagic,

consisting of fine-grained biogenic detritus and clays. Nearer to the

edges of the basins terrigenous clastic material may be deposited as


from G. Nichols, “Sedimentology and Stratigraphy”, 2009

Sedimentary Basins
Basins Related to Subduction

• A trough is created at the contact between the two plates as the downgoing plate

bends to enter the subduction zone : this is the ocean trench.

• The magmas generated by the melting of the subducted plate rise to the surface

through the overriding plate to create a line of volcanoes, or volcanic arc.

• Magma is created when the down going slab reaches 90 to 150 km depth.

from G. Nichols, “Sedimentology and Stratigraphy”, 2009

Sedimentary Basins
Basins Related to Subduction

• Arc–trench systems are regions of plate convergence, however, the upper plate of

an active arc must be in extension in order for magmas to reach the surface and

generate volcanic activity.

• If the angle of subduction is steep then convergence is slower than subduction at

the trench, the upper plate is in net extension and an extensional backarc basin

forms (Dickinson 1980).

from G. Nichols, “Sedimentology and Stratigraphy”, 2009

Sedimentary Basins

Ocean trenches are elongated, gently curving troughs that form where an oceanic plate

bends as it enters a subduction zone.

The bottoms of modern trenches are up to 10,000m below sea level, twice as deep as

the average bathymetry of the ocean floors.

from G. Nichols, “Sedimentology and Stratigraphy”, 2009

Sedimentary Basins
Accretionary Complexes

A subducting plate can be thought of as a conveyor belt bringing ocean basin

deposits, mainly pelagic sediments and turbidites, to the edge of the



In some places this sediment is carried down the subduction zone, but in

others it is sliced off as a package of strata that is then accreted on to the

overriding plate.

from G. Nichols, “Sedimentology and Stratigraphy”, 2009

Sedimentary Basins
Forearc Basin

The main source of sediment to the basin is the volcanic arc and, if the arc

lies in continental crust, the hinterland of continental rocks.

Intraoceanic arcs are commonly starved of sediment because the island-arc

volcanic chain is the only source of detritus apart from pelagic sediment.

from G. Nichols, “Sedimentology and Stratigraphy”, 2009

Sedimentary Basins
Backarc Basin

• Extensional backarc basins form where the angle of subduction of the

downgoing slab is steep and the rate of subduction is greater than the rate

of plate convergence.

• Rifting occurs in the region of the volcanic arc where the crust is hotter

and weaker.

• The principal source of sediment in a backarc basin formed in an oceanic

plate will be the active volcanic arc.

from G. Nichols, “Sedimentology and Stratigraphy”, 2009

Sedimentary Basins
Basins related to Crustal Loading

Collision of plates involves a thickening of the lithosphere and the creation

of an orogenic belt, a mountain belt formed by collision of plates.

The Alps have formed by the closure of the Tethys Ocean as Africa has

moved northwards relative to Europe, and the Himalayas are the result of a

series of collisions related to the northward movement of India.

from G. Nichols, “Sedimentology and Stratigraphy”, 2009

Sedimentary Basins
Basins related to Crustal Loading

Thickening of the crust will result in an additional load being placed on the

crust either side and causes a downward flexure of the crust to form

peripheral foreland basins.

from G. Nichols, “Sedimentology and Stratigraphy”, 2009

Sedimentary Basins
Retroarc Foreland Basin

The thickness of the crust increases due to emplacement of magma in a

volcanic arc at a continental margin, resulting in flexure of the crust behind

the arc to form a retroarc foreland basin.

from G. Nichols, “Sedimentology and Stratigraphy”, 2009

Sedimentary Basins
Strike-slip basins

• Most basins in strike-slip belts are

generally termed trans-tensional


• The overlap of two separate faults

can create regions of extension

between them known as pull-apart


• Such basins are typically rectangular

or rhombic in plan with widths and

lengths of only a few kilometres or

tens of kilometres.

• They are unusually deep, especially

compared with rift basins.

from G. Nichols, “Sedimentology and Stratigraphy”, 2009

Sedimentary Basins
Strike-slip basins

Where there is a branching of faults a zone of extension exists between the

two branches forming a basin.

from G. Nichols, “Sedimentology and Stratigraphy”, 2009

Sedimentary Basins
The Wilson Cycle

Rift basins form

and evolve into proto-

oceanic troughs and

eventually into ocean

basins bordered by

passive margins. After

a period of tens to

hundreds of millions of

years the ocean basin

starts to close with

subduction zones

around the margins

consuming oceanic

crust. Final closure of

the ocean results in

continental collision

and the formation of


orogenic belt.

from G. Nichols, “Sedimentology and Stratigraphy”, 2009

Sedimentary Basins
The Wilson Cycle
Rift basins form

and evolve into proto-oceanic

troughs and eventually into

ocean basins bordered by

passive margins. After

a period of tens to hundreds of

millions of years the ocean

basin starts to close with

subduction zones

around the margins consuming

oceanic crust. Final closure of

the ocean results in
continental collision

and the formation of an

orogenic belt.
from G. Nichols, “Sedimentology and Stratigraphy”, 2009

Sedimentary Basins
The Wilson Cycle

Within the Wilson Cycle,

• Rift basin: may be recognized by river and lake deposits overlying the


• Proto-oceanic trough stage: recognized by evaporites,

• Passive margin deposition: will be recorded by thick succession of shallow-

marine carbonate and clastic deposits.

• Forearc region: If this passive margin becomes a site of subduction, arc-

related volcanics will occur as the margin is transformed into a forearc

region of shallow-marine, arc-derived sedimentation.

• Upon complete closure of the ocean basin, loading by the orogenic belt may

then result in foreland flexure of this same area of the crust, and the

environment of deposition will become one of deeper water facies.

• As the mountain belt rises, more sediment will be shed into the foreland

basin and the stratigraphy will show a shallowing-up pattern.

from G. Nichols, “Sedimentology and Stratigraphy”, 2009

The Major Types of Sedimentary Basins

The major types of sedimentary basins are shown in their plate-tectonic settings.

The major physical cause or causes of subsidence for each case are shown below

the diagram. Some examples are indicated in top.

Michigan Basin

E. AfricaNevada

Offshore Calif.


E. Coast NA

Sedimentary Basins
Strike-slip basins

The curvature of a single fault strand results in bends that are either

restraining bends (locally compressive) or releasing bends (locally

extensional): releasing bends form elliptical zones of subsidence.

from G. Nichols, “Sedimentology and Stratigraphy”, 2009

Sedimentary Basins
Forearc Basin

The inner margin of a forearc basin is the edge of the volcanic arc and the

outer limit the accretionary complex formed on the leading edge of the upper


The basin may be underlain by either oceanic crust or a continental margin.

The thickness of sediments that can accumulate in a forearc setting is partly

controlled by the height of the accretionary complex: if this is close to sea

level the forearc basin may also fill to that level.

from G. Nichols, “Sedimentology and Stratigraphy”, 2009

Sedimentary Basins

They are also narrow, sometimes as little as 5 km across, although they may

be thousands of kilometres long.

Trenches formed along margins flanked by continental crust tend to be filled

with sediment derived from the adjacent land areas. Intra-oceanic trenches

are often starved of sediment because the only sources of material apart from

pelagic deposits are the islands of the volcanic arc.

from G. Nichols, “Sedimentology and Stratigraphy”, 2009

Sedimentary Basins
Basins related to Crustal Loading

When an ocean basin completely closes with the total elimination of

oceanic crust by subduction the two continental margins eventually


Where two continental plates converge subduction does not occur

because the thick, low-density continental lithosphere is too buoyant to be


from G. Nichols, “Sedimentology and Stratigraphy”, 2009

Engineering Geology

Lecture 9

Dr. Seyed Mehdi Seyed Alizadeh



• Formation with two or more non-communicating
sand members.

• Different specific- and relative-permeability

• The reservoir heterogeneity is defined as a
variation in reservoir properties as a function of a

• Oil/Gas reservoirs are complicated geological
heterogeneous bodies.

• There is no homogeneous porous media.

• Well log and core analysis reports show that all
reservoirs are heterogeneous.

• Permeability heterogeneities cause variations in
the fluid movements compared to the equivalent
homogeneous system.

• Efficiency management (RF).

CCFD%2Fpapers%2Ffpm%2FRDawe &ei=H61FU9bzMqqCyAOl6oGwCA&usg=AFQjCNHThSj_QfQoMcpB8ONwRB5E3xujOA&bvm=bv.64507335,d.


Reservoir Heterogeneity in Sandstone

Heterogeneity May

Result From:

Depositional Features

Diagenetic Features

(Whole Core Photograph, Misoa

Sandstone, Venezuela)


Segments Reservoirs

Increases Tortuosity of

Fluid Flow

Reservoir Heterogeneity in Sandstone

Heterogeneity Also May

Result From:



Faults and Fractures may

be Open (Conduits) or

Closed (Barriers) to Fluid


(Whole Core Photograph, Misoa
Sandstone, Venezuela)

Scales of Geological Reservoir Heterogeneity








(modified from Weber, 1986)

Hand Lens or

Binocular Microscope

Unaided Eye

Petrographic or

Scanning Electron


From Well Logs,

Seismic Lines,












1-10 km

100’s m

Well Well



Scales of Investigation Used in
Reservoir Characterization





Well Test

Reservoir Model

Grid Cell

Wireline Log


Core Plug


Thin Section

Relative Volume




2 x 10

3 x 10

5 x 10

300 m

50 m

300 m

5 m 150 m

2 m

1 m


mm – mm

(modified from Hurst, 1993)

& Seismic

 Primary objective of geological characterization is
concerned with predicting the spatial variation of geological

Variable :
• is any property of the geological subsurface that exhibits

spatial variability and can be measured in terms of real
numerical values.

Spatial Variation:
• Typically the subsurface is anisotropic, spatially complex

and sedimentary bodies are internally heterogeneous.

Geological Modeling

Reservoir Characterisation

• Modern reservoir characterisation started around 1980:

• Reason: deficiency of oil recovery techniques (inadequate
reservoir description)

• Aim: predict inter-well distributions of relevant properties (φ, K)

• Subsurface (inter-well) heterogeneity cannot be measured:

• Seismic data (large support, low resolution)

• Well data (small support, high resolution)

• Complementary sources of information:

• Geological models

• Statistical models

• Combine data and models  ‘static’ reservoir model

Static reservoir models

• Reservoir geology is the science (art?) of building
predictive reservoir models on the basis of geological
knowledge (= data, interpretations, models)

• A reservoir model depicts spatial variation of lithology
(porosity and permeability): “static” model

• Simulations of multi-phase flow (“dynamic” models)
require high-quality “static” reservoir models

• Static reservoir models are improved through analysis
of dynamic data: iterative process

Geological Modeling: different tracks

Reservoir Model

Reservoir Data

Seismic, borehole and wirelogs

Process Model

Stochastic ModelDeterministic

Data-driven modeling Process modeling

Flow Model



Geological model

•Elements of the
geological model:

1. Bounding surfaces

2. Distributions of
physical properties
between surfaces

3. Faults


5. Conditioned to well
data ?


Why is geological modeling difficult

• The output of many natural systems exhibits apparent
randomness, which is usually caused by extreme sensitivity to
initial conditions. Initial conditions and physical laws of such
systems cannot be inferred from the output.

• Measurements are a finite sample of the output (all possible
realisations of the system).

• Statistical models may be used to describe such
measurements in the absence of a physical model.

• Geological modeling software (a worst-case scenario):
• Designed by statisticians who know little about geology
• Applied by geologists / engineers who know little about

• Many things can and will go wrong !


Upscaling issues
• In addition to the natural scales of heterogeneity in the

system and the scale of the measurements, there is also the
scale of the discrete elements (grid blocks) in a reservoir

• Upscaling measurements to grid-block scale is a critical
issue in geological modeling and the object of active

• Common errors in numerical reservoir models:
• Discretisation errors
• Upscaling errors
• Input errors

• Geological modeling aims at minimizing these
errorsrrorsnput errors to

improve reservoir-model performance



Engineering Geology

Lecture 8

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this chapter the student will be able to:

• Learn about the concept of Petroleum System;

• Understand the process of Oil and Gas generation;

• Recognize the different elements of a Petroleum System;

• Recognize the different kind of hydrocarbons generated by the source rock;

• Recognize the different kind of environments needed for the generation of



These notes are not intended to cover all the necessary knowledge for a Petroleum Geology course for engineering students. The notes were

created with the intention of serving as a guide and summary on the subject. For more detail it is recommended that the student consults any of

the textbooks recommended by the instructor.

Petroleum Systems


Source Rock



Seal Rock







A Petroleum System requires that certain geologic factors and geologic events

happen at coordinated times.

Geological conditions and geochemical


1. Occurrence of source rocks which generate petroleums under proper

subsurface temperature conditions.

2. Sediment compaction leading to expulsion of petroleum from the source

and into the reservoir rocks (primary migration).

3. Occurrence of reservoir rocks of sufficient porosity and permeability

allowing flow of petroleum through the pore system (secondary migration).

4. Structural configurations of sedimentary strata whereby the reservoir

rocks form traps, i.e. closed containers in the subsurface for the

accumulation of petroleum.

5. Traps are sealed above by impermeable sediment layers (cap rocks) in

order to keep petroleum accumulations in place.

6. Correct timing with respect to the sequence by which the processes of

petroleum generation/migration and trap formation have occurred during

the history of a sedimentary basin.

7. Favorable conditions for the preservation of petroleum accumulation

during extended periods of geologic time, i.e. absence of destructive, such

as the fracturing of cap rocks leading to dissipation of petroleum

accumulations, or severe heating resulting in the cracking of oil into gas.

modified from Magoon and Dow, 1994

Source Rocks

• Most major source rocks are fine grained, clay-rich siliciclastic rocks

(mudstones and shales) and biogenic limestone’s. Coal may also be

considered as a source rock, even though it is present in relatively small

quantities within the earth when compared to shale’s and biogenic


• Hydrocarbon originates from micro organisms in seas and lakes. When

they die, they sink to the bottom where they form organic-rich “muds” in

fine sediments.

• In subaerial environments organic matter is readily destroyed by

chemical and microbial oxidation shortly after deposition.

• Good quality petroleum source rocks can be deposited in marine or lake

environments as organic-matter-rich muds providing that bottom waters are

oxygen-deficient, i.e. that reducing conditions prevail.

Plankton (singular plankter) are the diverse collection of organisms that

live in large bodies of water and are unable to swim against a current.

They provide a crucial source of food to many large aquatic organisms,

such as fish and whales (wikipedia).


These organisms include bacteria, archaea, algae, protozoa and

drifting or floating animals that inhabit—for example—the pelagic zone of

oceans, seas, or bodies of fresh water. Essentially, plankton are defined

by their ecological niche rather than any phylogenetic or taxonomic


Though many planktonic species are microscopic in size, plankton

includes organisms over a wide range of sizes, including large

organisms such as jellyfish. Technically the term does not include

organisms on the surface of the water, which are called pleuston – or

those that swim actively in the water, which are called nekton.


PLANKTON Distribution
A schematic showing the abundance of plankton in the oceans. The schematic was based on

an image in the book “Waardeer de oceanen” by Lawrence Williams. Plankton is a fish feed

giving an indication of the richness of fish species and their numbers in that part of the ocean.

It is an ocean fertiliser natural in origin (eg unlike others as ammonium-nitrate). Its variation

in abundance shows what parts of the ocean are in more need of protection. Plankton is

richer near land surfaces (trough soil runoff carrying nutrients) It is especially rich near

river mouths.

Source Rocks

• If the concentration of oxygen dissolved in these waters is less than 0.1

ml/l the environment is referred to as anaerobic,

• If it is in the range of 0.1-1.0 ml/l the environment is referred to as


• If higher oxygen concentrations prevail, the environment is known as


• Anaerobic or dysaerobic environments require stagnant water

conditions, because turbulent water circulation results in the replenishment

of oxygen contents.

• A petroleum source is characterized by three essential conditions: it must

have a sufficient content of finely dispersed organic matter of biological

origin; this organic matter must be of a specific composition, i.e.

hydrogen-rich (reducing environment, strips oxygen from sediments);

and the source rock must be buried at certain depths and subjected to

proper subsurface temperatures in order to initiate the process of

petroleum generation by the thermal degradation of kerogen.

Source Rocks

• The sediments are compacted to form organic-rich rocks with very low


• With increasing depth, temperature increases, geologic time passes,

and chemical action occurs, converting the organic debris into


• In most geologic situations, the resultant hydrocarbons formed have been

forced out of the sediments during lithification.

• The hydrocarbon can migrate very slowly to nearby porous rocks,

displacing the original formation water.

Models of Deposition of Organic Matter

• There are three basic depositional scenarios which ensure favorable

conditions for the preservation of organic matter.

• The depositional system of the so called stagnation model requires a

restricted basin, i.e. a marine basin which has highly restricted water

circulation with the open ocean. This is the case today, e.g. of the Black Sea

which is up to 2,500 m deep but only has a narrow 25 m deep connection to the

Mediterranean Sea.

from D Leythaeuser, “Encyclopaedia of Hydrocarbons”

Models of Deposition of Organic Matter

• The second principal depositional system in this context is the so-called

productivity model. In certain areas of today’s world oceans, nutrient-rich

bottom water currents upwell across the shelf edges from deep parts of the

continental slopes. When they reach the near-surface interval penetrated by

sun light (photic zone), a massive growth of marine algae occurs

(phytoplanctonic blooms). Enormous quantities of algal biomass are produced

by this photosynthetic activity. This is the basis of the marine food chain, i. e.

algae are eaten by zooplankton which in turn are eaten by fish, etc.

from D Leythaeuser, “Encyclopaedia of Hydrocarbons”

• Currents of water masses of higher density originate in Arctic and Antarctic

oceanic realms and flow along the deep ocean topography towards lower


• Wherever they encounter major topographic elevations they displace

nutrient-rich bottom water masses towards the surface of the ocean. In this

way, a series of processes and effects are initiated which are similar to those

in the upwelling regime leading to the establishment of an open-ocean

oxygen-minimum zone. Wherever this oxygen minimum zone impinges on a

continental shelf, organic matter-rich sediments are deposited.

Models of Deposition of Organic Matter
from D Leythaeuser, “Encyclopaedia of Hydrocarbons”

Models of Deposition of Organic Matter

• All the depositional environments of marine and freshwater systems can also

receive an input of organic matter derived from higher land plants

transported by rivers or glaciers, or wind-blown.

• In contrast to algal or bacterial biomass which is rich in hydrogen, land

plant-derived organic matter tends, due to high contributions by cellulose

and lignin-derived precursor materials, to be rich in oxygen.

from D Leythaeuser, “Encyclopaedia of Hydrocarbons”

• The great variety of kerogens occurring

in nature can be classified into three

broad categories referred to as type I-,

type II- and type III-kerogens (Tissot

and Welte, 1984).

• The high H/C-ratio of type I-kerogens,

goes back to a high input of algae and

bacterial biomass.

• The elevated H/C-ratio of type II-

kerogens is mostly derived from a high

contribution of algal biomass.

Models of Deposition of Organic Matter
from D Leythaeuser, “Encyclopaedia of Hydrocarbons”

• It is the relative abundance of each of

these organic materials which

determines whether the resulting source

rock will generate predominantly oil or

gas upon burial.

• The solid organic matter in source rocks

which is insoluble in low-boiling organic

solvents is called kerogen.

Models of Deposition of Organic Matter

• Kerogens of type III, in contrast, have high O/C- and low H/C-ratios.

• The elevated oxygen content, is either due to a high input of higher land

plants, which are always rich in cellulose and lignin-derived structures, or to

the deposition of any kind of organic matter derived from marine organisms

under dysaerobic to oxic environments.

• Most prolific source rocks for oil have type II-kerogens.

• Type I-kerogens are rare in terms of worldwide occurrence and mostly

restricted to oil shales (rocks which do not contain oil, but high concentrations

of kerogen, which yield oil artificially when the rock is heated to 500°C in an

inert atmosphere).

• Source rocks bearing type III-kerogen generate little oil but more gas and

condensate upon exposure to proper subsurface temperatures.

Organic Matter in Sedimentary Rocks

• Based on empirical evidence, minimum concentration levels of 1.5% and

0.5% total organic carbon (TOC) in source rocks of siliclastic and carbonate

lithologies respectively have been established (Hunt, 1996).

• The organic carbon concentration is an approximate measure of the organic

matter content of a rock.

• Organic matter is predominantly composed of organic carbon, but also

contains minor amounts of N, S, and O.

• This minimum concentration of organic carbon in source rocks is controlled by

the relationship between the quantity of petroleum generated and the

internal storage capacity of the rocks in terms of their porosity.

• If too little organic matter is present, the small quantities of petroleum

generated will not exceed the storage capacity of the rock, i.e. no petroleum

expulsion will take place.

Interpretation of Total Organic Carbon (TOC)




TOC in Shale

(wt. %)

TOC in Carbonates

(wt. %)

Poor 0.0-0.5 0.0-0.2

Fair 0.5-1.0 0.2-0.5

Good 1.0-2.0 0.5-1.0

Very Good 2.0-5.0 1.0-2.0

Excellent >5.0 >2.0

The reason why petroleum source rocks of carbonate lithologies tend

to have significantly lower TOC concentrations has to do with the quality

and composition of the organic matter present. In carbonate source

rocks, the organic matter tends to be richer in hydrogen.

Temperature window for Hydrocarbon Generation

Sea level

Depth in feet




Oil window





Temperature oF



• In order for hydrocarbons

to be generated from

organic deposition,

temperatures must rise

above 104ºF (40ºC) but not

exceed 662ºF (350ºC).

• Higher temperatures will

destroy any remaining

organic materials or

hydrocarbons already


• In order for hydrocarbons

to be generated, a proper

sequence of geologic

events and conditions must


Hydrocarbon Migration

from “Petroleum Geology”, Schlumberger.

Hydrocarbon migration takes place in two stages:

Primary migration – from the source rock to a porous rock. This is a complex

process and not fully understood. It is probably limited to a few hundred metres.

Secondary migration – along the porous rock to the trap. This occurs by

buoyancy, capillary pressure and hydrodynamics through a continuous water-

filled pore system. It can take place over large distances.

Reservoir Rock

The term “reservoir” implies storage.

Reservoir rock is rock where hydrocarbons are stored and from which they can

be produced.

This reservoir rock may or may not be source rock.

The fluids of the subsurface migrate according to density.

The dominant fluids in hydrocarbon regions are hydrocarbon gas,

hydrocarbon liquids, and salt water.

Since hydrocarbons are the less dense of these fluids, they will tend to migrate

upward, displacing the heavier salt water down elevation.

Hydrocarbons may therefore be forced from their source rock during

lithification, and migrate into the reservoir rock in which they are stored.

The fluids present will separate according to density as migration occurs.

In order for a rock to be a potential reservoir rock, two properties, porosity and

permeability, must exist of sufficient magnitudes to justify economic

development of the hydrocarbon reservoir.

Basic Geological Conditions that Create

Petroleum Traps

• Hydrocarbon traps are any combination of physical factors that

promote the accumulation and retention of petroleum in one location.

• Traps can be structural, stratigraphic, or a combination of the two.

• Geologic processes such as faulting, folding, and deposition and

erosion create irregularities in the subsurface strata which may cause

oil and gas to be retained in a porous formation, thereby creating a

petroleum reservoir.

• The rocks that form the barrier, or trap, are referred to as caprocks.

Down figure illustrates the basic morphology and terminology of an

anticlinal trap.

Note also that the gross pay is the vertical thickness from the top

of the reservoir to the oil-water contact.

Basic Parameters of a Trap

from “Petroleum Geology”, Prof. Farooq Shareef

• Structural traps are due to post-depositional tectonic processes (e.g., folds

and faults).

• Structural traps are created by the deformation of rock strata within the earth’s

crust. This deformation can be caused by horizontal compression or tension,

vertical movement and differential compaction, which results in the folding,

tilting and faulting within sedimentary rock formations.

• Stratigraphic traps are due to syn-depositional sedimentary processes (reefs)

or post-depositional diagenetic ones (dolomitization).

• Hydrodynamic traps are caused by flowing water.

Classification of Hydrocarbon Traps

Structural Traps

There are three main types of structural traps. One type is the anticline, or

upfold of rock. These are

illustrated in Figure.

Diagrams depict compressional and compaction anticlines.

from “Petroleum Geology”, Prof. Farooq Shareef

Structural Traps

Anticlinal and Dome Trap

The rock layers in an anticlinal trap were originally laid down horizontally then

folded upward into an arch or dome. Later, hydrocarbons migrate into the porous

and permeable reservoir rock. A cap or seal (impermeable layer of rock) is required

to permit the accumulation of the hydrocarbons.

from “Basic Petroleum Geology and Log Analysis”, Halliburton, 2001

Structural Traps

A second type of structural trap is the fault trap, where porous, permeable

reservoir beds are faulted against impermeable beds. Some fault planes seal,

others act as permeable conduits. These are illustrated in Figure.

from “Petroleum Geology”, Prof. Farooq Shareef from “Basic Petroleum Geology and Log Analysis”, Halliburton, 2001

Structural Traps

The third type is the growth fault, which shows sediment thickening on the

downthrown side. These are illustrated in Figure.

Diagrams depicts a growth fault with associated rollover anticline.

from “Petroleum Geology”, Prof. Farooq Shareef

Hydrodynamic Traps

The downward flow of water in a permeable bed may cause oil to be trapped in

flexures which lack vertical closure. This is a type of pure hydrodynamic trap,

illustrated in Figure.

Cross section to illustrate oil trapped hydrodynamically by flowing water.

from “Petroleum Geology”, Prof. Farooq Shareef

A trap created by piercement or

intrusion of stratified rock layers from

below by ductile nonporous salt.

The intrusion causes the lower

formations nearest the intrusion to

be uplifted and truncated along the

sides of the intrusion, while layers

above are uplifted creating a dome

or anticlinal folding.

Hydrocarbons migrate into the

porous and permeable beds on the

sides of the column of salt.

Hydrocarbons accumulate in the

traps around the outside of the salt

plug if a seal or cap rock is present.

from “Basic Petroleum Geology and Log Analysis”, Halliburton, 2001

Salt Dome or Salt Plug Trap

Stratigraphic Traps

Stratigraphic traps are formed as a

result of differences or variations

between or within stratified rock

layers, creating a change or loss of

permeability from one area to

another. These traps do not occur

as a result of movement of the


from “Basic Petroleum Geology and Log Analysis”, Halliburton, 2001

• An angular unconformity is one in which

older strata dips at an angle different

from that of younger strata.

• An angular unconformity trap occurs

when inclined, older petroleum bearing

rocks are subjected to the forces of

younger non-porous formations.

• This condition may occur whenever an

anticline, dome or monocline are eroded

and then overlain with younger, less

permeable strata.

Figure 40 Eroded anticline

Figure 41 Eroded monocline

from “Basic Petroleum Geology and Log Analysis”, Halliburton, 2001

Angular Unconformity Trap

from “Basic Petroleum Geology and Log Analysis”, Halliburton, 2001
Angular Unconformity Trap

Fractured Basement

from “Petroleum Geology”, Schlumberger.

Re-distribution of petroleum

• Of the total amount of petroleum generated in the source rocks 75% is

expelled in the course of primary migration into nearby high porosity/

permeability carrier beds.

• During secondary migration, about 50% of the petroleum which has

entered the carrier beds remains in the form of impregnations adsorbed

on mineral surfaces.

• About 40% has, at an earlier stage in the history of this sedimentary basin,

accumulated in reservoir traps.,

• The remaining 10% is on its secondary migration route bypassing all

traps and eventually leaking out at the Earth’s surface. This process is

called petroleum seepage.

• About 25% of the original petroleum accumulated gets lost by cap rock

leakage occurring at a slow rate over long periods of geologic time.

• Of the remaining petroleum, another 25% gets lost in the course of

chemical, physico-chemical and bacterial processes (discussed above).

• In summary, only about

10% of the petroleum

generated in the source

rocks can be discovered

by exploration and

produced for economic


• There are only a few

reported cases that fall

into this category. These

include the La Luna-

Misoa petroleum

system of Venezuela

and the Arabian/Iranian

Basin in the Middle


from D Leythaeuser, “Encyclopaedia of Hydrocarbons”

Distribution of oil and gas fields based on

geologic age

It is important to know the geologic age of reservoir rocks because rocks of

different ages frequently have different petroleum characteristics and

productivity. It is also important to note that the age of the rock does not

necessarily coincide with the time of oil accumulation. You can only know

that it accumulated sometime after the formations deposition.

Geologic Age

Era Period % of Fields

Neogene 18

Palaeogene 21


Cretaceous 27

Jurassic 21

Permo-Triassic 6


Carboniferous 5

Devonian 1





What’s so special about the Mesozoic?

• The worldwide climate was tropical.

• Plankton were abundant in the ocean.

• Ocean bottoms were stagnant and anoxic, unlike today’s ocean.

• Black, organic-rich muds accumulated to form later source rocks.

Distribution of oil and gas fields based on
geologic age






Modern Ocean

Mesozoic Ocean

Distribution of oil and gas fields based on
geologic age

151PTE321Engineering Geology

Lecture 7

Dr. Seyed Mehdi Alizadeh


 Sedimentology is the study of the processes of formation, transport

and deposition of material that accumulates as sediment in

continental and marine environments and eventually forms

sedimentary rocks.

 Stratigraphy is the study of rocks to determine the order and timing of

events in Earth history: it provides the time frame that allows us to

interpret sedimentary rocks in terms of dynamic evolving


 The stratigraphic record of sedimentary rocks is the fundamental

database for understanding the evolution of life, plate tectonics

through time and global climate change.

Sediment Sources, Transport,

and Deposition

 Why are rounding and sorting important in sediments

and sedimentary rocks?

 Both are important in determining how liquid water, ice, and

wind move through sediments and sedimentary rocks.

 The amount of rounding and sorting depends on particle

size, distance of transportation, and depositional


 Rounding and size control, also how important subsurface

resources such as groundwater and petroleum, move

through sedimentary rocks and sediment

Sediment Sources, Transport,
and Deposition

 Eventually, the sediment comes to rest in a



 Depositional environments are areas of

sediment deposition that can be defined by their

physical characteristics (topography, climate,

wave and current strength, salinity, etc.).

 Depositional environments provide clues as to

how the rock formed and what the geologic past

was like.

Sediment Sources, Transport,

and Deposition
 Major depositional settings are continental (including freshwater),

transitional (shore or near shore marine), and marine.

 Each of these depositional settings includes several
specific subenvironments.

How Does Sediment Become

Sedimentary Rock?

 Through the process of lithification,

sediment is converted into sedimentary rock.

How Does Sediment Become
Sedimentary Rock?

 Lithification involves two processes:

 1. Compaction – The volume of sediment

decreases as the weight of overlying sediment

causes a reduction in pore space (open space) as

particles pack more closely together.

 Compaction alone is sufficient for lithification of

mud into shale.

How Does Sediment Become

Sedimentary Rock?

 Lithification involves two processes:

 2. Cementation is a process that glues the
sediments together.

 The most common cements are calcium carbonate
and silica, but iron oxide and iron hydroxide are
important in some rocks.

 Compaction alone will not form rocks from sand and
gravel. Cementation is necessary to glue the
particles together into rocks.

How Does Sediment Become
Sedimentary Rock?

Sedimentary Facies

 Geologists realize that if they laterally trace a

sedimentary layer far enough, it will undergo

changes in composition and/or texture.

 Bodies of sediment or sedimentary rocks which are

recognizably different from adjacent sediment or

sedimentary rocks and are deposited in a different

depositional (sub) environment are known as

sedimentary facies.

 Today we recognize modern facies changes when we go

from an inland area with rivers to the beach.

 The environment at any point on

the land or under the sea can be

characterized by the physical and

chemical processes that are

active there and the organisms

that live under those conditions at

that time.

 In the description of sedimentary

rocks in terms of depositional

environments, the term ‘facies’ is

often used. A rock facies is a body

of rock with specified

characteristics that reflect the

conditions under which it was


Sedimentary Environments And Facies

Rock Formation

A formation is the basic rock unit in geology. IT IS NOT A TIME UNIT. It

is defined by its properties: type (sandstone, limestone, etc. e.g. (Bell

Shale), color (Brown Niagrian), texture, geometry. The choice is fairly

obvious in A, but more difficult in B. In B and C the choice of

subdivisions is somewhat arbitrary.

Depositional Environments and

Sedimentray Facies

 Lateral variations of strata not fully appreciated

until 1838

 Facies concept relates sediments to their

depositional environment

 Block diagram

showing proximal (near

source) and distal (distant

from source) facies

relationships in a shoreline


 The source area is the

uplifted “island” which is

supplying sediment

(gravel, sand, mud in

that order) as it erodes)

Facies- Example

Facies- Example

A = Sandstone facies (beach environment)

B = Shale facies (offshore marine environment)

C = Limestone facies (far from sources of

terrigenous input)

 Each depositional environment grades laterally into other environments.

Sedimentary Facies

 Sedimentary facies are used to identify ancient
changes in sea level, called marine
transgressions and regressions.

Sedimentary Facies

 A marine transgression
occurs when sea level
rises with respect to the
land, resulting in offshore
facies overlying nearshore

 Marine Transgressions and Regressions

Sedimentary Facies

 A marine regression,

caused when the land

rises relative to sea

level, results in

nearshore facies

overlying offshore facies.

 Note the difference in

the vertical rock

sequence that occurs

in a transgression

versus a regression.

 Marine Transgression and Regression

Onlap (Transgressive) Sequences

Shifting Facies through Time

Beach moves farther away

Water gets deeper

Sediment becomes finer

Time Rock Unit

Time Rock Unit
Time Rock Unit
Time Rock Unit
Time Rock Unit
Time Rock Unit



Near Shelf


Far Shelf


FUS – Fining Upward Sequence

= Transgressive Sequence

Offlap (Regressive) Sequences

Shifting Facies through Time


Near Shelf
Far Shelf

Beach moves closer

Water gets shallower

Sediment gets coarser

Prograding Regression

Time Transgressive Rock Unit

CUS – Coarsening Upward Sequence

= Regressive Sequence

Transgressive Sequence

Regressive Sequence


sandstone Near Shelf

Far Shelf

Beach moves closer
Water gets shallower
Sediment gets coarser
Prograding Regression
Time Transgressive Rock Unit
Beach moves farther away
Water gets deeper
Sediment becomes finer

Near Shelf

Far Shelf

Depositional Environments

 Areas of the Earth’s surface where distinct processes
generate specific geological (sedimentary) products:

 Physical

 Biological

 Chemical

Depositional Environments

Continental environments

Transitional environments


 Desert environments contain an association
of features found in

 sand dune deposits,

 alluvial fan deposits,

 playa lake deposits

Desert Environments

 A dune is a hill of sand built by wind or the flow of

 Dunes occur in different shapes and sizes, formed by
interaction with the flow of air or water.

 Most kinds of dunes are longer on the windward side
where the sand is pushed up the dune and have a
shorter “slip face” in the lee of the wind.

 Windblown dunes are typically composed of:

 well-sorted, well-rounded sand

 cross-beds meters to tens of meters high

 land-dwelling plants and animals make up any fossils

Sand Dunes

 A desert basin
showing the
association of:

 alluvial fan,

 sand dune,

 playa lake

Associations in Desert Basin

 Alluvial fans form best along the margins of

desert basins :

 where streams and debris flows discharge

from mountains onto a valley floor

 They form a triangular (fan-shaped) deposit of

sand and gravel

Alluvial Fans

Transitional Environments

Transitional environments

Simple Deltas

1) topset beds

2) foreset beds

3) bottomset

 The simplest deltas are those in lakes and
consist of :

– As the delta builds outward it progrades and forms a vertical
sequence of rocks that becomes coarser-grained from the
bottom to top.

– The bottomset beds may contain marine (or lake) fossils,

– whereas the topset beds contain land fossils.

 Wave-dominated

 such as the Nile
Delta of Egypt
also have

 but their
seaward margin
is modified by
wave action

Wave-Dominated Deltas

Marine Environments


 Factors that control sedimentation include particle size

and the turbulence of the depositional environment.
 Terrigenous sediments are those derived from the erosion of

rocks on land; that is, they are derived from terrestrial


 Terrigenous sediments strongly reflect their source and are

transported to the sea by wind, rivers and glaciers.

 Rate of erosion is important in determining nature of


 Average grain size reflects the energy of the depositional


4-1 Sedimentation in the Sea

Hjulstrom’s Diagram

 Hjulstrom’s Diagram graphs the relationship between

particle size and energy for erosion, transportation and


 The gently sloping area adjacent to a continent

 is a continental shelf

 It consists of a high-energy inner part that is

periodically stirred up by waves and tidal currents

 Its sediment is mostly sand, shaped into large cross-

bedded dunes

 Bedding planes are commonly marked by wave-

formed ripple marks

 Marine fossils and bioturbation are typical

Detrital Marine Environments

 Shelf, slope and rise environments

 The main avenues of sediment transport across the shelf are submarine

Detrital Marine Environments

Turbidity currents
carry sediment
to the
submarine fans

Sand with
graded bedding
and mud settled
from seawater

 Beyond the continental rise, the seafloor is

 nearly completely covered by fine-grained deposits

 no sand and gravel

 or no sediment at all

 near mid-ocean ridges

 The main sources of sediment are:

 windblown dust from continents or oceanic islands

 volcanic ash

 shells of microorganisms dwelling

 in surface waters of the ocean

Deep Sea Environments

 Types of sediment are:

 pelagic clay, which covers most of the deeper parts

of the seafloor

 calcareous (CaCO3) and siliceous (SiO2) oozes

made up of microscopic shells

Deep Sea Environments

Engineering Geology

Lecture 9

Dr. Seyed Mehdi Seyed Alizadeh



• Formation with two or more non-communicating
sand members.

• Different specific- and relative-permeability

• The reservoir heterogeneity is defined as a
variation in reservoir properties as a function of a

• Oil/Gas reservoirs are complicated geological
heterogeneous bodies.

• There is no homogeneous porous media.

• Well log and core analysis reports show that all
reservoirs are heterogeneous.

• Permeability heterogeneities cause variations in
the fluid movements compared to the equivalent
homogeneous system.

• Efficiency management (RF).

CCFD%2Fpapers%2Ffpm%2FRDawe &ei=H61FU9bzMqqCyAOl6oGwCA&usg=AFQjCNHThSj_QfQoMcpB8ONwRB5E3xujOA&bvm=bv.64507335,d.


Reservoir Heterogeneity in Sandstone

Heterogeneity May

Result From:

Depositional Features

Diagenetic Features

(Whole Core Photograph, Misoa

Sandstone, Venezuela)


Segments Reservoirs

Increases Tortuosity of

Fluid Flow

Reservoir Heterogeneity in Sandstone

Heterogeneity Also May

Result From:



Faults and Fractures may

be Open (Conduits) or

Closed (Barriers) to Fluid


(Whole Core Photograph, Misoa
Sandstone, Venezuela)

Scales of Geological Reservoir Heterogeneity








(modified from Weber, 1986)

Hand Lens or

Binocular Microscope

Unaided Eye

Petrographic or

Scanning Electron


From Well Logs,

Seismic Lines,












1-10 km

100’s m

Well Well



Scales of Investigation Used in
Reservoir Characterization





Well Test

Reservoir Model

Grid Cell

Wireline Log


Core Plug


Thin Section

Relative Volume




2 x 10

3 x 10

5 x 10

300 m

50 m

300 m

5 m 150 m

2 m

1 m


mm – mm

(modified from Hurst, 1993)

& Seismic

 Primary objective of geological characterization is
concerned with predicting the spatial variation of geological

Variable :
• is any property of the geological subsurface that exhibits

spatial variability and can be measured in terms of real
numerical values.

Spatial Variation:
• Typically the subsurface is anisotropic, spatially complex

and sedimentary bodies are internally heterogeneous.

Geological Modeling

Reservoir Characterisation

• Modern reservoir characterisation started around 1980:

• Reason: deficiency of oil recovery techniques (inadequate
reservoir description)

• Aim: predict inter-well distributions of relevant properties (φ, K)

• Subsurface (inter-well) heterogeneity cannot be measured:

• Seismic data (large support, low resolution)

• Well data (small support, high resolution)

• Complementary sources of information:

• Geological models

• Statistical models

• Combine data and models  ‘static’ reservoir model

Static reservoir models

• Reservoir geology is the science (art?) of building
predictive reservoir models on the basis of geological
knowledge (= data, interpretations, models)

• A reservoir model depicts spatial variation of lithology
(porosity and permeability): “static” model

• Simulations of multi-phase flow (“dynamic” models)
require high-quality “static” reservoir models

• Static reservoir models are improved through analysis
of dynamic data: iterative process

Geological Modeling: different tracks

Reservoir Model

Reservoir Data

Seismic, borehole and wirelogs

Process Model

Stochastic ModelDeterministic

Data-driven modeling Process modeling

Flow Model



Geological model

•Elements of the
geological model:

1. Bounding surfaces

2. Distributions of
physical properties
between surfaces

3. Faults


5. Conditioned to well
data ?


Why is geological modeling difficult

• The output of many natural systems exhibits apparent
randomness, which is usually caused by extreme sensitivity to
initial conditions. Initial conditions and physical laws of such
systems cannot be inferred from the output.

• Measurements are a finite sample of the output (all possible
realisations of the system).

• Statistical models may be used to describe such
measurements in the absence of a physical model.

• Geological modeling software (a worst-case scenario):
• Designed by statisticians who know little about geology
• Applied by geologists / engineers who know little about

• Many things can and will go wrong !


Upscaling issues
• In addition to the natural scales of heterogeneity in the

system and the scale of the measurements, there is also the
scale of the discrete elements (grid blocks) in a reservoir

• Upscaling measurements to grid-block scale is a critical
issue in geological modeling and the object of active

• Common errors in numerical reservoir models:
• Discretisation errors
• Upscaling errors
• Input errors

• Geological modeling aims at minimizing these
errorsrrorsnput errors to

improve reservoir-model performance

151PTE321 Engineering Geology

Lecture 5

Dr. Seyed Mehdi Alizadeh

General Aspects of Sedimentary Rocks

Composition of grains/clasts: tells about source.

Age of grains: tells about age of source and transportation

history (e.g., zircon).



: tells about transportation history.

Sedimentary structures: tell about depositional


Fossils: tell about depositional environment and age of


Grade Scales

• A grade scale provides such a standard for verbally expressing

and quantitatively describing grain size.
• Any good grade scale should:
(i) Define ranges or classes of grain size (grade is the size of particles

between two points on a scale. e.g., “very fine sand”, is a grade
between maximum and minimum size limits)

(ii) Proportion the grade limits so that they reflect the significance of the
differences between grades.

• For example, the change in size from 1 mm to 2 mm diameter sand is
an increase of 100%, however, the change in size from 10 mm to 11
mm is on the order of 10%. Therefore, a grade scale in which grade
limits vary by 1 mm would not be useful.

• The most widely-used grade scale is the Udden-Wentworth Grade
Scale (Table R-5). Note that most of the grade boundaries increase by a
factor of 2, reflecting significant changes in grain size. Also, the scale
defines limits for the verbal expression of grain size. “Very fine sand” is
sand which ranges in size from 0.0625 mm to 0.125 mm

• Krumbein (1934) introduced a logarithmic transformation of

the scale which converts the boundaries between grades to
whole numbers. This scale is known as the Phi Scale, it’s
values being denoted by the Greek symbol (φ):

Udden-Wentworth Tale

φ = -log d(mm)

where d(mm) is
just the grain size
expressed in

Maturity is a function of sediment transport

• Textural maturity refers to:

– The degree of roundness of the grains

– The amount of sorting of the grain sizes

Texturally mature sandstones have well-rounded

and well-sorted grains, immature if not
• Mineralogical maturity refers to the percentage of

quartz grains

 Feldspars break down with transport

 Quartz grains more resistant
• Mineralogically mature sandstones have mostly

quartz grains

• Arkose is mineralogically immature



is the degree of similarity in particle size in a sedimentary

• For example, if all the grains in a sample of sandstone are about

the same size, the sand is considered well sorted. Conversely, if
the rock contains mixed large and small particles, the sand is said
to be poorly sorted (see figure 6.5)

• The shapes of sand grains can also help decipher the history of a

sandstone (Figure 6.5B).
• When streams, winds, or waves move sand and other larger

sedimentary particles, the grains lose their sharp edges and
corners and become more rounded as they collide with other
particles during transport.

• Thus, rounded grains likely have been airborne or waterborne.


Particle sorting – comparison chart

Increasing Roundness=increasing maturity

• Example: a poorly sediment containing

glassy angular volcanic fragments,
olivine crystals and plagioclase is
texturally immature because the
fragments are angular.

• This indicates they have not been
transported very far and the sediment is
poorly sorted, indicating that little time
has been involved in separating larger
fragments from smaller fragments.

• A well sorted beach sand consisting
mainly of well rounded quartz grains is
texturally mature because the grains are
rounded, indicating a long time in the
transportation cycle.

• Such sediment is well sorted, also
indicative of the long time required to
separate the coarser grained material
and finer grained material from the

Clastic Sediment Textures


Transport by wind or water – rounding occurs.

Transport by ice or gravity – angular.

Degree of Sorting:

Selection/separation of grains is on the basis

of size, shape, specific gravity.

Poorly sorted: fast deposition, high energy.

Well sorted: slow deposition, less chaotic.


Sedimentary Structures

 Other than rock type (lithology), one of the

best ways to determine depositional
environment is by observing sedimentary

 bedding – flat layering
 cross-bedding – sediment moved by wind or water

deposited at an incline
 ripple marks – deposition by wave oscillating

 graded bedding – coarser sediment on bottom,
finer on top (currents dropping load)

 mud cracks – sediment drying up and shrinking

Sedimentary Structures

• Give evidence of depositional environments.

• Sedimentary rocks are deposited originally

in horizontal beds.

• Later deformation causes the beds to be inclined.

• Which was the original way up?

Structures can give that information.

Bedding – horizontal sheets differing in composition.

Sedimentary structures can give idea of paleocurrents.

Bedding & Cross-Bedding

• In geology a bed is the smallest division of geologic formation or

stratigraphic rock series marked by well-defined divisional planes
(bedding planes) separating it from layers above and below.

• The term is generally applied to sedimentary strata, but may also be

used for volcanic flows or ash layers.
• An important feature of a bed is its internal structure, which is

characterized by conditions of deposition.
• A bedding type can be recognized and named on the basis of a

single bed; or it is only possible when same type of bed is repeated
a several times- a bedset; or it is then possible when two or more
beds of different natures are repeated in certain sequences.

• Thus a bedding type can be made of the same type of beds (cf.

Reineck and Wunderlich 1969).

Examples – various bedding types

Cross Bedding (formation)

• Cross beds form as sand blows up the windward side of a dune and then accumulates on

the slip face. At a later time we see that the dunes migrate, and eventually bury the layers
• Cross-bedded strata can be seen on this cliff face of sandstone in Zion National Park.

We are looking at the remnants of ancient sand dunes. Cross beds indicate the wind direction
during deposition.
• With time the dune crest moves

Development of Cross Bedding

Cross Bedding (Field Example)

Ripple Marks

• Ripple marks are sedimentary structures (i.e. bedforms of the lower flow

regime) and indicate agitation by water (current or waves) or wind.
(A) A current that always flows in the same direction (like in a stream)

produces asymmetric ripples.
(B) A current that moves back and forth (like on a wave-washed beach)

produces symmetrical ripples.

(A) (B)

Ripple Marks – wave action, form on top of beds.

Ripple Marks

• A ripple is conventionally described in terms of its size and shape. Traditionally, ripple
marks are represented and described in terms of vertical profile parallel to flow, at right
angle to the ripple crest. A ripple is composed of a crest and a trough.

Ripple Mark Description

Ripple Marks

• A graded bed is one characterized by a systematic

change in grain or clast size from the base of the bed
to the top. Most commonly this takes the form of
normal grading, with coarser sediments at the base,
which grade upward into progressively finer ones.

• In above example of a graded bed, pebbles lie at the bottom

of the bed and silt at the top

Graded Bedding

Graded Bedding

(turbidity current) – beds

grade from coarse grained

at the bottom to fine

grained at the top.

Graded Bedding

• Mudcracks (also known as desiccation cracks or mud cracks) are

sedimentary structures formed as muddy sediment dries and

• They are formed as a result of drying on top of bed

Mud Cracks


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