Assignment 2 for Information Technology for Healthcare Administration

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As word of the 3HS commitment to technology spreads among the staff and in the communities served, various stakeholders are coming forward with ideas for further investment.   The board of directors has expressed some concern, offering that some of the suggestions sound like science fiction and many represent significant investments in capital or system redesign.  

The CEO has asked you to prepare an overview of select technologies that the board wishes to investigate:

·        Artificial Intelligence for health,

·        3D Bioprinting,

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·        Nanomedicine,

·        Personalized Medicine, and

·        Robotic Surgery.

Prepare a white paper briefly explaining each of these technologies, the current state of each, and — more importantly — what the future may hold and the implications to 3HS.

Your deliverable will be a report in APA format, 5 – 9 pages, excluding the cover page, table of contents, abstract, appendices, and references.

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