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In 1978, Gerbner, Gross, Jackson-Beeck, Jeffries-Fox, and Signorielli defined violence as ” The overt expression of physical force (with or without weapon) against self or other, compelling action against one’s will on pain of being hurt or killed, or actually hurting or killing. Must be plausible and credible; no idle threats, verbal abuse, or comic gestures with no credible violent consequences. May be intentional or accidental; violent accidents, catastrophes, acts of nature are included.” 

For this assignment, you will watch three television shows and analyze them for verbal and physical violence portrayed in the show. Use the attached document “Non-Experimental Designs,” located under the assignment tab, to complete the first part of the assignment.
Then, in 300-600 words, do the following:

1. Describe what you discovered in this content analysis.

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2. State the findings of your experiment. Explain how your experiment is reliable and/or valid.

3. Identify any variables in your experiment.

4. Copy and paste the tally sheet from “Non-Experimental Designs” below at the end of your paper so it is included it in your study.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.

Non-Experimental Designs Instructions

To better understand the concept of non-experimental designs, be sure to read all the assigned readings for this Topic before beginning the assignment:

1. For this assignment, you will watch three television shows from the genres listed below and analyze them for verbal and physical violence portrayed in the show. Choose a show that fits the following genres:

a. Situation comedy

b. Cartoon

c. Drama

Tally Sheet

1. On the Tally Sheet template below, tally the number of times you see a mode of aggression on the selected program.

a. Rate the overall violence using a 5-point scale from 1 (not at all violent) to 5 (extremely violent).

2. Collapse your data within each program category.

3. Determine the mean rate of acts per program hour for each modes of aggression.

4. Determine the overall mean violence rating for each category.

Program #1

Program #2

Program #3

Program Name


Length in Minutes

Number of Acts involving:
1. Violence to Body

2. Use of Weapon

3. Physical Threat

4. Verbal Threat

5. Symbolic/Joking

Total number of Aggressive Acts

Overall Violence Rate:

1 (none) to 5 (extremely violent)

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