
Assignment 1

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1. Are all problems in a given society public problems? Why? Identify three important elements of public problems. Give examples. 

2. “To be a policy problem people must have standard by which the troubling condition is judged to be unacceptable and needs government action.” Explain and give example 

3. “A problem is a problem only if something can be done about it.” Explain and give example 

4. “Public problems are frequently defined or perceived differently by various persons and groups” explain and give example

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5. “Although many problems are persistent, how they are defined may change as values and conditions change” explain and give examples 

6. Defining public problems is difficult because of three important issues – ‘causation’, ‘invisibility’ ‘Tractability’ and ‘severity’. Explain each of these issues by giving examples. 

7. What makes a public problem to be converted into policy agenda?  

8. Explain the difference between systemic and institutional agenda. Give examples.

9. “To achieve agenda status, a public problem must be converted into an issue”. Explain the statement. 

10. Elaborate the meaning and nature of discretionary items.

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