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Ethics Assignment

The purpose of this exercise is to explore ethics and decision- making within organizations.

Assignment Guidelines

After reading the case:

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1) Name this section ‘Identification of Dilemma’ and address the following (1 page):

a. What is the overall ethical dilemma?

b. Who can be impacted by the dilemma (people and/or groups)?

2) Provide a brief overview of 2 Frameworks (Approaches) to Managerial Ethics (1+ pages). Name this section ‘Ethical Frameworks’. Name each sub-section after the ethical frameworks you choose.

a. Choose from: Utilitarian, Self-Interest (Ego), Rights, Justice,

Religious/Deontological, or Social/Cultural.

b. The textbook, presentations ( and video) and the Granitz & Loewy (2007)

journal article (pdf) provide brief explanations for the approaches above. Expand on these with external sources. Use in-paper citations and list the additional references at the end of your paper.

c. This is not copy/paste from the internet. Be sure to write this in your own words based on your research.

d. This section of your paper should not reference the case. Instead focus on

what you’ve learned (researched) regarding each ethical approach.

3) Provide outcomes to this ethical dilemma (1+ pages). Name this section ‘Evaluation of Ethical Dilemma’. Address the following in this section:

a. Based on what you’ve learned about George from the case, which framework

(from the two you’ve explained in the previous section) do you believe will guide George in this situation? Why do you believe he will go this direction?

b. What are the implications of this decision (who does it benefit? What are the

positive implications? What are the negative implications?)

c. If George had been guided by the other framework addressed in section 2, what would have been the positive and negative implications?

d. There’s no right/wrong answer choice, so I won’t grade this on your ability to

choose a particular ethical framework. Instead, I’m more concerned with your

ability to describe why you chose the approach and what happens next based on the approach. These will help me assess whether or not you understand the concepts.

e. No need for additional outside resources in this section, as you should refer to the case and the information provided from section 2.

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