assignment 1

ACCT-361: Database Project Step One – Semester System project

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Due Oct 5th 23:59pm. – 20 points.


Complete an REA model with minimum and maximum cardinalities of the business process (transaction cycle)

you will be prototyping for your System Project.

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1. Make up a company in you assigned industry. Industry assignments are available under Project Step 1 folder.

2. Create a narrative for your transaction cycle – must be unique. (Use of safe assign to check for non-original
work). In a paragraph (about 100-150 words), briefly explain how that transaction cycle works in your

company. You can take a look at the descriptions we have seen in the REA Exercises, but as long as you

explain things clearly, you do not have to use a similar language.

3. Complete an REA model with minimum and maximum cardinalities of the process (transaction cycle) you
will be prototyping for your System Project.

a. Model one complete transaction cycle REA model with cardinalities.

b. Design two many-to-many relationships in your REA model.
4. Identify the 2 related events you want to choose for your system project. These 2 events must be connected by

a relationship line. Your narrative should be completed in MS Word. The REA model based on your narrative

can be handwritten for this assignment, although your final project will require the REA model to be

completed using a computer application. Your REA model for this assignment and your final project should

include your complete transaction cycle. However, your final project and implementation require you to only

prototype (build in Access) your 2 chosen events (and related agents & resources).

How to choose business processes:

An expanded business process listing for Sales/Collection & Acquisition/Payment processes is on page 2 below

and in the text book. Page 3 below shows 2 prior student examples of Step 1. If you decide to go with another

business process (e.g. Payroll Cycle), please refer to the book for its events and other characteristics. While you

may not have to use all the events listed on page 2, the more realistic (for your chosen company in your assigned

industry) and detailed your model is, the higher your grade will likely be. Pages 3 and 4 below shows 2 prior

student examples of Step 1.

The REA on Page 3 is for a Real Estate company. The REA on page 4 is for a payroll processing company. This

one is computer drawn because this was the final project submission. Step 1 can be hand drawn – but make sure

to identify the two events that will be selected for the remaining part of the project. The two selected events need

to be connected. These examples use the Chen’s method to denote cardinalities, but you may also use the

Crow’s method for cardinalities (we used this in the past lectures). Upload your written narrative and REA

model. The REA can be handwritten, although your final project will require this to be completed using a

computer application.

What to submit: A word document with a cover page and required REA and narrative in proper format. Points

will be deducted for unprofessional or incorrect submissions. Late submissions will be

assigned point deductions.

Submission Advice for grading:

Students will model their business processes in their industry. This requires creativity within the bounds of the

AIS and industry. Effort counts in this assignment. Grading of this assignment is more subjective than other

assignments. The goal for grading this assignment is to return to you a model that is accurate and ready for you

to continue to the next step in the design of your project prototype.

There are some important points to consider when you are creating your REA Conceptual model for grading:

• Complexity and critical thought: If you capture a more complex business process that requires critical thinking,

fewer points are deducted for mistakes in the model than for mistakes made capturing a process that does not

require critical thinking.

Business Processes – Summarized

Sales/Collection Process

Typical Events
Marketing Event
Customer Order Event
Moving Inventory Event
Shipping Inventory/Provide Services Event

Receive Customer Payment Event
Accept Returns and Approve Allowances Event

Write-Off Uncollectible Accounts Event

Common Documents
Customer Order
Sales Order
Documents Sales
Invoice Credit
Customer Statement Remittance


Additional Reports (sample)
Open Orders


Profitability Analyses
Customer Mailing Labels
Aged Receivables
Demographic Analyses
Performance Information on Products, Salespeople

Event Controls (sample)
A shipment occurring without an authorized order

An order being approved without proper customer

and credit review
An order being entered by an unauthorized

A shipment being sent to the wrong customer A

shipment containing incorrect or excess items A

shipment being set to an employee’s address A

cash receipt being credited to a customer

without receiving cash

Acquisition/Payment Process –

Goods or Services

Typical Events
Request for Goods/Service Event
Authorize Purchase Event
Purchase Goods/Service

Event Receive

Goods/Service Event
Cash Disbursement Event

Purchase Return Event

Common Documents
Purchase Requisition
Purchase Order
Receiving Report Check

Additional Reports (sample)
Open Requisitions
Open Purchase Orders
Vendor Performance Reports
Aged Payables
Stock Status Reports Purchases


Event Controls (sample)
Initiating a purchase order without an authorized request

Approving a purchase order without a proper review
Having a fictitious employee approve a purchase order
Having a receiving clerk delete or modify a purchase order
Accepting a shipment containing incorrect items Accepting a

shipment of inferior goods Accepting a shipment without a

valid and approved purchase order Disbursing cash without a

corresponding receipt of goods Disbursing cash for an amount

that does not correspond to the receipt of goods
Disbursing cash to an invalid or fictitious vendor


Stars represent the two event entities selected for the system project.


Highlighted entities represent the two selected events


Example of Step 1 Submission.

REA Model of assigned Industry with chosen 2 connected events selected

How many tables in his Logical Model = tables in his Access project?

How many tables in his Logical Model = tables in his Access project?

Last Name Initial Assigned Industry

A-B Restaurant (examples: fast food, fine dining)

C-E Services (examples: KPMG, law firm, hair salon)

F-H Hospitality (examples: Marriott, American Cruise


I-N Healthcare (example: doctor’s office)

O-Z Manufacturing (examples: Boeing, Nike, Jeep)

BusinessProcesses – Summarized

Sales/Collection Process


Marketing Event

Customer Order Event

Moving Inventory Event

Shipping Inventory/Provide Services Event

Receive Customer Payment Event

Accept Returns and Approve Allowances Event

Write-Off Uncollectible Accounts Event

Common Documents

Customer Order

Sales Order

Shipping Documents

Sales Invoice

Credit Memorandum

Customer Statement

Remittance Advice

Additional Reports (sample)

Open Orders

Sales Journal

Profitability Analyses

Customer Mailing Labels

Aged Receivables

Demographic Analyses

Performance Information on Products,


Event Controls (sample)

A shipment occurring without an authorized


An order being approved without proper

customer and credit


An order being entered by an unauthorized


A shipment being sent to the wrong customer

A shipment containing incorrect or excess items

A shipment being set to an employees address

A cash receipt being credited to a customer

without receiving cash

Acquisition/Payment Process –



Request for Goods/Service Event

Authorize Purchase Event

Purchase Goods/Service Event

Receive Goods/Service Event

Cash Disbursement Event

Purchase Return Event

Common Documents

Purchase Requisition

Purchase Order

Receiving Report


Additional Reports (sample)

Open Requisitions

Open Purchase Orders

Purchases Journal

Stock Status Reports

Vendor Performance Reports

Aged Payables

Event Controls (sample)

Initiating a purchase order without an authorized


Approving a purchase order without a proper


Having a fictitious employee approve a purchase


Having a receiving clerk delete or modify a

purchase order

Accepting a shipment containing incorrect items

Accepting a shipment of inferior goods

Accepting a shipment without a valid and

approved purchase order

Disbursing cash without a corresponding receipt

of goods

Disbursing cash for an amount that does not

correspond to the receipt of goods

Disbursing cash to an invalid or fictitious vendor

Conversion Process

In Manufacturing:

Job Costing or Process Costing

In Service Industries:

Job Costing


Will vary with each industry

Agents are typically all internal

Resources include inventories, equipment, and

even contracts/jobs


Control costs of operations, including raw

materials, labor and other manufacturing costs

Maintain and increase worker productivity while

minimizing defects

Example Information Reports

Performance Analyses



Inspection Results

Inventory Valuations/Status

Job Reports

Profitability Analyses and Cost Control Reports

Purchasing and Scheduling Needs

Acquisition/Payment Process –

Human Resources


Request Support Event

Hiring Event

Training Event

Assigning Event (promotions)

Recording time worked

Compensating Event (i.e., pay employee)

Evaluation Event (performance reviews)

Terminating Event

Common Documents

Payroll Check

Employee History

Payroll Returns

Performance Report

Open Job Positions

Acquisition/Payment Process — Other

Fixed Assets (PPE)

Similar to the acquisition/payment process


Depreciation of PPE event

Maintenance of PPE event

Financing and Investments

Also similar to acquisition/payment process


Accrual of interest event

Payment of interest and principal event

Change in market value event

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