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Completing a literature review requires higher order and critical thinking skills. In a literature review, you extract themes and key information, and synthesize them to illustrate your point. you will select four articles about a topic, you then organized the information about the four articles by identifying and summarizing them. In essence, you completed the first step of a mini literature review. In this Assignment, you complete the next step of a mini literature review by critically analyzing the information  question: What information is available on the issue and what does it say? In this Assignment, you want to answer questions such as: What themes can I identify? How does this information relate to the issue I am exploring? What information is most important, and why? What problem(s) related to the issue the authors address? What problems still need to be addressed?

To prepare for this Assignment, review the required readings (e.g., APA readings) related to literature reviews. Be sure to review the rubric for this assignment to understand how the literature review will be evaluated.

RA Organizer

Case Study


Research Article Organizer
Article Title Author(s) Topic Problem Purpose Theory Research Design Research Method Research Questions Analysis Method Findings Notes about article
The Perceptions of K-12 Administrators’ Self-efficacy on the Usage of Skype as an Online Communication Software Tool Kiriakidis, P. Online Communication Tools Need for online communication systems to support administrators Examine whether or not a software program such as Skype can assist school administrators in professional development in providing support to administrators Self-determination Theory (SDT) Qualitative Open-ended interviews that were transcibed; Member checking Case analyses conducted for each participant All participants reported that they gain a more positive self-efficacy via interactive skype and insightful online communication experiecnces provided via Skype.
Implementing a “Circle of Friends” Peer-Mediated Intervention for High School Students with Autism Schlieder, M. “Circle of Friends” (CoF) Autism Intervention for Older Students The problem is the need for effective social skills training for children with ASD The purpose of this study was to understand individuals’ interpretations of the CoF phenomenon The conceptual framework that guided the study was constructivism, which postulates that learners construct knowledge based on a combination of previous experiences and social interactions A collective case study was used to investigate experiences of parents, teachers, and community agency leaders participating in this project. 1. What are the experiences of group facilitators, parents, and nonprofit community agency directors in three area high schools implementing “Circle of Friends” (CoF) PMI? 2. How do the contributions of the community organization providing professional development, funding, and ongoing support influence CoF implementation in three area high schools Inductive analysis to code for themes: Hand analysis involved coding information from sources, the interviews, and partnering agency documents. In order to do a cross-case analysis, a comparison table was created organizing information generated from parent, facilitator, and partnering agency. Four main themes emerged from a cross-case analysis of the data. The research uncovered the influence a CoF partnership initiative has on inclusion, social skills improvement, empowerment, and sense of wellbeing. In addition to benefits, participants shared challenges and recommendations for future CoF implementation. Several unexpected findings also came to light.

Introduction to RA Organizer

The purpose of this template is:
1. Provide you with an organized way to take notes on the articles you collect. This enables the article notes to be substantive and usable in the future. You will find that you will want to keep track of all articles that you use throughout your program.
2. The components included in this template align with those found in research articles. This template helps you stay focused on those components while reading. You will find that you are very comfortable with these components when it comes time to write scholarly work yourself.
This is one example of an organizer that can be used. You may find any number of methods that may best suit your organizational style. The important thing is to create and use an organized system.

Module 3 Assignment

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Assignment: Literature Review Step II

Completing a literature review requires higher order and critical thinking skills. In a literature review, you extract themes and key information, and synthesize them to illustrate your point.

To prepare for this Assignment, review the required readings (e.g., APA readings) related to literature reviews. Be sure to review the rubric for this assignment to understand how the literature review will be evaluated.

Assignment information:

Complete the research article organizer on the 4 articles selected

Select four articles about a topic, you then will organize the information about the four articles by identifying and summarizing them. In essence, you will have completed the first step of a mini literature review. (Check attachments for 4 articles)

In this Assignment, you complete the next step of a mini literature review by critically analyzing the information you have gathered.

Write a 4- page literature review based on the four articles you collected. Be sure your literature review reflects the questions posed in the opening paragraphs of this Assignment which are the following:

What information is available on the issue and what does it say? In this Assignment, you want to answer questions such as: What themes can I identify? How does this information relate to the issue I am exploring?

What information is most important, and why?

What problem(s) related to the issue the authors address? What problems still need to be addressed?

Citations are to be put in APA STYLE by including in text citations and include reference page along with 4pg information.

4 Scholarly articles on issue in early childhood education

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