Assign 2

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Title Creating Assessment-Driven Goals and Objectives

In this assignment, you will use what you have learned about the way in which assessment drives instruction to create goals and objectives for Huang, a student in Mr. Franklin’s class. This assignment supports your achievement of Course Learning Outcomes 1 and 2 and the MASE Program Learning Outcome 4.

As we have been discussing, Huang Le, has been making great progress this year and you and Mr. Franklin are working with the multi-disciplinary IEP team to create his next annual IEP. You will find more information about Huang in week one’s instructor guidance if you need a review. Huang has been working on goals and objectives in the areas of language/communication, social/behavioral skills, classroom management skills, mathematics, literacy, and self-help skills.


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After you have read 

Huang’s most recent assessment report
HYPERLINK “” \o “Preview the document”

, including 

progress on his IEP goals and objectives
HYPERLINK “” \o “Preview the document”

 and your developed Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFPs), as well as the information provided for you in the instructor guidance:

· Compose one S.M.A.R.T. goal for Huang in each of the following core domains he has been working on: language/communication, social/behavioral skills, classroom management skills, mathematics, literacy, and self-help skills, using the provided 

Goal Writing Guide
HYPERLINK “” \o “Preview the document”


· Create a table containing the core domain (i.e., language/communication, social/behavioral skills, classroom management skills, mathematics, literacy, and self-help skills) in column one, your S.M.A.R.T. goal in column two, and the assessment and/or PLAAFP that you used to support the development of that goal in column three.





Core Domain

S.M.A.R.T Goal

Supporting Assessment/PLAAFP


You will use this document and the feedback you receive from it to compose this section of your Final Week Six Summative Assessment.

Your Creating Assessment-Driven Goals and Objectives paper

· Must be two to three double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the 

Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)


· Must include a separate title page with the following:

· APA heading/page numbers

· Title of paper

· Student’s name

· Course name and number

· Instructor’s name

· Date submitted

· Must use at least one scholarly source in addition to the course text.

· The 

Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.)

 table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.

· Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

· Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

  • ___Huang Le_______ __Anytown School District

    Student Resident District IEP Meeting Date

    __ Anytown School District

    Gender: _X_ M ___ F
    Grade: _____

    Attending District Annual IEP Review

    __ Anytown School


    Date of Birth (mm/dd/yy) Attending School Amendment Date

    __111-111-111_____ ____________________________

    Secure Student Identifier

    Case Manager Most Recent
    (re)Evaluation Date

    AU Autism Spectrum
    Disorder _SI Speech/Language Impairment


    Primary Disability Code &

    Secondary Disability Code &
    Category – OPTIONAL

    Re-Evaluation Due

  • A. the evaluation is conducted in accordance with the procedures in federal and

    state law,
    B. the results of the evaluation are used by the IEP Committee in developing an

    individualized education program (IEP)

  • A written report of a full individual evaluation of a student for purposes of
    special education services shall be completed not later than the 60th calendar day
    following the date on which the referral for assessment was initiated by school
    personnel, the student’s parent or legal guardian, or another appropriate person. The
    assessment shall be conducted using procedures that are appropriate for the student’s
    most proficient method of communication.

    The 60 calendar day time line requirements for the special education
    department processing and assessment begins from the time that the parent/guardian

    signs notice and consent for FIE. Data should be gathered and sent to special education
    assessment person as soon as possible.

  • The purpose of the full individual evaluation is to:

    A. determine eligibility and the presence or absence of a physical, mental,
    or emotional disability which may affect the student’s successful
    participation in the general education curriculum;

    B. determine the presence or absence of a significant educational deficit

    and the need for special education instructional and/or related services;

    C. identify specific learning competencies in instructional and related

    service areas;

    D. make recommendations for determining the grading criteria and

    procedures for participation in extracurricular activities; and

    E. provide information relative to the appropriate mastery level or levels at

    which the student should be expected to achieve in order to receive
    passing grades in all content areas of instruction.

  • Based on observation and data collected:




    OF THE


    Huang has shown on or above
    grade level performance for CCSS
    in: Various grade-level science
    concepts, scientific method,
    mathematical principles and
    operations, vocabulary
    development, handwriting. He
    reads extensive non-fiction

    Huang shows great attention to
    detail. He shows strength in
    making logical decisions. He is a
    visual learner. Huang shows deep
    interest in his topics of choice. He
    is beginning to attend to peer
    social behavior around his during
    unstructured activities.



    Parents report difficulties in
    getting Huang to complete his
    homework. In addition, they are
    concerned about his frustration
    with math story problems.

    Parents report that there is no
    adherence to self care routines
    without significant prompting.
    Huang has few relationships
    outside his parents. He does not
    actively participate in
    extracurricular activities. His
    leisure skills are limited. He
    protests changes in routines.




    State Literacy Assessment: Passed
    with Accommodation
    State Mathematics Assessment:
    Passed with Accommodation
    District Standardized Assessment
    of Skills: Passed with
    Daily Data Collection on Goals &
    Objectives from Current IEP: Raw
    data and graphic analysis
    indicate Progress or Mastery in
    all area

    Daily Data Collection on Goals &
    Objectives from Current IEP: Raw
    data and graphic analysis indicate
    Progress or Mastery in all area
    Functional Behavior Assessment:
    Conducted for noncompliance


    Huang needs support in the areas
    of: language/communication,
    social/behavioral skills, reading
    comprehension, math story
    problems, classroom
    management, self help skills, and
    he is very resistant to changes in
    topic or routine.

    Huang has difficulty initiating and
    maintaining peer interactions.
    Other areas of need include:
    Conversation and complex
    instructions, Social language, Body
    language. He does not
    independently interpret unwritten
    rules or social routines that are
    more subtle. Self care routines
    both at home and at school are
    lacking. Huang does not
    demonstrate long term goal-
    setting and planning. He engages
    in noncompliant behavior.


    Huang should take the standard assessments with accessibility supports for statewide
    and district testing.


  • Assessment for
  • Related Services
  • and Adapted Physical Education

    Not recommended for Huang

  • Vocational Assessment
  • Incorporate self-help goals and independence into his IEP goals; no vocational services
    recommended at this time.

    Transition planning is recommended. Please develop a goal for Training, Education for
    him based on his classroom placement.

  • Specially Designed Instruction
  • • N/A

    Related Services

    • Speech Language Therapy
    • Transportation Services
    Occupational Therapy

  • Supplementary Aids/Accommodations
  • • Visual hourly schedule
    • Breaks to move within the room when needed
    • Visual or text available during lessons that require a verbal response
    • Extended time to take tests and complete activities
    • Extra wait time for instructions
    • Seating in the front of the classroom
    • Visual
    • Daily or weekly communication between parent and teachers
    • Social skills training
    • Paraprofessional//classroom aide assistance in the classroom for communication

    and social needs

  • Supplementary Aids/Modifications
  • • Reducing the number of questions on a test or homework
    • Adjusted grading to weighted grading
    • Using a calculator during a math test
    • Adapted curriculum in reading
    • Alternative activities

  • Supplementary Program Modifications/Supports for School Personnel
  • • Provide at least 3 specific training opportunities on specialized instruction for
    students with ASD per year

  • Huang has made great progress since his last full evaluation. At this time, goals
    recommended include:

    Language/communication Huang will initiate communicative interactions with

    others by asking questions 4/5 opportunities to do so.

    Huang will appropriately acknowledge an interaction
    initiated by others by giving an appropriate response,
    either verbal or non-verbal 4/5 opportunities to do so.

    Social/behavioral skills Huang will work cooperatively with peers in small group
    settings (ie. Share materials, allow peers to share
    different thoughts) 4/5 opportunities to do so.

    Huang will accept changes in routine/schedule by
    exhibiting appropriate behaviors given visual and verbal
    cues 80 % of the time.

    Huang will follow classroom rules and directives given
    visual and verbal prompts 80% of the time.

    Huang will independently take a break given visual
    prompts 75% of the time.

    Huang will independently ask to take a break given
    visual and verbal prompts 80% of the time.

    Classroom management

    Huang will raise a hand and wait to be called on before
    talking aloud in group settings 4/5 opportunities to do

    Mathematics Huang will identify what the characters and
    mathematical operation within a math story problem
    4/5 opportunities to do so.

    Literacy Huang will state the main idea of the story, video or
    situation 4/5 opportunities to do so.

    Self-help skills Huang will transition appropriately from tasks and
    activities and school environments 80% of the time
    given visual and verbal prompts.

  • Based on our observations, Huang will receive all his services in the regularly assigned
    classroom with children that are nondisabled, as well as for all extracurricular activities.
    Huang’s teacher will be provided with supports and additional staff if the need should
    arise. No removal is recommended at this time.


    Bailey, E. (n.d.). Suggestions for classroom accommodations and modifications for
    children with autism. Health Central. Retrieved from

    National Association of Special Education Teachers. (n.d.). Examples of IEP goals and
    objectives: Suggestions for students with autism. Retrieved from
    als_Objectives_for_ASD .

      Assessment for Related Services and Adapted Physical Education
      Vocational Assessment
      Specially Designed Instruction

    •  N/A
    • Related Services

    •  Speech Language Therapy
    •  Transportation Services
    •  Occupational Therapy
    • Supplementary Aids/Accommodations
      Supplementary Aids/Modifications
      Supplementary Program Modifications/Supports for School Personnel

    • Based on our observations, Huang will receive all his services in the regularly assigned classroom with children that are nondisabled, as well as for all extracurricular activities. Huang’s teacher will be provided with supports and additional staff i…

    DataCollection & Goal Tracking System

    ___Huang Le_______ __Anytown School District ___________________
    Student Resident District IEP Meeting


    __ Anytown School District ___________________
    Gender: _X_ M ___ F Grade:

    Attending District Annual IEP Review Date

    ___xx/xx/xx_________ __ Anytown School ___________ ____________________
    Date of Birth (mm/dd/yy) Attending School Amendment Date
    __111-111-111_____ ____________________________ ___________________
    Secure Student Identifier (SSID) Case Manager Most Recent (re)Evaluation


    AU Autism Spectrum Disorder _SI Speech/Language Impairment


    Primary Disability Code & Category Secondary Disability Code & Category –

    Re-Evaluation Due Date

    Domain Goal Data Progress?
    Language/communication Huang will initiate communicative

    interactions with others by asking
    questions 4/5
    opportunities to do so.

    Average rate: 3/5 Progressing

    Social/behavioral skills Huang will work cooperatively with
    peers in small group settings (ie. Share
    materials, allow
    peers to share different thoughts) 4/5
    opportunities to do so.

    Average rate: 4/5 Mastered

    Classroom management

    Huang will raise their hand and wait to
    be called on before talking aloud in
    group settings 4/5
    opportunities to do so.

    Average rate: 2/5 Progressing

    Mathematics Huang will identify what the characters
    and mathematical operation within a
    math story problem 4/5 opportunities to
    do so.

    Average rate: 5/5 Mastered

    Literacy Huang will state the main idea of the
    story, video or situation 4/5
    opportunities to do so.

    Average rate: 3/5 Progressing

    Self-help skills Huang will transition appropriately
    from tasks and activities and school
    environments 80% of the time given
    visual and verbal prompts.

    Average rate: 20% Not
    change of
    and strategy

    Goal Writing Guide

    Goal Development – After reviewing your present levels (academic and functional
    performance) develop S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-
    Specific) goals that address the individual needs of the student. You will need to do some
    evaluation of what is most important or what skills build upon each other in order to select the
    more appropriate goals.

    Goal Component Explanation

    Given what…

    means… Under what conditions?
    • Accommodations (change materials, procedures,

    alternative response, formats, etc.)
    • Assistive Technology (dictation software, calculators,

    visuals, etc.)
    • Specialized Instruction
    • Instructional Strategies (prompts, graphic organizers, etc.)
    • Modification (change the standard)
    • Environmental (classroom with predictable routines, etc.)

    Who… means…The Student

    Will do what…
    means… Observable Behaviors

    • Actions: create, make, analyze, sequence, summarize,
    complete, describe, attempts, builds, reads, etc.

    How Often…
    means… Frequency

    • Daily, weekly, during content area, throughout the school
    day, when work is expected, etc.

    How Accurately… means… How well or independently
    • Percentage of accuracy, with how much assistance, etc.

    Mode of Measurement

    means… Assessment (as measured by…)
    • Progress monitoring
    • Teacher Observation
    • Curriculum Based Assessments
    • Behavioral Data
    • Formative Assessments
    • Self-Charting Progress
    • Classroom Progress (grades)
    • Student Work Samples
    • … and others

    1. NOTE: This is just one way to develop a goal. There might be another process or tool that
    you may wish to share.
    Oregon Department of Education (2015). Goal writing guide. Retrieved from:


    Instructor Guidance

    Week 2

    Welcome to Week Two of ESE 668:


    Evidence-Based Instructional Methods for Students with Mild to Moderate Disabilities.  Please be sure to review the Week Two homepage for this course to see:

    · The specific learning outcomes for the week.

    · The schedule overview.

    · The required and recommended resources.

    · The introduction to the week.

    · A listing of the assessments.

    Next, be sure to read this entire Instructor Guidance page.


    Recall that in Week One you discussed cultural influence on the development of goals, objectives and PLAAFPs. Week Two is designed to expand on this learning by taking the next step in the development of IEPs using evidence-based methods. We will examine data monitoring systems and developing assessment-driven goals and objectives.
    As part of the Week One Discussion One, you were encouraged to review the weekly homepages for the course and take note of the assessments each week. Now is an appropriate time to revisit the Week Six Final Project instructions and Grading Rubric to be sure you understand the scope of what you will do in that assessment and how your participation in Week Two supports your success.

    Intellectual Elaboration

    “A wise man proportions his belief to the evidence.”

    –David Hume

    Evidence-Based Practice & Formative Assessment

    What makes it EBP? Evidence-based practice, or EBP as you will see it referred to as in our discussions and in your readings, is a clinical practice across disciplines that incorporates scientific research, clinical/professional expertise, and student/client preference and input. In the field of special education the use of EBP is not only best practice, it is mandated by IDEA (2004).
    These components of EBP are applied to all components of instruction in special education. Throughout this course, you will be examining the components that make up a successful IEP. This will include summative and formative assessment, which you have been introduced to in ESE 610. Formative assessment is of the teacher’s own design and created to specifically monitor individualized skills and behaviors of the student (Gillies, 2014). These methods of data collection are still based in evidence, or “what works”. Teachers are encouraged to use documentation and data collection systems that are designed to record measurable behavior and skills (i.e. goals and objectives) using direct observation and recording. This EBP of documentation provides the basis for progress monitoring and determination of PLAAFP throughout an IEP and as the development of a new program begins.
    Formative data collection systems should be individualized, efficient, and effective. For those who have taken ESE 656 prior to this course, remember our discussion on measuring behavior and skills in ESE 656? For those that have not yet taken ESE 656, we measure behavior that we have defined in observable terms to help monitor progress on skills. Take another look to see how these methods of data collection apply not only to skills of challenging behavior, but also to monitoring and documenting progress for all skills in teaching (Harkins, 2016):
    Data can be collected in a variety of ways. Anecdotal reports can be helpful to provide detailed information. Permanent products (i.e., photographs, work samples, video records) work well for documenting many skills, from academics to productivity to self-help skills. Observational data collection provides objective comparisons of progress on specific behaviors and skills. The type of observational data collection system selected will depend on the type of behavior you wish to measure.

    Data Recording System


    Dimensions or Types Measured

    Event Recording

    Recording each instance of a behavior

    Frequency; Rate



    Recording the length of time the behavior occurs, each time it occurs




    Recording the time between the antecedent stimulus (i.e., instruction, question, etc.) and the start of the behavior, each time


    Interval Recording

    During an observation session broken into equal time intervals, recording whether the behavior occurred at all within each interval or not

    Approximations or Estimations of Frequency; Rate

    ; Duration

    Time Sampling

    During an observational session broken into equal time intervals, recording whether or not the behavior is occurring or not at the moment the interval ends

    Approximations or Estimations of Frequency; Rate

    Data recording systems measure the dimension of the behavior and any additional information that might be necessary for the student or the teacher to track. The form should be easy to use within the classroom and include observational data that can be graphed and analyzed to determine progress (see the example below).





















    Session Duration

    (Record the Time began, Time ended & Total Duration)

    Tally every time that the behavior occurs

    Total Occurrences

    Rate  (Total Occurrences/ Session Duration=Rate)


    In addition to that review of observable behavior and data collection, keep in mind there are many ways and styles for teachers to collect meaningful, accurate documentation in formative assessment. Formative assessment and data collection are the root of assessment-driven instruction as we continue our focus on EBP.
    These formative assessment and documentation systems should be directly tied to the way in which the goals were designed to be measured (e.g. daily, weekly, by percentage of opportunities, trial by trials, task analyzed checklists, etc.). All components of the IEP tie together in this fashion: We determine how we will measure the skill when writing the goal, then we collect the data using that measurement to monitor progress.
    Some recommended examples of what constitutes EBP documentation, as well as example data collection forms can be found here, however, this is by no means an exhaustive list:


    Formative Assessment Example 1 (Links to an external site.)


    Formative Assessment Example 2 (Links to an external site.)


    Formative Assessment Example 3 (Links to an external site.)


    Formative Assessment Example 4 (Links to an external site.)


    Formative Assessment Example 5 (Links to an external site.)

    After exploring these examples, consider how you would use, adapt or create your own monitoring system to constitute EBP.

    The Cycle of Assessment & Instruction

    There is a cycle of assessment and instruction when developing and carrying out IEPs for each student. In the figure above, you can see the way in which each step of development builds upon the evidence and products of the previous step (Boston, 2002). This cycle continues on as the student makes progress and gains skills, at which time the data collected on that progress becomes the assessment for developing new PLAAFP based on this progress. The new PLAAFPs summarize areas of strength and areas of need, which are incorporated into the development of new S.M.A.R.T. goals and objectives based on this documentation. The IEP team comes together to approve this new plan. EBP strategies for instruction, differentiation, modification(s), and/or accommodation(s) included in the program are also determined by the team to align with  in the IEP for all new goals and objectives. Those measurable goals are documented using data collection systems, and the whole process continues.

    How S.M.A.R.T. Can Your Goals Be?

    Throughout your courses, you have been practicing the development of goals that are S.M.A.R.T (NASET, 2007). Take a moment to read through each component in 

    this chart (Links to an external site.)

     developed by Lee to see examples and non-examples of each component for S.M.A.R.T. IEP goal (2015).
    When preparing an IEP, each area defined in the PLAAFP will need to be a focus for goal development. S.M.A.R.T. goals should be written to build upon previously mastered objectives and with the scope and sequence to encompass long-term goals and transitions from grade level to grade level and on to adulthood.

    Elevator Speech

    There will be moments throughout your career when you need be prepared to provide information about your professional abilities to make a first impression. Whether it is for an interview, for meeting colleagues, when presenting research or attending a conference, or when interacting with the families of your students or the community, it is important to be prepared. View this

    video (Links to an external site.)

    to see a dramatization of what not to do…and then what to do.  
    Ashford University’s own Dr. Murad Abel speaks to us in one of your required readings this week in a 

    video file (Links to an external site.)

     about the importance of an elevator speech and how to develop one.
    This 30-second speech should be concise and well thought out. Think about the components of a good elevator speech (Abel, 2015; Brown, 2015).
    It is important to state your “why” to your audience. Why do you do what you do? Why is it important? What is your motivation? Then, close with a call to action. Provide the listener with information to contact you or take the next step in meeting a common goal.

    Closing Remarks

    Looking at the process of educating students with disabilities under special education as a whole, we see that it is a cyclical process that must be rooted in EBP at all steps along the way. In addition, being able to express yourself as an educator of students with disabilities requires not only your mastery of these skills and objectives yourself, but also the ability to communicate your skills to employers, colleagues, and stakeholders.

    Assessment Guidance

    This section includes additional specific assistance for excelling in the discussions for Week Two beyond what is given with the instructions for the discussions. If you have questions about what is expected on any discussion for Week Two, contact your instructor using the Ask Your Instructor discussion before the due date.

    Discussion 1: Analyzing Performance from Data Monitoring Systems

    For this discussion, you will be reviewing and analyzing data collection systems and making a determination of progress and performance levels. More specifically, you will be creating a professional email to Mr. Franklin discussing the progress and mastery of goals of one of his students, Huang. Remember to read the final assignment for this course, before starting on this Discussion as all work in this course lead up to the final Assignment.

    Discussion 2: Elevator Speech: Representing Yourself Professionally to Potential Employers

    This discussion is your opportunity to develop an important career skill: The elevator speech. An elevator speech is a concise summary of who you are as a professional that is shared with those in your field and potential employers. You will record your 30-second elevator speech using the components in the discussion description. 

    Assignment: Creating Assessment-driven Goals & Objectives

    In this assignment, you will use what you have learned about the way in which assessment drives instruction to create goals & objectives for Huang, a student in Mr. Franklin’s class. You will specifically analyze components of Huang’s most recent assessment and the PLAAPFs you have developed to create S.M.A.R.T. goals and objectives for his upcoming IEP. 


    Abel, M. (2015). 

    Crafting the perfect elevator speech (Links to an external site.)

    . Forward Thinking. Retrieved from
    Boston, C. (2002). 

    The concept of formative assessment (Links to an external site.)

    . ERIC Digest. 1-8. Retrieved from
    Brown, L. (2015). 

    A quick guide to writing your elevator pitch (with examples!) (Links to an external site.)

    . Idealist Careers. Retrieved from
    Cornelius, K. E. (2014). Formative Assessment Made Easy: Templates for Collecting Daily Data in Inclusive Classrooms. Teaching Exceptional Children, 47(2), 112-118. doi:10.1177/0040059914553204
    Gaffey, A. (2014). 

    The elevator pitch: How to craft a successful five-minute elevator pitch and why having one is important (Links to an external site.)

    . Psychological Science Agenda. Retrieved from
    Gillies, R.M. (2014). The role of assessment in informing interventions for students with special education needs. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 61(1), 1-5. doi:10.1080/1034912×2014.878528
    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 20 U.S.C. § 1400. (2004).
    Lee, A. (2015). 

    How to tell if your child’s IEP goals are SMART (Links to an external site.)

    . Understood: For Learning and Attention Issues. Retrieved from
    NASET (2007). 

    Determining measurable annual goals in an IEP (Links to an external site.)

    . National Association of Special Education Teachers: The Practical Teacher. Retrieved from
    Seaman, J. and Smasal, R. (2015).

    Fueling student growth: Formative assessment, data-driven instruction, and overcoming the problem of limited time: Finding ways to use assessment and interventions to create personalized learning (Links to an external site.)

    District Administration, (12). 68. Retrieved from 
    TTU College of Business (2013). 

    The elevator speech (Links to an external site.)

     [Video File]. Retrieved from

    Required Resources


    Brown, L. (2015). 

    A quick guide to writing your elevator pitch (with examples!) (Links to an external site.)

    . Retrieved from

    · This web-based article provides a resource for creating an elevator speech with examples. This resource supports your Elevator Speech: Representing Yourself Professionally to Potential Employers discussion this week.

    · Accessibility Statement does not exist.

    · Privacy Policy does not exist.

    Cornelius, K. E. (2014). 

    Formative assessment made easy: Templates for collecting daily data in inclusive classrooms

    . Teaching Exceptional Children, 47(2), 112-118. doi:10.1177/0040059914553204

    · The full-text version of this article is available through the EBSCOhost database in the Ashford University Library. This article explains the importance of efficient formative data collection in the classroom and provides three data collection templates (e.g. anecdotal seating chart, daily scorecard, and objectives grid). This source will support your Analyzing Performance from Data Monitoring Systems discussion and your Creating Assessment-Driven Goals and Objectives assignment this week.

    Gillies, R. M. (2014). 

    The role of assessment in informing interventions for students with special education needs

    . International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 61(1), 1-5. doi:10.1080/1034912×2014.878528

    · The full-text version of this article is available through the EBSCOhost database in the Ashford University Library. This article discusses the role of assessment in the development of classroom intervention in special education settings. This resource will support your Analyzing Performance from Data Monitoring Systems discussion and your Creating Assessment-Driven Goals and Objectives assignment this week.

    National Association of Special Education Teachers. (2007). 

    Determining measurable annual goals in an IEP (Links to an external site.)

    . Retrieved from

    · This web page from the National Association of Special Education Teachers provides a guide for determining measurable annual goals for IEPs. This resource supports your Creating Assessment-Driven Goals and Objectives assignment this week.

    · Accessibility Statement does not exist.
    · Privacy Policy does not exist.

    Web Page

    Abel, M. (2015, October 14). 

    Writing the perfect elevator speech (Links to an external site.)

    . Retrieved from

    · This web-based article and accompanying 19-minute video from Dr. Abel of the Ashford University Forbes School of Business discusses the components of composing an elevator speech. This video supports your Elevator Speech: Representing Yourself Professionally to Potential Employers discussion this week.

    · Accessibility Statement does not exist.


    Privacy Policy (Links to an external site.)

    Recommended Resources


    Gaffey, A. (2014, June).

    The elevator pitch: How to craft a successful five-minute elevator pitch and why having one is important (Links to an external site.)

    . Psychological Science Agenda. Retrieved from

    · This article provides a resource for creating an elevator speech with examples. This resource may support your Elevator Speech: Representing Yourself Professionally to Potential Employers discussion this week.


    Accessibility Statement (Links to an external site.)

    Privacy Policy (Links to an external site.)

    Lee, A. M. I. (2016, September 14). 

    How to tell if your child’s IEP goals are SMART (Links to an external site.)

    . Understood: For Learning & Attention Issues. Retrieved from

    · This article summarizes ways to analyze whether goals meet the criteria of S.M.A.R.T. This resource may support your Creating Assessment-Driven Goals and Objectives assignment this week.

    · Accessibility Statement does not exist.
    Privacy Policy (Links to an external site.)

    Seaman, J., & Smasal, R. (2015). 

    Fueling student growth: Formative assessment, data-driven instruction, and overcoming the problem of limited time

    . District Administration, 51(12). 68-69.

    · The full-text version of this article is available through the EBSCOhost database in the Ashford University Library. This resource summarizes the ways in which formative assessment can be used to individualize instruction for students. This resource may support your Analyzing Performance From Data Monitoring Systems discussion and your Creating Assessment-Driven Goals and Objectives assignment this week.


    ttucob. (2013, February 19). 

    The elevator speech (Links to an external site.)

     [Video file]. Retrieved from

    · This nearly three-minute video gives a satirical example of non-examples of elevator speech, as well as the importance of a quality elevator speech. This video will support your Elevator Speech: Representing Yourself Professionally to Potential Employers discussion this week.

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