
Marketing Management business

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Marketing management: Use the textbook only:

Title: Marketing Management

ISBN: 9781337271127


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Publisher: Cengage

Edition: 5TH 18

Question#1: (Use textbook as reference and get text citations from textbook)

a. Describe the three phases of the purchasing process (pre-purchase, purchase, and post-purchase).

b. New businesses are frequently launched as a means to address a current glitch in the industry. Pick an industry and identify a typical customer problem. What changes could you make to enter that industry and enhance customer satisfaction (and be profitable)? 

c. Run a taste test. Compare Pepsi vs. Coke, or bottled water vs. tap, or an expensive bottle of wine vs. the boxed stuff. Discuss participants’ level of knowledge and surprise.

Question#2:(1.5 page, double-spaced, one outside scholarly or professional source related to marketing management, Times New Roman 12-pt font, text book as reference, text citation )

This activity/assignment will understand all three phases of the purchase process(pre-purchase, purchase, and post-purchase).

Activity: Describe the process in which you bought your laptop or any other similar item. Explain the reasons for buying the laptop or item, how you identified the features you required, how you gathered information regarding product features and prices, why you chose a particular brand, and how you made the purchase (online or at a store).

Comment on you level of satisfaction with your laptop or item.

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