Assessment 2

Write an email to a customer using appropriate tone, language, and structure.

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You wouldn’t begin a road trip without a destination in mind. The destination gives you a goal, helps you plan how to get there, and lets you know when you’ve arrived. The same is true for writing. Whenever you write anything, whether it’s an email to your boss or a text to your best friend, you have to understand your destination. Where is your writing taking you, and what are you trying to accomplish? Are you creating a simple grocery list or outlining the reasons you should be promoted? In other words, what is your purpose?


For this assessment, you’ll use what you’ve learned about professional written communication to write a professional email message that includes information relevant for a specific purpose, emphasizes important points using style mechanics, and uses appropriate tone and language for a specific audience.

Assessment Instructions

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For this assessment, complete the following:

  1. Revisit the scenario and voicemail message from your manager that you used to complete Assessment 1.
  2. Review your notes from Assessment 1 in which you summarized the main points of your manager’s voicemail.
  3. Based on your notes, write an email message to Sara Robbins at Printables (the client). You may choose to use the Email Template [DOCX]. If you do, delete any instructions and headings before submission. Your message should be limited to no more than 12 sentences or 200 words.
  4. Use the four components of written communication—purpose, audience, tone, and structure—to write your email:

    State the purpose of the email.
    Address the appropriate audience.
    Use a professional tone.
    Review the Email Template [DOCX] for direction on how to structure the email. Consider using the template to make sure you address all necessary elements.

Additional Requirements

  • Format: You may use the Email Template [DOCX] to make sure you have included all necessary elements of a professional email. You may refer to Figure 8.3 on page 231 of Excellence in Business Communication for an example. Use Calibri 12-point font.
  • Length: Limit your email to 12 sentences or 200 words.

Note: Faculty may use the

Writing Feedback Tool

when grading this assessment. The Writing Feedback Tool is designed to provide you with guidance and resources to develop your writing based on five core skills. You will find writing feedback in the Scoring Guide for the assessment, once your work has been evaluated.

Remove or Replace: Header Is Not Doc Title


>Written Communication: Writing an Email

Subject Line: Enter the subject line of your email. It should convey the central point of your message.

Greeting: Create the greeting for your email.

First paragraph: Tell your reader why you’re writing this email, using professional wording. Provide background information.

Second paragraph: Provide the main information for your email. What is it you want to explain or accomplish?

Ending paragraph: Provide a conclusion for your email.

Closing: Create your closing.

Signature: Type your name for your signature.



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