Artist Project Presentation

I need 500-600 words speech written note and create a powerpoint with the speech 

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Artist Project Presentation: Research and get in the shoes of an artist

Pick an artist you are interested in from any time period, working in any medium, except Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera, Vincent Van Gogh, Andy Warhol, Salvador Dali, Leonardo DaVinci and Bob Ross.  (Sorry these artists are too familiar.  I want you to find an artist you don’t know much about). Take a chance on a film director or a sculptor or ceramicist.   If you are looking for suggestions, ask me or refer to the text and information in class.

Research that artist and address ALL of these prompts:

  • the history of their life,
  • events happening at the time they live or lived and were working,
  • other art movements happening at the same time they were working,
  • their theories on art,
  • what if any art movement they belong or belonged to,
  • a summary of their body of work- did they pioneer a new direction in their medium,
  • what were the main elements and principles of design they tend or tended to use,
  • which of the 6 functions does their art employ,
  • what art criticism (remember it can be positive or negative) have they received (which of the theories are applied to their work) and do you agree or disagree with that assessment, does the artist?

You’ll have to read not only about the artist, but articles written about their work (from art magazines for example, books written) and research the time period in which they were working. Remember to cite resources correctly and use your own words.

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Your notes,  (expanded upon) and thoughts for the presentation should be written clearly. (FYI to be sure you have enough information prepared for the oral presentation you will record 500-600 words is the approximate equivalent of a 5-6 minute speech),

create a powerpoint (or equivalent) presentation from your notes (include key points, images of work, the artist, other work going on at that time) and present it to the class during the video. 

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