Artificial Intelligence – Paper- include reference page

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Business (paper – 2.5 to 3 pages and references page), 10-12 pt. font, double spaced). As you know creativity will be one of the major skills needed for jobs in the future. I want you to use your creativity to do this assignment.

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Structure of the paper

Introduction – What is AI? Briefly describe what AI is.

Past, present, and future of AI 

KeyCriteria for Evaluating Writing Skills

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Superior (4)


Writing is concise. Information is easy to understand. Focus and direction of the writing are extremely clear.

Sentence Structure

Sentences are clear, well developed, and express concise ideas.


The writing enhances readability. Sentences build upon singular ideas. Transitions are good.

Background, Evidence

Arguments are supported with cited references or relevant facts. Arguments support ideas which support the premise.

Punctuation and Spelling

Writing is nearly error free.


Wit, insights, and sophistication provide evidence of due diligence. Tone adds to the writing quality. Document is neat and professional looking.


Content satisfies assignment requirements and also includes appropriate content beyond the minimum requirements.

Introduction and Conclusion

The introduction not only establishes the main topic and direction, but also has an interesting hook. The writing is brought to closure with justified insight or lasting revelations.



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