Article Review

It should be a total of 3 articles  

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Using the exact Sample Article Review format, write a review on 3 articles relating to your final research topic. Use the Library database or to find the 3 peer reviewed journal articles relating to your final research topic.]

 Please note: The articles you select for this assignment must be Peer Reviewed Journal Articles. (* Peer Reviewed Journal Articles contain a study conducted by the authors, and are usually 6 to 15 or more pages in length, withheadings matching the headings in the sample article review). If you are unsure about the articles you’ve selected, please contact either the a library representative, or your instructor.

*Industry Magazines, eZines, .coms, blog sites and wall street journal do not classify as peer reviewed journal articles for this assignment.

The final research topic is about —– Mass City or Organization Evacuation – (1st, Identify/define a disaster rationale, then develop the operations and organizational strategy for evacuation. 

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Article Reviewwriting assignment

Student Name              Sample Article Review 1 

Reference Information: Scanzoni, John (2001). From the Normal Family to Alternate 
Families to the Quest for Diversity With Interdependence, Journal or Family Issues, vol. 
22 No. 6, September 2001, 688­710. 

Purpose of Study: To look at the changes and the diversity of the households from the 
late 1960’s to present, both from the constructionist and the functionalistic view.  And 
figuring out which family style works the best to meet both the family and societies 

Sampling Comments: Otto (1970), “man can create marriage and family possibilities 
uniquely suited to his time, place and situation.”  Sussman and Cogswell (1972) 
“…adults must live for themselves and not only for their children.”  The standard family 
(nuclear) stifled mutual confidant between mates.  Single parenting was viewed as a 
temporary condition, which would resolve when the parent remarried, thus it wasn’t seen 
as a “real” family. 

Measures: The standard family (or nuclear family) was faired to the different variant 
families such as single parents, homosexual, multi­marriages, and getting pregnant out of 
wedlock.  Scanzoni reviewed and summarized the functionalist and constructionalist 
models and theories starting from post World War II to the present. 

Findings/Results/Main Points: Functionalists support the model that views a new 
standard family were previous traditional roles are in place while the children are young 
in order to promote optimal child development.  Scanzoni’s research found that 
developmentalists believe that it is more the lifelong encounters between a child’s genetic 
makeup, personality and social context and not just the first few years of life.  While the 
functionalists want to exclude the community, the constructionalists believe that the 
community makes the family. “Families are produced and created by the actions of 
persons operating within the social structure and cultural milieu that surrounds them 
(Maines, 2000).”  They also believe that if the community views a groups as not 
mainstream than that group is likely not to succeed. 

Conclusion:  While one believes that negotiations build a stronger family and community 
the other does not believe in negotiation of any type.  The citizens that feel the 
neostandard model is better state they would have a hard time fairing up.  This self­doubt 
along with lack of support may stifle their innovations.  Most citizens admit to wanting 
the neostandard model for themselves and their children but are willing to accept the 
reality of the variant family.  “Because there is no best family pattern to stray from, there 
can be no variants that are invariably judged as lesser.  Then and only then have we taken 
the first step toward embracing genuine diversity, (Scanzoni 1989).”  To date there is no 
one household model that is flawless but household variety has been found to enrich the 
family.  Household diversity with interdependence that builds a strong sense of 
community has been found to be healthy.

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