Article Critique Essay

Will anyone write and article critique for me for psychology? I have attached the instructions and the topics to chose from.

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Objective: Write a 2-3 page college-level paper in APA format, in which you analyze one scientific, peer-

reviewed article in the discipline of psychology and discuss how the results of the study may benefit the

surrounding community and/or society as a whole.


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 Article topics must be selected from topics within the discipline of psychology.

 More information on topic selection/assignment will be provided by your



The journal article…

 must be current.

 must come from professional, scientific journals.

 must be a research article (MUST HAVE SECTIONS LABELED “METHODS”, “RESULTS” &



 Specific guidelines are listed on the next page.

 Any further details will be provided by your instructor.


 You must use APA format. The format directions can be found on the following web site:

 APA format requirements include a cover page, reference page, in-text citations, etc.

 PLAGIARISM WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. All information must be stated in your own words.


 Each student must turn in their critique and a complete copy of the journal article to receive credit.

 All critiques will be submitted electronically in Blackboard. More details will be provided by your


 The due date will be provided by your instructor.


 The grading guidelines/rubric will be provided by your instructor.


 Introduction (PURPOSE: to educate the reader on the topic/concept)
o will define topic and other key terms
o will include symptoms, statistics of occurrence and current information in the field

 Main body (PURPOSE: to explain the research conducted in the article)
o will state what you found in the journal article


 What were the researchers trying to discover (i.e. what was the hypothesis or

o This is usually found at the beginning of the article. Usually the hypothesis
or statement of a problem appears at the end of the review of the literature,
most often in the last or next to last paragraph. The words that indicate that
it is a hypothesis are, “We will examine. . .” or “Our hypothesis is . . .” In a
statement of a problem, the researcher may say, “We plan to see if a
relationship…,” “We proposed to observe…,” or “The problem we proposed
to study…” (You must use your own words—do NOT use quotes).


 How was the research conducted (research design or type of study)?
o Is the research descriptive (case study, naturalistic observation, laboratory

observations, surveys, tests), correlation, experimental, or developmental?
For more information on research methods, refer to chapter 1 of your text.

 When and where the research was conducted?

 How long did the study take?

 Who were the participants? (number [N], age, sex, criteria to be a part of study)?

 What did the researchers actually find in relation to their hypothesis/purpose?
o ARTICLE MAY STATE: The researchers found that . . .

 What limitations did the researchers reveal?

 Summary/conclusion (PURPOSE: to show critical thinking in regards to the research)
o How does the information in the article integrate with information from class discussion, the text,

and/or other information in the discipline?
 TIP: It is a good idea to use the subject index in your text to look up the topic in your text.

o What is your opinion of the research findings?
 EXAMPLE: was this research well done or not and why?

o Why is this topic/research important? (relevance/benefits to community and/or society)
 EXAMPLE: A conclusion to a study that suggests a new therapy/treatment for children with

ADHD might help the child struggling to perform successfully in school, which then improves
her confidence, her relationship with her parents, siblings, and classmates. Write about the
implications of this new treatment.

o In what ways does this topic relate to your own personal experience and how is your experience in
agreement or disagreement with the outcome of this study?

o How has your opinion of this topic changed since your review of the study?


Last updated 6/23/2016

INSTRUCTIONS: Browse topics below.

Understand that many of the topics listed below are very broad. You will have to decide how to narrow your broad

For example, if I choose “Alzheimer’s Disease”, that is very broad and I will probably find thousands of scientific journal
articles. But if I narrow it down to “the effect of exercise on Alzheimer’s Disease prevention”, I will probably find a more
manageable number of articles.

You are not limited to this list and may think of a topic not listed here.


Intro & Research Methodology

 Placebo Effect

 Fields of study in Psychology… (**Note: the fields of study are very broad and you need to think about what you want to
look for in the research within these fields before picking one of these topics)

o Sports psychology
o Industrial Organizational Psychology
o Educational Psychology
o School Psychology
o Clinical Psychology
o Forensic Psychology
o Social Psychology
o Cultural Psychology


 Brain implants (example: chips to prevent epilepsy)

 Brain pathways, cellular communication

 Brain Plasticity

 Split Brain Operation

 Huntington’s Disease

 Hormones and behavior

 Biology of criminal

 Neurogenesis

 Neuropeptide Y, survival and stress (related also to PTSD), resilience

 Neurotransmitters and obesity

 Parkinson’s Disease

Sensation & Perception

 Sensory prosthetics

 Phantom Limb & mirror box

 Visualization as good as practice?

 EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization)

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 Hypnosis / Self-Hypnosis

 Sleep Disorders
 Narcolepsy
 REM Sleep Behavior disorder
 Nightmares and PTSD
 Sleep Apnea

 Classical Condition & everyday life

 Operant Conditioning

 Observational Learning (Bandura)
o Celebrities – do they affect our children

 Amnesia


 IQ
o and “brain training”

 Language
o learning a language/brain areas involved
o language development in infancy

 Standardized testing

 Mental Retardation

 Multitasking /psychology

 Abortion – are there long term affects

 Attachment theory

 Aging
o Alzheimer’s/Dementia (quality of life issues)
o Aging and Emotional Changes
o Aging and Cognitive Changes
o Elder Abuse
o Hospice
o Aging and Social Relationships

 Antidepressants and Pregnancy

 Adolescents and behavior

 Birth Order

 Breastfeeding benefits

 Caring for the caretakers

 Bullying
o Causes/Solutions?
o Bullying Victim

 Education
o Special Education
o Mainstreaming
o Montessori Method
o Retention in College – how can we achieve it?

 Teasing/Bullying
o Cyber bullying
o Workplace bullying
o Playground/face to face bullying

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 Temperaments

 Teratogens in pregnancy/embryology

 SIDS – Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

 Corporal Punishment

 Physical Development Infancy

 Twins
o Studies on their personality

 Cohabitation
o and relationship success
o its effects on children
o cultural/religious differences

 Arranged marriages

 Cultural Differences
o in family dynamics
o gender roles
o marriages
o in the workplace

 Domestic violence
o effects on children
o against women
o against men
o perpetrators?

 Divorce
o effects on children
o effects on the individual

 Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

 Friendships
o Differences in age groups
o Differences in genders
o Longevity

 Menopause

 Andropause (male menopause)

 Daycare – is there a difference between children in daycare and those who stay at home?

 Death of a loved one (5 stages, mourning)

 Marriage – Emotional/Physical/Health benefits?

 Internet Dating

 Parenting styles
o role of fathers vs. mothers
o position in the family

 Violent Children

 Emotional/Social Development Infancy

 Sports – organized sports and children

 Homelessness and self-esteem

 Chronic illness

Motivation and Emotion

 Emotion (the function of it)

 Happiness, is it a skill you can learn

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Sexuality and Gender
 Sex offenders – how is an abuser “formed”?

 Sexual Expression in the Media

 Sexual Orientation

 Transsexualism (cross-dressing, sex change)

 Pornography (is it harmful to women?)

 Gender identity/sexual orientation

 Gender IQ Differences

 Gender differences
o in aggressive behavior
o in childhood play
o in education
o in risky behavior
o in emotional expression
o in intelligence
o in brain development

 Gender Bias


 Homosexual parents (are children affected by being reared with same-sex parents)

 Homosexuality and the adolescent

 Hormones and desire

Stress and Health

 Health Psychology – preventive measures in the workforce

 Traumatic events

 Immunoneuropsychology

Social Psychology
 Attraction

 Attribution

 Cognitive Dissonance

 Aggression/Violence
o Violence in TV/movies
o Violence in video games
o Violence in music
o Violence in schools (bullying)

 Advertisements

 Group Thinking

 Lies- can they be accurately detected?

 Prosocial (helping) Behavior
o Altruism – does it exist?

 Prejudice, stereotypes, discrimination

 Subliminal Persuasion

 Stanford Prison experiment

 Social Facilitation

 Social Loafing

 Expert Testimony in court (reliable?)

 Eyewitness Testimony

 Body language

 Romantic love

 Poverty and self-esteem

 Social networking and self-esteem

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 Assessment tools

o Rorschach (inkblot)
o Beck Inventory

 Names – Implications of persons name

 Perspectives of Psychology

Positive Psychology

 Applications in
o Student education/achievement(“positive education” = teaching students how to increase their well-being)
o Workplace/business organizations/leadership
o Offender rehabilitation
o Military/armed forces
o Treatment of mental disorders (i.e., PTSD and depression)
o Health education/improvement

 Happiness/Joy (enhancing positive psychological traits)

 Positive psychology exercises (PPE’s)

 PP and stress management

 Resilience/optimism/emotional fitness

 Creativity

Psychological Disorders
 Addiction/Abuse (consider specific groups like: age groups to help narrow topic)

o to alcohol
o to nicotine
o to illegal drugs

 leading drugs/reasons/trend
 the biological components
 Club/Designer drugs (ecstasy)

o Steroids
o Opiates
o Methamphetamines and brain erosion
o prescription drugs
o to internet
o to cell phones
o to video games
o to TV/movies
o codependency & substance abuse
o gambling
o withdrawal
o rave party/psychology



o Depression

 In adults
 In children

o Bipolar Disorder
o Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
o Postpartum Depression

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o Anti-Social Personality Disorder
o Borderline Personality Disorder
o Histrionic Personality Disorder
o Narcissistic Personality Disorder
o Dependent Personality Disorder
o Avoidant Personality Disorder
o Paranoid Personality Disorder


 Tourette’s Syndrome

 Eating Disorders
o Anorexia Nervosa
o Bulimia Nervosa
o Body image

o Social Anxiety Disorder
o Phobias

 Social Phobia/social anxiety
 Agoraphobia

o Panic Attacks/Panic Disorder
o Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
o Hoarding
o Generalized Anxiety Disorder
o Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
o Trichotillomania

o Dissociative Amnesia
o Dissociative Fugue
o Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personalities)

 Reporting mental illnesses (should it be mandatory?)

 Suicide

 Autism, Asperger’s

 Mass Psychogenic Illness

 Savants, prodigious savants, synesthesia

 Relationships between mental health and…
o Exercise
o Nutrition
o Religious beliefs
o Noise

 Other Disorders
o Oppositional defiant disorder
o Conduct disorder
o Pyromania
o Cleptomania

_ cutting/psychology/method

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 ECT – is it an effective treatment

 Hospitalization against will

 Anger management (treatable? Basis of?)

 Couples Therapy

 Therapies (psychoanalytic, solution focused,

 Therapy strategic, structural, experiential, Music therapy..

 Twelve Step Programs

 Boot Camp – a cure for behavioral problems?

 CBT (Cognitive Behavior Therapy)

 Rehabilitation (prison – does it rehabilitate?)

 Online Therapy – is it ethical/helpful?

 Crisis Center

 Support Groups

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