Art creative and development

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Assignment 08

EC380 Art & Creative Development

Directions: Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading.  Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar.  Sources must be cited in APA format.  Your response should be four (4) pages in length; refer to the “Assignment Format” page for specific format requirements.

This assignment is compromised of four different parts that will show your learning of various course objectives from Lessons 5, 6, 7, and 8.

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Part 1

To practice

lesson plan

ning, create an age appropriate
activity for early childhood-aged students. Your

lesson plan

should include a


learning outcomes,

materials, and a step-by-


guide on how to complete the activity. You will want to refer back to Lesson 5 to see an example of how to format and create your lesson plan as well as ideas and suggestions.

Part 2

To practice

interdisciplinary lesson

planning, create an age appropriate activity for early childhood-aged students that integrate art into another core subject (reading, writing, mathematics, science, or social studies). Your lesson plan should include a goal, learning

outcomes, materials, and a



You will want to refer back to Lesson 7 to see an example of how to format and create your

lesson plan.

Part 3

To practice implementing art centers, create an age appropriate art center for early childhood-aged students. Your art center should include a description of the center, the necessary materials, where it will be located, how it will be organized, and rules and


You will want to refer back to Lesson 8 to see examples of art centers.

Part 4

To practice utilizing assessments, create one assessment or evaluati

on tool

(authentic assessments, formative assessments, product assessments, process assessments), for one of the lesson plans that you created. You will want to refer back to Lesson 6 to see examples of how to utilize assessment tools.

Grading Rubric

Please refer to the rubric below for the grading criteria for this assignment.


20 points15 points10 points2 points

The student created a


sensory lesson plan. The

lesson plan included all of


following components:


goal, learning outcomes,

materials, and a step-by-step

The student created a

somewhat clear



plan. The lesson plan

included all

of the following

components: a goal,


outcomes, materials, and a


step guide.

The student created an


sensory lesson

plan. The lesson plan

included 2 of the following

components: a goal,
learning outcomes,
materials, and a step-by-
step guide.

The student created a poor

sensory lesson plan. The

lesson plan included 1 or

none of the following

components: a goal,
learning outcomes,
materials, and a step-by-

step guide.

20 points15 points10 points2 points

The student created a clear

interdisciplinary lesson plan

integrating art

. The lesson

plan included all of the

following components: a
goal, learning outcomes,
materials, and a step-by-step
The student created a
somewhat clear
interdisciplinary lesson plan
integrating art. The lesson

plan included 3 of the

following components: a
goal, learning outcomes,
materials, and a step-by-
step guide.
The student created an

unclear interdisciplinary

lesson plan integrating art.

The lesson plan included 2

of the following
components: a goal,
learning outcomes,
materials, and a step-by-
step guide.
The student created a poor
interdisciplinary lesson

plan integrating art. The

lesson plan included 1 or
none of the following
components: a goal,
learning outcomes,
materials, and a step-by-
step guide.
20 points15 points10 points2 points
The student created a clear

art center. The assignment

included all of the following

components: description,

materials, location,

organization, and rules or

The student created a

somewhat clear art center.

The assignment included 4

of the following
components: description,
materials, location,
organization, and rules or


The student created an

unclear art center. The

assignment included 2-3 of

the following components:

description, materials,

location, organization, and

rules or limits.

The student created a poor
art center. The assignment

included 1 or none of the

following components:
description, materials,
location, organization, and
rules or limits.

15 points12 points8 points2 points

The student created a clear




that is valid and reliable in

relation to

the lesson plan.

The student created a
somewhat clear

assessment/evaluation tool

that is valid and reliable in
relation to the lesson plan.
The student created an
assessment/evaluation tool

that is not valid and/or not

reliable in relation to the

lesson plan.
The student created a poor

tool that is not valid and

not reliable in relation to

the lesson plan.

10 points 8 points 5 points 2 points

Student makes no errors in

grammar or spelling that

distract the reader from the


Student makes 1-2 errors in

grammar or spelling that
distract the reader from the

Student makes 3-4 errors in

grammar or spelling that
distract the reader from the

Student makes more than

4 errors in grammar or

spelling that distract the

reader from the content.

15 points 12 points 8 points 5 points

The paper is written in

proper format. All sources


for quotes and facts are

credible and cited correctly.

Excellent organization,

including a variety of



The paper is written in

proper format with only 1-2

errors. All sources used for

quotes and facts are credible

and most are cited correctly.

Adequate organization

includes a variety of

appropriate transitions.

The paper is written in

proper format with only 3-5

errors. Most sources used

for quotes and facts are
credible and cited correctly.

Essay is poorly organized,

but may include a few

effective transitions.

The paper is not written in

proper format. Many

sources used for quotes

and facts are less than

credible (suspect) and/or

are not cited correctly.

Essay is disorganized and

does not include effective


Create a sensory

lesson plan

(20 Points)

Create an

art center

(20 Points)
Create an
on tool

(15 Points)

Create an


lesson plan
integrating art
(20 Points)

Format – APA

Format, Citations,



(15 Points)

Mechanics –




(10 Points)

Assignment 04

EC380 Art & Creative Development

Directions: Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading.  Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar.  Sources must be cited in APA format.  Your response should be four (4) pages in length; refer to the “Assignment Format” page for specific format requirements.

This assignment is comprised of three different parts that will show your learning of various course objectives from Lessons 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Part 1

Summarize and give examples of three (3) positive

effects that art and creativity

have on early childhood aged children in each of the following areas of development:


physical, and

socioemotional. You will have a total of nine (9)

positive effects

with examples at the end of this assignment. You will want to refer back to Lesson 1 and Lesson 3.

Part 2

Describe four (4) different ways to implement

technology and/or

technology software

in the

lives of early childhood aged

children as it relates to the

positive effects of art and


You will want to refer back to Lesson 2.

Part 3

Create a list of at least four (4) quality community


, in your area, with a description of the resource that

families can use in

implementing art and

creativity into the life of


or her child.

You will want to refer back to Lessons 1, 2, 3, and 4 especially to the additional resources.

Grading Rubric

Please refer to the rubric on the next page for the grading criteria for this assignment.


30 points20 points15 points5 points

The student provides a


summary and three clear

examples of the positive

effects that art and creativity

have on early childhood-


children in the areas of

cognitive, physical, and



The student provides a

mostly clear summary and

two mostly clear examples

about the positive effects

that art and creativity have


early childhood-aged

children in the areas of
cognitive, physical, and

The student provides an

adequate summary and one

adequate example about

the positive effects that art

and creativity have on early

childhood-aged children in

the areas of cognitive,

physical, and
The student provides a

poor summary and

provides no examples

about the positive effects
that art and creativity have
on early childhood-aged
children in the areas of
cognitive, physical, and
30 points20 points15 points5 points

The student provides a clear

description of four strategies

of how to implement

technology and/or
technology software in the

lives of early childhood-aged

children as it relates to the
positive effects of art and
The student provides a

mostly clear description of

three strategies of how to

implement technology

and/or technology


in the lives of early

childhood-aged children as

it relates to the positive

effects of art and creativity.

The student provides an

adequate description of

two strategies of how to

implement technology
and/or technology software
in the lives of early
childhood-aged children as
it relates to the positive
effects of art and creativity.

The student provides one

poor description of how to

implement technology
and/or technology

software in the lives of

early childhood-aged
children as it relates to the
positive effects of art and

15 points12 points 8 points 5 points

The student provides a clear

description for four

community resources

families can use in
implementing art and
creativity into the life of his
or her child.
The student provides a

mostly clear description for

three community resources

families can use in
implementing art and
creativity into the life of his
or her child.
The student provides an

adequate description for

two community resources

families can use in
implementing art and
creativity into the life of his
or her child.
The student provides a

poor description for one

community resource

families can use in
implementing art and
creativity into the life of

his or her child.

10 points 8 points 5 points 2 points

Student makes no errors in

grammar or spelling that

distract the reader from the


Student makes 1-2 errors in

grammar or spelling that
distract the reader from the

Student makes 3-4 errors in

grammar or spelling that
distract the reader from the

Student makes more than

4 errors in grammar or

spelling that distract the

reader from the content.

15 points 12 points 8 points 5 points

The paper is written in

proper format. All sources


for quotes and facts are

credible and cited correctly.

Excellent organization,

including a variety of



The paper is written in

proper format with only 1-2

errors. All sources used for

quotes and facts are credible

and most are cited correctly.

Adequate organization

includes a variety of

appropriate transitions.

The paper is written in

proper format with only 3-5

errors. Most sources used

for quotes and facts are
credible and cited correctly.

Essay is poorly organized,

but may include a few

effective transitions.

The paper is not written in

proper format. Many

sources used for quotes

and facts are less than

credible (suspect) and/or

are not cited correctly.

Essay is disorganized and

does not include effective


Format – APA Format,

Citations, Organization,


(15 Points)

Summary and examples of

positive effects

(30 Points)

Description of community

(15 Points)

Mechanics -Grammar,

Punctuation, Spelling

(10 Points)

Description of strategies for

implementation of

technology and/or
technology software
(30 Points)

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