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Artistic Change in Sculpture

Relative to human history, the period covered in this week’s study is long. During this lengthy span of years, not only did people change in appearance, but the way they lived also changed radically. What we have found of their art and architecture also demonstrates an evolution in these areas.

Using your eBook, find one example of sculpture from each of the following periods: Paleolithic, Neolithic, and Bronze OR Iron Age.

View these sculpture pieces carefully. Capture an image of each of the three sculptures and place them in chronological order, from oldest to newest, in this


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. Then, using information from your textbook, lectures, and other appropriate academic sources, provide the following regarding each image:

  1. The title of the work, its location, the materials used to create the work (if known), and the date.
  2. A brief assessment of the visual properties you observe. Describe the types of lines, shapes, colors and textures (actual and perceived) the artist has used.
  3. An analysis of the formal structure of each piece. What is the meaning or importance of how the artist has arranged, organized, or structured the visual elements in the image?
  4. The natural subject of each piece. Based on your textbook reading and Internet research, are there any details that have a symbolic meaning? If so, what?
  5. A five- to seven-sentence paragraph that discusses the cultural context of each work, based on what you have learned through your textbook reading, the online lectures, and Internet research. What do the images tell you about the culture and the people who created them?
  6. List of references, including the specific websites where you found the images.

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