Appraisal and summarize

Appraisal: Appraise the article in narrative format by
answering the following questions.

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• What are the strengths and weaknesses of the
sampling method, as applied to this study? Give a
rationale for your claims.
◦ Be sure to consider the inclusion/exclusion

criteria, if any, and extraneous variables that the
criteria control for.

• Were the measurement instruments reliable and
valid? Why or why not?

• Was the intervention performed consistently? Why or
why not?

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• Were the conclusions of the study supported by the
results? Why or why not?
◦ Consider study limitations when analyzing

conclusions with respect to results.
◦ Include key statistical results and p-values as

part of your rationale.

Summary Please look the example article, how to summarize this

Conclusion: Write a conclusion that gives your analysis
of the nursing implications based on the findings of the

• DO NOT just use implications to nursing from the
article; provide your own analysis.

• Take clinical significance and risk vs. benefits into


Synopsis and Appraisal of a Study Exploring Music and Hypnotic Suggestion to Manage

Chronic Pain

Studentfirstname Studentlastname

College of Nursing, Resurrection University

NUR4440: Research in Nursing

Professor Carina Piccinini

April 13, 2020

Lukman Alaki

Lukman Alaki

Lukman Alaki

Lukman Alaki


Synopsis and Appraisal of a Study Exploring Music and Hypnotic Suggestion to Manage
Chronic Pain

The purpose of this paper is to summarize and appraise a research study that investigated

the effects of music and hypnotic suggestion on patients enduring chronic pain. The Center for

Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2016) highlighted that over 60% of drug overdose deaths

involve opioids initially prescribed for pain relief. Therefore, the CDC recommends a shift

toward non-opioid treatment that include many multimodal and multidisciplinary therapy

options. Besides reducing the cost of drug treatment and possible addiction or death, mental

stability and overall quality of life for patients in chronic pain chronic pain would be improved

for patients in chronic pain if it was managed with safer options. Although further research is

being conducted to fully understand the long-term effect of music and hypnosis on chronic pain,

currently they are both considered a method in multidisciplinary therapy.

Summary of the Study

There is a movement in medicine to look at more non-pharmacological treatments for

chronic pain due to possible dependency and the serious side effects risk. With so much interest

in the practice of mind-body interventions, there has already been evidence that shows hypnosis

and music are effective separately for patients in pain, but there is no research on combining the

two interventions for a better outcome. This study addresses that gap by testing the interventions


Johnson et al. (2017) conducted a quasi-experimental study to explore the possible

combined effect of hypnotic suggestion and music to improve components of chronic pain, pain

bothersomeness, anxiety, depression, and distress. Interventions and data collection took place

in the homes of the participants.

Commented [CP1]: This answers “Why is this important
to study?” It’s not just testing out a new intervention…it
goes beyond that to fatalities through the pharmacological
methods that have led to an opioid crisis and finding
solutions for chronic pain management.

The CDC and other healthcare related organizations are
great sources of information on the importance of topics.

Commented [CP2]: What is known (we need new non-
pharm methods, music and hypnosis work separately), not
known (do music and hypnosis work better in combo?), and
gap in knowledge (to test the combo).

This information is found in the introduction to every
research article. DO NOT use the discussion/conclusions
section of an article for this information! It will be WRONG

Commented [CP3]: Study being summarized/appraised is
correctly cited.

Specific research design stated.

Setting of study stated.


The researchers acquired their samples through a nonrandom snowball sample, where

participants were first referred by physicians from an integrative cancer center in Texas. Later,

patients self-enrolled—a volunteer/convenience sampling method—due to difficulties with

enlisting participants through referral. Twelve participants originally enrolled under the inclusion

criteria of anyone over the age of 18 who was English or Spanish speaking, diagnosed with

cancer or other serious illness, and rated their pain > 4 on an 11-point numerical rating scale.

Two participants were lost to follow up, with a final sample size of 10. The average age of the

participants was 58.3 years, with most of the participants being white (75%), women (67%),

married (58%) and an associate’s degree or higher (55%).

At the beginning of the study for baseline data, each participant completed a

demographic form, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), and numeric rating

scales (NRS) to assess pain, pain bothersomeness, and distress. The HADS has a score range of 0

to 42, with higher scores indicating more depression and anxiety. The NRS for the three

variables required participants to rate on a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 representing “none” and 10

representing “worst possible.” Participants were then asked to rate and document their pain daily

upon waking up, as well as before and after the intervention, for two weeks.

The three-part recorded audio intervention was provided to patients for self-

administration. First, participants listened to a 5-minute hypnotic suggestion. Then, they listened

to 15 minutes of string orchestra music (Fantasia on a Theme of Thomas Tallis by Ralph Vaughn

Williams). Finally, they listened to a post-hypnotic suggestion to continue the pain relief attempt.

Researchers called participants once per week for two weeks to discuss progress and remind

participants to record their pain and do the intervention consistently. Data on the same three

numeric ratings scales and HADS were submitted after the second week of the intervention. The

Commented [CP4]: Sampling method stated and

Inclusion criteria listed.

Exclusion criteria listed.

Loss to follow up explained.

Selected demographics reported with stats.

Commented [CP5]: Measurement instruments defined
with context to values.

When measurements were taken (in this case by the
participants with timing noted).


participants were also asked to complete an NRS for Treatment Satisfaction with a range of 0 to

11, with 0 representing “not satisfied at all” and 11 representing “totally satisfied.” The

researcher concluded the study with Study Completion/Dropout interviews, which was

qualitative data to verify treatment fidelity.


The combined snowball and volunteer/convenience sampling method may have attracted

participants that were predisposed to the effects of complementary and alternative medicine

(CAM) methods, creating a potential placebo effect on the intervention. There was no exclusion

criteria; however, a scale to measure the participants’ attitudes toward CAM and including it in

the statistical analysis would have reduced bias considerably. The participants in the sample had

multiple conditions, including musculoskeletal conditions (5), cancer (4), fibromyalgia (2), mood

disorders (3) and inflammatory conditions (3). With the wide range of illnesses, it would be

difficult to draw conclusions about the effect of the intervention on a particular illness or

disorder. For these reasons, the sampling method was not appropriate for an experimental study,

and the lack of exclusion criteria was problematic.

An NRS has been validated for pain in two previous studies, but the authors did not

mention if it has been tested for pain bothersomeness or distress. It is unknown if the scale is

reliable and valid for at least two major variables in this study, bringing into question

measurement error for them. The Treatment Satisfaction NRS has been tested for reliability and

validity in one previous study, and the HADS demonstrated internal consistency reliability with

Cronbach’s alpha scores of 0.83 and 0.84 in previous studies.

Researchers called participants once per week to remind them to adhere to the protocol,

but timing of the calls was not reported. The authors failed to report complete compliance data

Commented [CP6]: The intervention is described, with
additional post-intervention measurement tools stated and

Commented [CP7]: Analysis of sampling method and
inclusion/exclusion criteria. Rationales are fully developed.

Commented [CP8]: Validity/reliability of measurement
tools stated and analyzed.


for collection and the intervention, but they did report that 9 of the 11 participants listened to the

audio recording multiple times a day. Due to this, treatment fidelity was compromised by

introducing a “dosing” variable that was not controlled for in the analysis.

The researchers concluded that their findings supported their hypothesis that the

combination of hypnotic suggestion and music help in the reduction of chronic pain in

participants. Each participant reported a reduction in their pain from 6.6 to 5.4, pain

bothersomeness from 7.5 to 5.4, distress from 5.9 to 4.9, anxiety from 7.2 to 6.5, and depression

from 6.1 to 4.1. The conclusion in a reduction in pain is technically correct, but no statistical

significance was calculated or reported in this study, so eliminating chance differences is

impossible. The limitations acknowledged by the authors (small sample size and not controlling

for usual care with pain medication), plus the fact that a majority of participants used the

intervention multiple times a day, means that the conclusions are not fully supported.


The conclusions of this study were not fully supported, but other studies cited in the

article indicate that an effect is evident. Acceptability of the combined intervention was high in

this study, and the limited medical-related cost and lack of complications imply that the

intervention is possible to recreate and practice in many hospitals, clinics, and home settings.

The practice of including hypnotic suggestion and music (possibly of the patient’s choosing and

not the prescribed classical music that some participants in this study complained about) could be

beneficial to a wide range of pain sufferers with no side effects. The study, if nothing else,

implied that patients who are invested in the idea of non-pharmacological pain reduction would

experience the benefit from the intervention. Nurses can use this study and others like it to

further explore the option of hypnosis/music recordings that they can offer to chronic pain

Commented [CP9]: Treatment fidelity explained and

Commented [CP10]: Conclusions analyzed with regard to
results and lack of p values, with consideration of limitations
noted by the authors.


sufferers, in hopes of lessening the chronic effects on their acute problems. Patients can self-

administer, reducing the burden of nursing-driven interventions on busy bedside caregivers.

Commented [CP11]: Careful balancing between lack of
conclusive evidence and relative safety and low-cost of
intervention. Specific ideas for nursing implications end the



Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). Module 2: Treating chronic pain without

opioids. Retrieved from

Johnson, A. J., Kekecs, Z., Roberts, R. L., Gavin, R., Brown, K., & Elkins, G. R. (2017).

Feasibility of music and hypnotic suggestion to manage chronic pain. International

Journal of Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis, 65(4), 452–465.

Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at

Contemporary Nurse

ISSN: 1037-6178 (Print) 1839-3535 (Online) Journal homepage:

A quasi-experimental study examining a nurse-led
education program to improve knowledge, self-
care, and reduce readmission for individuals with
heart failure

Martha S. Awoke, Diana-Lyn Baptiste, Patricia Davidson, Allen Roberts &
Cheryl Dennison-Himmelfarb

To cite this article: Martha S. Awoke, Diana-Lyn Baptiste, Patricia Davidson, Allen Roberts &
Cheryl Dennison-Himmelfarb (2019) A quasi-experimental study examining a nurse-led education
program to improve knowledge, self-care, and reduce readmission for individuals with heart failure,
Contemporary Nurse, 55:1, 15-26, DOI: 10.1080/10376178.2019.1568198

To link to this article:

Accepted author version posted online: 11
Jan 2019.
Published online: 28 Jan 2019.

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A quasi-experimental study examining a nurse-led education program to
improve knowledge, self-care, and reduce readmission for individuals with
heart failure

Martha S. Awokea**, Diana-Lyn Baptisteb*,**, Patricia Davidsonb, Allen Robertsa and
Cheryl Dennison-Himmelfarbb**

aDepartment of Case Management, Medstar Georgetown University of Hospital, 3800 Reservoir Rd. NW,
Washington, DC 20007, USA; bDepartment of Acute and Chronic Care, Johns Hopkins University School of
Nursing, 525 N. Wolf Street, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA

(Received 21 July 2017; accepted 7 January 2019)

Background: Heart failure affects more than 6 million Americans and an estimated 23 million
people worldwide. Inadequate self-care is associated with readmissions and are identified as a
marker for poor health outcomes. Nurse-led heart failure inpatient hospital education has been
demonstrated to improve knowledge, self-care behaviors and in some studies to reduce 30-day
Aims/Objectives: To evaluate the impact of nurse-led heart failure patient education on
knowledge, self-care behaviors, and all cause 30-day hospital readmission.
Design: Quasi-experimental pre-test and post-test on a convenient sample on two cardiac units
at a large urban facility in the North East region of the United States.

  • Methods
  • : An evidence-based standardized heart failure patient education program based on the
    American Colleges of Cardiology and American Heart Association guidelines was
    implemented with a telephone follow-up at 7, 30, and 90 days post-discharge. The duration
    of the study was from September 2015 to February 2016. A convenience sample of (N = 29)
    individuals diagnosed with heart failure was asked to complete Dutch Heart Failure
    Knowledge Scale and Self-care Heart Failure Index.

  • Results
  • : A significant difference was found in knowledge at 7 day (P ≤ .001) and 90 day
    (P ≤ .032), self-care maintenance at 7 day (P ≤ .000) and 30 day (P ≤ .000), self-care
    management at 7 day (P ≤ .001) and 30-day (P≤.013). A statistically significant
    difference was found in self-care confidence at 30-day (P ≤ .017) but not at 7 day follow-
    up call. A statistically significant improvement in 30-day readmission was not found
    (P ≥ .05).

  • Conclusion
  • : Findings suggest the importance of developing patient education programs that
    are focused on improving knowledge and self-care behaviors for heart failure patients.
    Nurses are uniquely qualified to implement such programs that can improve health
    outcomes and need to accommodate evidence-based recommendations to global practice

    Keywords: heart failure; patient readmission; knowledge; self-care; nurse-led education;

    © 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

    *Corresponding author. Email:
    **These authors contributed equally to this work.

    Contemporary Nurse, 2019
    Vol. 55, No. 1, 15–26,

  • Introduction
  • It is estimated that 23 million individuals are living with heart failure worldwide (Baptiste
    et al., 2016). Approximately 5.8 million Americans have a diagnosis of heart failure and
    has reached a national epidemic in the United States (Boisvert et al., 2015; Centers for
    Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2019; Hart, Spiva, & Kimble, 2011; Sterne, Grossman,
    Migliardi, & Swallow, 2014; Wang, Lin, Lee, & Wu, 2011). Heart failure (HF) is the most
    common cause of hospital readmission (Sterne et al., 2014). Studies show that nearly 24%
    are readmitted within 30 days and 30% of heart failure patients are readmitted within 60–90
    days (Askren-Gonzalez & Frater, 2012; Dharmarajan et al., 2013; Paul & Hice, 2014). Further-
    more, 27% of Medicare recipients with HF are readmitted within 30-days (Albert, 2012; Hart
    et al., 2011; Sterne et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2011; Yancy et al., 2013). The Centers for Med-
    icare and Medicaid Services (CMS) defines readmission as an unplanned re-hospitalization for
    any cause to an acute care hospital within 30 days of discharge (Baptiste et al., 2016; Dennison
    et al., 2011). Frequent readmission is a financial burden on patients, their families, and health
    care systems (Toback & Clark, 2017). The cost of treating heart failure, including lost wages
    and lost productivity in the United States is estimated at $32 billion per year (CDC, 2019; Hart
    et al., 2011; Paul & Hice, 2014; Yancy et al., 2017).

    Hospital readmissions are associated with poor health outcomes. Dharmarajan et al. (2013)
    reported that readmission within 30-days is the most vulnerable period for individuals with
    heart failure. Hospital readmissions are commonly attributed to factors such as, individuals’
    lack of knowledge about disease processes, inadequate symptom recognition, and inability to
    make prompt and appropriate decisions to manage symptoms, and the absence of timely
    follow-up with a health care provider (Askren-Gonzalez & Frater, 2012; Dennison et al., 2011;
    Dracup et al., 2012; Spaling, Currie, Strachan, Harkness, & Clark, 2015; Paul & Hice, 2014).
    For patients with heart failure, the level of knowledge about disease process is positively corre-
    lated with the ability to recognize and manage symptoms as they arise, therefore initial assessment
    of patient’s knowledge and self-care behaviors by nurses prior to engaging in patient education is
    essential to provide an appropriate patient education (Albert, 2012; Riegel et al., 2009).

    Nurse-led heart failure inpatient hospital education has been demonstrated to improve knowl-
    edge, self-care behaviors and in some studies to reduce 30-day readmissions (Albert, 2012; Dom-
    ingues, Clausell, Aliti, Dominguez, & Rabelo, 2011; Kommuri, Johnson, & Koelling, 2012; Paul
    & Hice, 2014; Yancy et al., 2013). In 2017, the American Colleges of Cardiology Foundation
    (ACCF) and American Heart Association (AHA) updated the 2013 practice guidelines for the
    management of heart failure, focused on most effective strategies for improving the quality of
    care, resources, and patient outcomes (Yancy et al., 2013). ACCF/AHA best practice guidelines
    recommend a one-to-one nurse-led HF education encompassing diet, activity, weight monitoring,
    smoking cessation, fluid restriction, medication adherence, keeping follow-up appointments and a
    reduction in hospitalizations. (Albert, 2012; Sterne et al., 2014; Yancy et al., 2013; Yancy et al.,
    2017). The ACCF/AHA guidelines recommend one-on-one nurse-led education by specialist
    nurses who can promote adherence to treatments and healthy lifestyles for individuals with
    heart failure. Improving knowledge about signs and symptoms of disease progression, treatment
    plan, and actions to engage in to manage symptoms has been reported to minimize exacerbation
    and frequent hospitalization (Suk Lee et al., 2015; van der Wal, Jaarsma, Moser, & van Veldhui-
    sen, 2005). The purpose of this study was to implement a standardized nurse-led heart failure edu-
    cation program focused on improving knowledge and self-care behaviors for individuals living
    with heart failure.

    16 M.S. Awoke et al.


    Design, setting, participants

    A quasi-experimental study, using pre-test and post-test implemented on a convenient sample on
    two cardiac units at a large urban facility in the North East region. The principal investigator
    (PI) screened charts for a primary and/or secondary diagnosis of heart failure and eligibility. The
    PI then approached eligible patients to obtain verbal consent for participation. The inclusion criteria
    for eligibility were: (1) All heart failure patients admitted to the two cardiac units, (2) patients dis-
    charge destination is to home, (3) patients are able to give written or verbal consent for themselves,
    (4) patients equal to and older than 18 years old, and (5) patient who speak English. Exclusion cri-
    teria were: (1) patients younger than 18 years old, (2) non-English speaking, (3) patients unable to
    provide informed consent, (4) patients not discharged to home, and (5) patients not admitted to the
    two cardiovascular units. Eligible patients who agreed to participate were given a baseline knowl-
    edge and self-care behavior assessment using validated tools: Dutch Heart Failure Knowledge
    Scale and Self-care Heart Failure Index. Then participants were engaged in a one-on-one nurse-
    led heart failure education by the PI and reinforced by the unit nurses. Participants were provided
    with a visual color-coded (Green, Yellow, and Red) guide to monitor symptoms and actions they
    should take based on the symptom that corresponded with the color (Figure 1).

    The evidence-based standardized heart failure patient education program was implemented
    with telephone follow-up at 7, 30, and 90 days post-discharge. Individuals (N = 29) diagnosed
    with heart failure were asked to complete Dutch Heart Failure Knowledge Scale (DHFKS) and
    Self-care Heart Failure Index (SCHFI) prior to hospital discharge. The DHFKS scores were eval-
    uated during the pre-intervention period, then at 7 and 90 days after hospital discharge. SCHFI
    questionnaires were distributed to participants at the pre-intervention time period, with a
    follow-up at 7 and 30 days after hospital discharge. Staff nurses of both cardiac units were
    asked to complete a Conviction and Confidence scale prior to initiating patient education
    (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2015; Xu, 2012). Power analysis for a dependent
    sample t-test was conducted to determine a sufficient sample size using an alpha of 0.05, a power
    of 0.80 (Liou et al., 2015; Sterne et al., 2014). Based on the previous studies conducted by Liou

    Figure 1. Study diagram.

    Contemporary Nurse 17

    et al. (2015), and Dennison et al. (2011) the desired sample size to produce a change in scores for
    DHFKS was N = 6, and SCHFI was N = 16.

    Prior to patient education, nurses on the two cardiac units were provided with a one-hour
    training during a lunch and learn sessions for three consecutive days on each clinical unit. Edu-
    cation sessions for the nurses were carried out across six days. To promote understanding and con-
    sistency, nurses were asked to recapitulate the content in their own words and use the Robert
    Woods Johnson Foundation’s (RWJF) Living with Heart Failure: A patient Teaching Guide.
    Content for the RWJF standardized heart failure patient education materials are based on the
    ACCF/AHA guidelines addressing diet, activity, weight monitoring, smoking cessation, fluid
    restriction, medication adherence, and keeping follow-up appointments (Robert Woods
    Johnson Foundation, 2011). Participants were then engaged in a one-to-one nurse-led heart
    failure education by the PI and received daily follow-up education sessions with staff nurses.
    Nurses provided two, one-to-one education sessions to participants during hospitalization over
    30 minutes, using the RWJF standardized heart failure instructional materials. The education
    program was implemented with a telephone follow-up at 7, 30, and 90 days post-discharge.
    The duration of the study was from September 2015 to February 2016. Participants were provided
    with a visual color coded (Green, Yellow, and Red) self-care guide to monitor symptoms and
    actions they should take based on the symptom that corresponded with the color (Figure 2).

    Participants were contacted via telephone by the PI at 7 days, 30-days and 90-days after hos-
    pital discharge. During the follow-up period, participants were asked to complete the SCHFI and
    DHFKS questionnaires at different points in time. A follow-up call was made at 7 and 30-days
    after hospitalization to complete SCHFI, and at 7 and 90-days to complete DHFKS questionnaire.
    In addition, participants were evaluated for readmission, 30-days after hospital discharge.

    In this study the PI identified three outcomes. The primary outcome was to improve knowl-
    edge and measure it using a validated and reliable instrument, the Dutch Heart Failure Index (van
    der Wal, et al., 2005). The second outcome was to improve self-care maintenance, self-care man-
    agement, and self-care confidence using a validated and reliable instrument, Self-Care Heart
    Failure Index (Barbaranelli, Lee, Vellone, & Riegel, 2014; Riegel et al., 2009). The Dutch
    Heart Failure Knowledge scale (DHFKS) is a 15-item instrument that measures the individual’s
    general knowledge about heart failure (van der Wal et al., 2005). The Self-care Heart Failure
    Index (SCHFI) is a 22-item instrument that measures self-care behaviors using three sub-
    scales: self-care maintenance, self-care management, and self-care confidence (Barbaranelli
    et al., 2014). The third outcome was to reduce 30-day all cause readmissions. The investigators
    also examined the nurses’ ease of using teach-back method during patient education with the Con-
    fidence and Conviction Scale tool (Xu, 2012). The Confidence and Conviction scale is a 4-item
    instrument that evaluates beliefs about the importance of using teach-back method and confidence
    during patient education. Teach-back method, also known as ‘show me’, provides insight into the
    level of patient’s understanding of the instruction provided by the health care provider by prompt-
    ing the patient to reiterate what they have learned in their own words (Dinh, Bonner, Clark, Rams-
    botham, & Hines, 2016). This method is frequently used in clinical settings when providing
    patient education. The main goal of teach-back is to have the learner demonstrate their knowledge
    by repeating back what they are taught (Dinh et al., 2016).

    Theoretical framework

    Caring for individuals with heart failure is unique and challenging. The study was conducted at
    the large urban teaching hospital where the population served came from a diverse cultural, socio-
    economic, and educational backgrounds. This study drew on the Theory of Culture Care &

    18 M.S. Awoke et al.

    Transcultural Nursing developed by Madeline Leininger to promote individualized patient edu-
    cation that is unique to the patient’s own experience and knowledge (Leininger, 1988).

    The theory of Culture Care & Transcultural nursing defines culture as ‘learned, shared, and
    transmitted values, beliefs, norms of a group that influences behavior’ (Leininger, 1988). As
    such, intervention planned considered the patient’s cultural background, beliefs and values to
    encourage active patient engagement and adaptation. Additionally, the delivery method of
    patient education and patient’s response was continuously evaluated to increase patient engage-
    ment and promote adherence to treatment plan.

    Figure 2. Patient symptom monitoring guide. Source: UCONN Health Center.

    Contemporary Nurse 19

  • Ethical considerations
  • The study was approved by the organization’s Institutional Review Board and deemed as quality
    improvement. Expedited approval was granted.

  • Data collection
  • Instruments

    Conviction and Confidence Scale

    Nurses on the designated units were asked to complete an initial Conviction and Confidence
    Scale. A Conviction and Confidence Scale measures the nurse’s belief and confidence level
    when using teach-back method during patient education. Teach-back method is an educational
    technique that actively engages patients during nurse education by prompting patients to reiterate
    their understanding (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2015; Xu, 2012). Using teach-
    back method ensures that patients are engaged and assume ownership of their own health (Agency
    for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2015).

    Dutch Heart Failure Knowledge Scale

    Patient’s heart failure knowledge was measured using Dutch Heart Failure Knowledge Scale
    (DHFKS). DHFKS is a 15-item multiple choice questionnaire. The DHFKS consists of four ques-
    tions assessing general knowledge, six questions on diet, fluid restriction and activity, and five
    questions assessing knowledge regarding symptoms and symptom recognition. Reliability and
    construct validity was determined by the author, reporting a Cronbach α .62. The scale has a
    minimum score of 0 and a maximum score of 15 points (van der Wal et al., 2005).

    Self-care Heart Failure Index

    Self-care behavior was measured using the SCHFI V.6.2, developed by Riegel and colleagues
    (2009) specifically for use with individuals with heart failure. SCHFI is a 22-item questionnaire
    that is divided into 3 subscales: self-care maintenance, self-care management, and self-care con-
    fidence. Self-care maintenance measures patient’s ability to maintain health by adhering to treat-
    ment advice and performing tasks such as daily weight, medication adherence and following a
    low salt diet. Self-care maintenance consists of 10 questions with a minimum score of 10 and
    maximum score of 40 (Barbaranelli et al., 2014).

    Self-care management measures patients’ ability to recognize symptoms and perform tasks to
    manage symptoms as they arise. Self-care management has a minimum score of 4 and maximum
    score of 24. Self-care confidence measures, patients perceived confidence in recognizing and
    managing symptoms to maintain health. Self-care confidence has a minimum score of 6 and
    maximum of 24. Each of the scales use a 4-point Likert scale, self-report reply format: 1(never
    or rarely), 2 (sometimes), 3 (frequently), 4 (always or daily). A standardized score of 0–100
    for each of the sub-scale is used for better interpretation. A score of 70 or greater in each subscale
    is thought to reflect good self-care behavior. The reliability of the subscales as reported by Riegel
    is as follows: Self-care maintenance 0.56, self-care management 0.70, and self-care confidence
    0.80 (Riegel et al., 2009; Barbaranelli et al., 2014).

  • Analysis
  • Data analysis was conducted using SPSS® 24 (IBM Corporation, Armonk, NY, USA). Descrip-
    tive statistics were analyzed the characteristics of the demographic for the sample. Frequency

    20 M.S. Awoke et al.

    statistics were analyzed to identify the characteristics of nurse’s response to the Conviction and
    Confidence scale. A paired t-test was completed to compare baseline knowledge and self-care
    scores with the follow-up period at 7, 30, and 90-days post hospitalization. A p-value <.05 is con- sidered statistically significant. A Chi-square test was completed to analyze a change in 30-day readmission during the study period, from September 2016 through February 2017 compared to the same time period the year before.



    Descriptive statistics were used to evaluate frequencies among the N = 29 participants (Table 1).
    Demographic characteristics were collected from medical records and participant interviews. The
    sample consisted of n = 15 (52%) men and n = 14 (48%) women admitted to one of the two
    cardiac inpatient units, with the primary and secondary diagnosis of heart failure. The majority
    of patients within this sample had a New York Heart Association Classification (NYHA)
    scores of III-IV (69%), with more that 62% having an ejection fraction of less than 55%. The
    mean age of participants was 66, ranging from 47 to 90 years of age, with 75% of this group
    being not married, widowed, or divorced. Sixty-two percent (n = 18) of participants identified
    as African American and n = 10 (34%) Caucasian, with one patient reportedly Hispanic. Of the
    N = 29 participants, n = 10 were either lost to follow or requested to be removed from the study.

    Nurses Conviction and Confidence Score

    A sample size of N = 23 nurses completed the Confidence and Conviction Scale. Of that one nurse
    did not complete the educational level and years of experience. From N = 22, 81% of nurses (n =

    Table 1. Demographic characteristics.

    Mean ± SD

    n = 29
    Age 66 ± 11.5

    Males 15 ± 51.7
    Females 14 ± 48.3

    Caucasian 10 ± 34.5
    African-American 18 ± 62.1
    Hispanic 1 ± 3.4

    Marital Status
    Married 7 ± 24.1
    Not-married (single, divorced, widowed) 22 ± 75.9

    Employed 11 ± 37.9
    Unemployed, retired, disability 18 ± 62.1

    Class I 5 ± 17.2
    Class II 4 ± 13.8
    Class III 8 ± 27.6
    Class IV 12 ± 41.4

    Ejection Fraction
    =55% 11 ± 37.9
    <55% 18 ± 62.1

    Contemporary Nurse 21

    18) had a baccalaureate degree and 59% (n = 13) had 1–3 years of experience. Overall, the nurses
    were convinced that using teach-back method was very important, mean 9.39 ± 0.89, and the
    nurses reported being confident at using teach back method with mean 7.52 ± 1.78. Approxi-
    mately 69% of the nurses reported using teach-back method during patient education. Nurses’
    response to their belief and conviction about using Teach-back method and the length of time
    they have been using Teach-back method.

    Dutch Heart Failure Knowledge Score

    The DHFKS was used to evaluate individual knowledge among participants at two points in time
    evaluating baseline scores from baseline to 7 days and baseline to 90 days. Baseline knowledge
    scores yielded a statistically significant increase by 1.38 points (p = .001) at the 7-day follow-up
    period. Similar to previous studies, participants in this study had a mean baseline knowledge score
    of 11.96, out of 15 being the highest achievable score (Dennison et al., 2011; van der Wal et al.,
    2005). Knowledge scores at the 90-day follow-up period significantly increased and remained
    higher than baseline knowledge scores by two points (11.96 vs. 13.31; p = .032) respectively
    (Table 2). Based on these results, we can infer that nurse-led heart failure education positively
    impacts patients’ knowledge level about the disease process.

    Self-care Heart Failure Index Score

    Self-care maintenance scores significantly increased from a mean of 64.59to 85.43 (p = .000) and
    self-care management scores increased from 55.86to 78.68 (p = .001) at the 7-day follow-up
    period. In this study the participants had adequate self-care confidence scores at baseline
    (>70), but there was no significant difference at the 7-day follow-up in the self-care confidence
    scores (p = .204). There was a statistically significant difference in self-care confidence
    between at the baseline and 30-day follow-up (p = .017). In addition, mean self-care maintenance
    and self-care management scores were greater than 70 (Table 3).

    Table 2. Dutch heart failure knowledge scores.


    Total sample
    N = 29

    T0 (Baseline)
    n = 19

    T1 (7 days)
    n = 16

    T3 (90 days) T1 to T2 P T1 to T3 P

    DHFKS, mean (SD) 11.965 (1.76) 13.32 (2.08) 13.31 (1.29) .001** .032**

    Note: P-value < .05 is considered statistically significant. **Statistically significant.

    Table 3. Mean self-care Heart Failure Index scores.

    Mean SCHFI Scores
    T0 (Baseline)

    N = 29
    T1 (7-days)

    N = 19
    T2 (30-days)

    N = 18 T0 to T1 P T0 to T2 P

    SCHFI Maintenance, Mean

    64.59 (17.76) 85.43 (10.32) 89.07 (8.39) .000** .000**

    SCHFI Management, Mean

    55.86 (15.64) 78.68 (17.15) 76.50 (17.01) .001** .013**

    SCHFI Confidence, Mean (SD) 71.61 (16.62) 77.84 (17.48) 86.18 (14.18) .169 .017**

    Note: A P value <.05 is considered statistically significant. **Statistically significant.

    22 M.S. Awoke et al.

    30-day readmission

    Overall the readmission rate for all-cause for this group (n = 5) did not change in comparison to
    the group from the prior year (n = 12) at 17%. There was no significant difference in the readmis-
    sion rates between the two samples.

  • Discussion
  • Heart failure is a common condition with a high symptom burden (Albert, 2012). Some of the
    challenges reported by participants in this study were related to maintaining fluid restrictions;
    engaging in daily physical activity; and difficulty obtaining a follow-up appointment within
    the recommended time. As described in the demographic data (Table 1), 41% of the participants
    had a Class IV NYHA and 62% had an EF ≤ 55% which may have precluded the individuals from
    engaging in activity and adhering to their appointments as scheduled. Additionally, other co-mor-
    bidities that required adequate hydration were competing factors that challenged patients about
    adhering to fluid restriction. Participants in this study reported adhering to medications and avoid-
    ing salty food. However, the attrition rate (n = 10) for this study was high (33%) compared to the
    acceptable rate of about 20% (Amico, 2009). The attrition rate is attributed to death; readmissions
    for a significant event and a change in discharge destination to a nursing home; participants
    requesting to be removed from the study; and participants lost to follow-up. Previous study
    had suggested that a telephone follow-up within 7-days after discharge may improve participation
    (Baptiste et al., 2016), however, in this study, participants lost to follow-up were observed during
    the initial follow-up period. Individuals with advanced heart failure may not be able to participate
    due to fatigue and disease burden (Boisvert et al., 2015). A comparison analysis of the NYHA
    classification between the participants who completed the study and the attrition rate found
    that majority of the participants in the attrition group had NYHA class IV classification.
    Further study is warranted to uncover methods to engage the sicker heart failure patients in
    self-care behavior.

    The population in this study demonstrated an improved knowledge and self-care confidence
    scores. This is similar to the previous study reported by Liou et al. (2015). At the follow-up
    period, the study population demonstrated an improvement in knowledge, self-care maintenance,
    self-care management, and self-care confidence scores. However, the 30-day readmission rate was
    not statistically significant when compared to the same time period the previous year. This may be
    due to the small sample size. Further study is warranted on large sample size to see the effect of
    knowledge and self-care behavior on readmission.

    Nurses are in a unique position to influence health behavior by engaging patients during hos-
    pitalization (Albert, 2012). Nurses have to feel comfortable and prepared to educate patients.
    Examination of the nurses’ belief and confidence to use teach-back method revealed that the
    majority of the nurses (70%) reported being comfortable using open-ended questions and enga-
    ging patients during health education using teach-back method. Moreover, close to 70% of the
    nurses reported to using teach-back method and another 22% of the nurses planned to use
    teach-back method in the next month. Most nurses n = 23 (mean 9.39 ± 0.89) responded that
    they were convinced that using teach-back method is important.

  • Limitations
  • There were several limitations in this study. First, this was a non-randomized sample without a
    control group. Second, it was a convenience sample from two cardiovascular units at a single
    site. Third, the study is not generalizable due to the small size of the participants. Finally, the
    study was short in duration, and possibly limited the number of participants.

    Contemporary Nurse 23

  • Implication for practice
  • This study showed that individualized one-on-one nurse-led heart failure education improved
    patient’s knowledge and self-care maintenance, management, and confidence. It is rec-
    ommended that hospitals implement a nurse-led heart failure education that encompasses the
    key factors identified by expert opinions (Yancy et al., 2013). In addition it is recommended
    that a timely follow-up schedule should be provided to the patient prior to discharge to ease
    the burden on patients as they are adjusting to their daily routine. Additionally, nurses are
    encouraged to use evidence-based teaching methods to enhance the patient’s comprehension
    of presented education.

  • Impact statement
  • Nurse-led heart failure education can improve knowledge, self-care, and reduce readmissions for
    individuals with heart failure. Nurses are uniquely qualified to implement such programs that can
    improve health outcomes and need to accommodate evidence-based recommendations to practice
    settings across the globe.


    It is essential that nurses must feel prepared and knowledgeable on methods to actively engage
    patients during health education, because, improving knowledge and self-care behavior has
    demonstrated patient’s ability to care for self by taking appropriate actions to minimize disease

    Health care providers can alleviate some of the barriers by scheduling follow-up appointments
    prior to patient’s discharge, by discussing how to balance restrictions necessary to maintain free of
    fluid overload with other co-morbidities that require adequate fluid intake, and by encouraging
    patients to gradually increase activity level. Challenges incurred during this study were related
    to the sample size. Nurse researchers can translate findings from this study to clinical practice.
    The investigation is necessary to explore cost-effective ways to provide education interventions
    that would improve self-care, knowledge, and minimize readmissions (Toback & Clark, 2017).
    Further study is needed to look at the effect of improving knowledge and self-care behavior on
    30-day readmission.

  • Acknowledgements
  • We would like to thank the following groups: (1) Dr Lisa Boyle Chief Medical Officer at Medstar George-
    town University Hospital; the Case Management Department Alma Ray RN, Pat Murley RN, Ruth Adonizio
    RN, Edith Simmons at Medstar Georgetown University Hospital; Nursing staff and patients at Medstar Geor-
    getown University Hospital; Quality Improvement Department Hanan Foley RN, Elizabeth Freedman MPH
    at Medstar Georgetown University Hospital; (2).Dr Laura Samuel, Dr Leah Jager, Ms. Denise Rucker, Dr
    Deborah Finnell, Dr Nancy Goldstein, and Dr Deborah Baker at the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing;
    (3) and Dr van der Wal, who provided guidance with scoring for the Dutch Heart Failure Knowledge
    Scale. MA served as the PI, carried out the study, participated in the conception, design, and coordination,
    acquisition of data, interpretation of data, performed statistical analysis, drafted and revised the manuscript.
    AR helped in the study implementation period and provided logistical guidance. PMD provided writing
    assistance, critically revised the manuscript for important intellectual content. DB participated in the
    design, coordination, and interpretation of data, statistical analysis of data, and helped draft and revised
    the manuscript. CDH participated in the design, coordination, and interpretation of data, and helped draft
    and revised manuscript.

    24 M.S. Awoke et al.

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    26 M.S. Awoke et al.

    • Abstract
    • Introduction
      Design, setting, participants
      Theoretical framework
      Ethical considerations
      Data collection
      Conviction and Confidence Scale
      Dutch Heart Failure Knowledge Scale
      Self-care Heart Failure Index

      Nurses Conviction and Confidence Score
      Dutch Heart Failure Knowledge Score
      Self-care Heart Failure Index Score
      30-day readmission

      Implication for practice
      Impact statement

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