Apply personality theory within a business environment.


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Scenario (fictional): The Pilston family has been in the cookware or camping business (your choice) for over 60 years. They have always had a family member as president of the (your company name of choice). As the current president steps down, the founders’ remaining family members are not inclined or are unable to take over the business and have called you in as their consultant to perform the executive search. They know this will be a challenge based on several changes that may need to take place in the very near future in order to successfully continue their business.

The industry is beginning to change. The competition is beginning to change over to using

Blockchain ledger technology

 that shares data within a network in sequential order with a timestamp — like a database, but encrypted. They also have been increasingly automating their production line. Now with the increasing competition, they realize that without changing to these technologies, the business may not survive. This will mean laying off some personnel, and this will be the first time in its history that this company has had to contend with major layoffs; in the past layoffs were not necessary since growth outpaced the need to lay off workers. With no family member currently to lead the company, the company must do an intensive search for an individual suited not only to their industry with the right expertise and education, but the right personality to lead the company into a new era.

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This company has a culture that has remained the same from its inception with a reputation for reliability within the industry. Most employees pass their jobs on to someone else residing in the local community by referring them for the job; so all employees really feel like one extended family. They expect little change now. Although their market has been predominantly in the United States (U.S.), with little or no diversity in the workforce, they are increasingly getting inquiries from Asian countries since competitors’ prices have increased substantially. Currently there are 300 employees in this small Western U.S. city though the salaries and benefits have always been on par with the industry salaries elsewhere in the country. Their belief in the customer first, taking the time to get things done in a precise manner, and honesty have been hallmarks of this family business.

In light of the possible future demands and needs of this company, and as this company’s hired consultant to do the executive search, address the checklist items.


  • Identify the industry and name of the company (your choice) based on your choice of either a cookware or camping equipment company, and identify the products the company provides.
  • Summarize the problem, and the company’s culture as presented in the scenario. Describe any changes that might be necessary and that will pertain to the type of personality the new president will need to have.
  • Explain the traits and personality factors that should be considered when selecting the next president using the Reading from Chapter 5. Include the Big Five personality traits, Holland’s typology, and at least one other personality theory in your response (you may use the Internet but provide the source URL).
  • Explain how the personality you described previously of the new president would benefit the employees and the success of the company going forward.

●    Submit your 8–10 slide PowerPoint® presentation with no more than five bulleted items per slide, in 24-point font, with either


 (or speaker


below each slide) with additional title and reference slides to the Dropbox. The title of your presentation will be: Finding a New Leader for (your choice) Company.




Unit 3 Assignment Grading Rubric



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Response to the scenario provides complete information demonstrating analysis and critical thinking:


· Summarizes the problem, and the company’s culture as presented in the scenario. Describes any changes that might be necessary and that will pertain to the type of personality the new president will need to have.


· Explains the traits and personality factors that should be considered when selecting the next president using the Reading from Chapter 5. Includes the Big Five personality traits, Holland’s typology, and at least one other personality theory in his/her response (if using the Internet, provides the source url).


· Explains how the personality he/she described previously of the new president would benefit the employees and the success of the company going forward.



Uses correct spelling and grammar in an 8–10 slide PowerPoint® presentation with no more than five bulleted items per slide, in 24-point font, with either
audio (or speaker notes

below each slide) with additional title and reference slides to the Dropbox.




Total Assignment Score:

Total points possible: 60

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