APA Paper

Students may select any one of the following population groups on which to write a cultural overview and discussion of a pertinent social problem using the APA style.  Aspects of culture to be considered are presented on the Cultural Iceberg diagram and accompanying outline.  Students may not write about cultural groups of which they are members.

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Groups:  African Americans; Mexican Americans; Haitian Americans; Native Americans (specific tribe or entire group); Asian Americans (Japanese, Chinese, Filipino, Vietnamese, Indian, or Korean); Appalachians; members of the Jewish, Amish, Mormon, or Muslim faiths; Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender; Active and Retired Military personnel. Students may propose different groups, but the groups must meet the definition of a culture:

Culture is the set of the learned and shared values, beliefs, and behaviors of a group of interacting people.  Culture may be examined from both an objective and subjective perspective.

The outline is attached in the syllabus.  

Papers must be at least 8 pages and no more than 10 pages – not counting the Title Page and references!

There must be at least 10 professional reference citations.  These citations should come, first, from social work literature and, then, from other professional discipline sources. Popular magazines, newspapers, and casual online sources are not acceptable for this paper. 

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