answer question

(Silent) War and Pandemics

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Duff-Brown, Beth. (2017). The collision of Civil War and the Threat of Global Pandemics. Sandford Health Policy. <>
Rorke, Bernard. (2020). Inequality, anti-Roma Racism and the Corona Virus. <>
Bonhomme, Edna. (2020). What Coronavirus Taught us about Inequality. Al-Jazeera. <>

When does an outbreak become a pandemic?

Why are states sometimes afraid to report an outbreak?
It impacts tourism
International Trade
SARS 2002

Human factors, such as the expansion of populations into previously forested areas, domesticated animal production practices, food shortages, and alterations in water usage and flows, have been the primary drivers of diseases.
Globalization with climate change also contribute to wide spread of diseases.
Inequalities- health, economic…
What Causes Pandemics

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How do outbreaks cross borders?

Pandemics and Racism and Xenophobia
“Epidemics are seen as deadly outbreaks of ancient diseases that affect foreign people in exotic, faraway and (made-to-be) poor lands.”

Racist scapegoating
Segregation walls around Roma communities in Slovakia
Attacks on Roma people
European Court of Human Rights dismissed its first ever right-to-water case
Pandemics and Racism and Xenophobia

How are epidemics/pandemics related to colonials and capitalism?

Capitalism and Colonialism
Countries that struggle the most are the ones with history of colonialism that has affected their infrastructure, caused poverty and inequality.
Products of capitalism: war, migration, mass production and increased travel contribute to spread of diseases.

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