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Week 14 Research Assignment-Digital Forensics Methods

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Methods of Digital Forensics used to Solve Crimes

Digital forensics involves retrieving evidence by preserving or recording the digital devices’ state, analyzing them, and reporting the information recovered. In instances of cyber-attack crimes, a digital forensics examiner analyzes the digital attack to retrieve evidence to help track the attackers. In today’s world, with more than 95% of people having cellphones, the data existence is staggering. The mobile phones involved in the investigation and devices like laptops, desktops, smart watches, and all other devices that fall under the internet are capable of data exchange (Kävrestad, 2018).

Digital forensic methods are essential for crime solving by law enforcers and investigators in everyday life. For example, there was this case in the United Kingdom back in 2009 of a particular guy, Krenar Lusha, who was an illegal immigrant to the UK. He was found guilty due to the help of digital forensics. Once the computer forensics experts investigated his laptop, they discovered that he had downloaded a manual that contained information to make search belts and explosives. This opened up the case, giving them the warrant for further investigation to search his house, where they discovered liters of petrol, potassium nitrate, and a live shotgun. It also discovered other evidence that he had used his laptop to message people where he described himself as a terrorist and a sniper. All this information was retrieved from his laptop using digital forensics and used as digital evidence in court (Roussev, 2016).

Several criminal cases have used digital evidence to uncover hidden scams. In most criminal cases, whenever there is not enough evidence gathered from all the sources acquired, digital forensics will often provide adequate evidence to convict the person. Most of these digital devices that we use can store 99%of the information that we feed them, and in case of a criminal investigation, they come in handy. Digital forensics is an effective method to solve crimes commonly used today by investigators (Husain & Khan, 2019).


Husain, M., & Khan, M. (2019). Critical concepts, standards, and techniques in cyber forensics. IGI Global.

Kävrestad, J. (2018). Fundamentals of digital forensics: Theory, methods, and real-life applications. Springer.

Roussev, V. (2016). Digital forensic science: Issues, methods, and challenges. Morgan & Claypool Publishers.

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