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Ethics in business

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Question 1

The concept of ethics can best be described as being the accepted code of conduct within an organization. Thus, these are established as the outline set of standards that govern individuals’ behavior within an organization. Unethical behavior means actions violating the code of conduct in organizations. Every single day various unethical behaviors are witnessed in different organizations across the globe. Among the most common unethical behaviors in work, places include misusing company time with the inclusion of activities such as altering the timesheet or covering up for an individual who shows up late at work. The misusing of company time is established as being on top of the list with regards to unethical behavior at workplaces. This entails the inclusion of an individual having knowledge regarding the fact that their fellow employee is making use of the company time in conducting personal business (Giacalone & Promislo, 2014).

Another unethical behavior is abusive behavior whereby a majority of workplaces are considerably filled with supervisors and managers who consequently use their power with subject to their position in mistreating and disrespecting others. Sadly, unless in the case of race, ethnic origin, or gender, there isn’t common protection against abusive behavior in workplaces. Employee theft is also a common unethical behavior whereby employees are established to be stealing from their employers. Employee fraud has been established to be on the rise with the subject to avoid the recording of sales with the objective of skimming, check tampering, or the manipulation of expense reimbursements. Lying to employees is also established as unethical behavior that is regarded as the fastest way with subject losing the employees’ trust. The violation of company internet policies is also established as unethical behavior on the basis of cyberlockers and cyberslackers who are individuals surfing the web subject to the period they should be working (Cole, 2013).

The organization has the mandate to minimize the above ethical misconduct by having leadership that condemns unethical behavior via discouraging imitative behavior, consequently reducing the risks associated with the promotion of unethical behavior. The organizational characteristics that enhance the hindrance of ethical development entail the inclusion of organizational structure, job characteristics, organizational climate, and supervision style. Thus, to minimize such the leadership should establish a clear vision and mission regarding ethical behavior in an organization and enhance the activities that enhance ethical behavior within an organization (Giacalone & Promislo, 2014).

Question 2

Businesses across the globe have significantly evolved over the decades. The evolution of businesses globally in the current century has been enormous, but with consideration to the ethical concept regarding the current business practices, we can establish the fact that the ethical concept has drastically gone up in the past decades. Business ethics has been established as the moral principles enhancing the guidance of operations with subject to business. The concept of business ethics experienced a transition phase between the 1970s-1980s subject to the shifting of philosophy from pure authoritarianism with regards to moving towards greater collaboration. Regardless of the fact that laws regarding the aspect of business ethics have been established, it significantly depends on the leadership of a business in the establishment of a code of ethics between businesses (Cole, 2013).

Among the fundamental reasons with subject to concluding that there has been a drastic positive upsurge of the ethical concept in businesses is the fact that the maintenance of consumer privacy has been among the most significant considerations in the recent past subject to the mining of information by companies with subject to useful marketing data. Ethics has been established to have undergone drastic changes subject to the reflection of changing societal needs. For instance, after decades of moral and economic debate shifting with subject to the western society was experienced subject to the slow elimination of slavery with regards to the mainstream subject to the economic equation. Thus, over the past decades, the aspect of business changes has undergone considerable changes, and it has been evident that the values and attitudes have also undergone changes (Giacalone & Promislo, 2014).

Question 3

I would describe the financial meltdown of 2007-2008 as being the failure by the people, which was considerably hampered with subject to the capital market processes alongside the economy. Thus, the common description term with subject to such a crisis is established as being Subprime crises. The occurrence of these crises is established to be during the 2003-2004 booms in the United States housing. During this particular period, the banks’ lending capacity considerably increased, which consequently increased the borrowing capacity of individuals. Post that particular period during the 2007-2008 periods; there was a reversal of things whereby there was a gradual slow of repayments, which eventually ended up stopping. This period’s resulting effect was losses being experienced in balance sheets of the banks, consequently establishing a gradual crisis. Therefore, the fundamental reason that resulted in the 2007-2008 crises can be attributed to the increase in mortgages that consequently translated to lesser payments that significantly resulted in banks panicking; that was the fundamental reason for the losses that were experienced in the balance sheets  (Eecke, 2013).

Question 4

The concept of diversity can best be described as the condition regarding the composition of different elements, particularly with regards to the inclusion of different individuals with subject to individuals from different cultures and races with subject to a group or an organization. In the near future, the organizations that would have an understanding of the management of diversity in workplaces are established to be holding a distinct advantage with regards to requirement and talent hiring. Thus, for every single organization seeking the cultivation of a more inclusive and diverse workplace, they are mandated with the task of understanding the constitutes of the concept of workplace diversity. The concept of workplace diversity can best be described as a variety of differences with regard to individuals within an organization. Thus, the concept of diversity doesn’t only entail the inclusion of the peoples’ identity but also others’ perceptions. The aspect of discrimination has the possibility of occurring in a workplace with subject to colleagues, employee and third-party, and employer and employee. This is generally based on the unfair treatment of an individual with regards to the class or category they belong in or their origin rather than on the basis of their individual merit. These are important ethical considerations with subject to business leaders on the basis that enhancing workforce diversity will enhance a strong positive organizational culture without discrimination that would consequently translate to the success of the organization  (Triana, 2017).

The miss management of these two ethical considerations might be detrimental with subject to the success of the business. This is based on the fact that the lack of diversity with subject to a certain workplace has the possibility of creating an intentional hostile environment subject to contributing to a higher turnover. Discrimination consequently has a negative impact on organizations whereby in a situation whereby employees have a feeling of not fitting in, they are much more likely not to stick around. I would explain the importance of these two ethical considerations through establishing an organizational culture that promotes workforce diversity while discouraging discrimination through training and education  (Bell, 2011).

Question 5

Yes, I can ascertain that company-sponsored volunteer programs and corporate outreach are the best ideas to be implemented by organizations. This is on the basis of the fact that the company-sponsored volunteering programs don’t only benefit the employee but rather the organization as a whole. The volunteer programs translate to advantages in the organization through improved collaboration by enhancing collaboration between team members. Collaboration is established not to happen by accident, and that’s the reason whereby the volunteer opportunities are established as great approaches with regards to strengthening trust that consequently translates to improved collaboration. Additionally, the volunteer programs lead to increased self-awareness with regard to employees of an organization. On the other hand, cooperate outreach enhances the improvement of the corporate social responsibility of an organization, which is established as an ethical responsibility of an organization in being socially responsible. I would choose to implement these two concepts on the basis of the benefits that both the two concepts would have in my organization, for instance, building both employee and customer trust, improvement in communication, promotion of revenue, and establishing a strong organizational culture that is established on ethical conduct and principles  (Jackson, Ones, & Dilchert, 2012).


Bell, M. P. (2011). Diversity in organizations. Cengage Learning.

Cole, A. (2013). The Apple organization: Unethical behaviors. GRIN Verlag.

Dipboye, R. L., & Colella, A. (2013). Discrimination at work: The psychological and organizational bases. Psychology Press.

Eecke, W. V. (2013). Ethical reflections on the financial crisis 2007/2008: Making use of Smith, Musgrave, and Rajan. Springer Science & Business Media.

Giacalone, R. A., & Promislo, M. D. (2014). Handbook of unethical work behavior: Implications for individual well-being: Implications for individual well-being. Routledge.

Jackson, S. E., Ones, D. S., & Dilchert, S. (2012). Managing human resources for environmental sustainability. John Wiley & Sons.

Triana, M. (2017). Managing diversity in organizations: A global perspective. Taylor & Francis.

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