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Web-page access to cloud storage

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Cloud-based data storage solution

Cloud-based data storage is a computer model data storage in which digital data is stored in a logical pool, which can also be on the cloud


This physical storage serves multiple servers in many other locations, but it might be managed and owned by a hosting company. The storage of data is done on the internet through the cloud computing provider, which is operating and managing it. The systems can be purchased by a hosting company willing to rent it out to other organizations. For organizations to use the same cloud-based data storage, they do not necessarily have to be in the same area. This because the systems allow access to form a distance. In cloud storage, data is no longer stored in the local drive but preferably in the cloud, and files are available on various devices (Ghiria, 2019).

Amazon cloud drop box is an example of cloud storage that creates and edits documents right in the browser as no software is required. This can serve as many people as possible, and changes are saved automatically. This is also an online service provider that can give users disk space to store movies, videos, and music. This allows people to upload photos, create video albums and music playlists. This can be considered as a cloud storage service provider because of the ability to give people space for the storage of entertainment staff. Many people benefit from this because they have a common platform to store their information rather than each organization purchasing their systems (Vengurlekar & Bagal, 2013).

Cloud-based storage have been saving most organizations buying cost and the cost of using the system is shared between organizations which are having access to it. It will also be easier to secure this system from threat agents because the cost for security can be shared to offer the best security service for the system. Organizations prefer hiring rather than buying these systems because they might not be well utilized when they are keeping small amounts of data for a single organization. Dropbox is one of the best cloud storage facility which has provided organizations with a safer and cheaper system for storing their documents (Ghiria, 2019).



Ghiria, C. S. (2019). Ca inter EIS-Sm MCQ book. Saket Ghiria Classes.

Vengurlekar, N., & Bagal, P. (2013). Database cloud storage: The essential guide to oracle automatic storage management. McGraw Hill Professional.

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