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The Need for A Support Group for Grief Relief.

Grief and the pain associated to it brings about agony ad intense sorrow that can lead to depression and distress if it is not managed well. Although a lot of people would say grief ends after sometime, a well planned sessions of support groups are necessary to reduce the time template of sustaining grief and living with it.


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Principles Related To Grief

Group members are encouraged to identify some of the principles that relate significantly with grief and how they can be used t sort out issues in relation to grief especially for cancer patients.

The groups should use the identified principles and use them to help in the grief process for families that lost their loved ones from cancer.

The group members should look and use the identified principles related to grief to establish a phenomenon which the same principles can be used to solve the underlying grief suffered.

Also, the principles would be used by the group members shift the way they handle each member who is experiencing grief out of loss.

Examples of grief principles needed for support work include:




The main way to understand and help others out of grief is acknowledging the principles related to grief. This implies identifying what is causing the grief and the trend that can be used to end it in a better way. These principles include; the ventilation process, principle of empathy , and the re-integration principle.

Cont; Grief support Principles
Ventilation- this is support principles that requires the group to allow the people suffering from grief and loss to communicate and talk anything they want to talk about. The support group need only to listen to the stories and their grievances.
Empathy- this principles requires that the support group shows some emotional concerns to the person suffering from grief and loss. A person going through grief may experience two parts of the coin. One part that accepts that the loss has happened and the other part that still cries out. the group support members must ensure they do not take sides at all.
Re-integration-this principle of support work requires that the support group encourages the individual to reconcile with the act that the loss has happened and they should accept and live with that specific idea.

It is how the support groups takes on every stage of grief support principles that would matter how an individual would manage the loss and the grief fourth hand.

Structures and Functionality of Support Group

Just like any other organization, the structure of the support group would be identified with its leaders.
A group structure should be similar to any given professional organizational structure .
Group Facilitator

The structure of the group entails identifying people who can facilitate the action of the group, a coordinator who will coordinate all the functions, and the recruiter who will invite members into the support group. The structure of the group will function as any other structiure of an organization.

Cont: Functions of A Support Group
Processing the event stories that lead to the loss or grief
Access the relationship story between the person grieving and the person or thing, or animal they have lost.
It is the function of the group to help the grieving person distinguish between grief and trauma.
The support group must ensure that they lead the person to a process of healing and acceptance.
They are the first in line to facilitate the recruitment process of members.

Cultural Diversity In Formation of Support Group
The group is diversified in three different ways.
The four identified diversity provides sufficient empirical support to a grieving person no matter what group they stand out.

Diversity is a requirement during the formation of a support group. This enables that whoever comes out for counseling to feel at home with anyone who will be having a session with them. Culture is a crucial part in diversity because cultural identification gives meaning when one is grieving.

Process of Engaging the Group Members
Groups members would be engaged according to their age
Also, the group members would be engaged according to the history they have about solving grief and loss.
I will engage the group according to the experience and professionalism levels they possess.
The engagement would consider the race, culture, and sex or nationality of the group members.

Assessment of Functioning and Dynamics of the support Group
Assessment of the tolerance level of the members; how they can tolerate the pain of others.
Assessment the behavioral patterns of the group members.
Assess the structure of the group to give particular dynamism when established.
Assess the flexibility of the group because functions and dynamism may change time and time again.

Group dynamism deal with different facet of peoples’ lives which require one to identify the unique factors posses by a group. For instance, the attitudes and behavioral patterns of group members help influence the functionality of the support group.

Interventions and Recommended Resources
It is good intervene to grieving process by recommending a psychiatrist if the problem persist.
Recommend an intervention of vigorous body excises to help the person forget about the pain.
Look at photos to build on the memories the two people spent.
Resources include

Barnard, A. (2019). Grief counselling and grief therapy: A handbook for the mental health practitioner, J. William Worden. The British Journal of Social Work.
Deetjen, U., & Powell, J. A. (2016). Informational and emotional elements in online support groups: A Bayesian approach to large-scale content analysis. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 23(3), 508-513.
Dyregrov, K., Dyregrov, A., & Johnsen, I. (2013). Participants’ recommendations for the ideal grief Group: A qualitative study. OMEGA – Journal of Death and Dying, 67(4), 363-377.
Johnsen, I., Dyregrov, A., & Dyregrov, K. (2012). Participants with prolonged grief—How do they benefit from grief group participation? OMEGA – Journal of Death and Dying, 65(2), 87-105.
Training for grief counseling. (2018). Grief Counseling and Grief Therapy.

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