Annotated text due 3/20/20 7 p.m.

min of 5 paragraphs 

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Graphic Organizer#1

What is King’s argument in “Letter from Birmingham Jail” and “Beyond Vietnam—A Time to Break Silence?” 

In your thesis statement, you will indicate that “Martin Luter King, Jr. uses __pathos_____, ___ethos___, and ___logos__ to strengthen his argument that ___________ in his speeches _________ and __________. 

Type King’s argument below:

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What rhetorical element does King first utilize to strengthen his argument? 

(1. consider reasoning: moral, social, religious, political, or logical reasoning; 2. Consider types of evidence: examples, statistics, or historical facts as evidence; 3. Consider language choices: analogies, allusions, personification, metaphors, calls-to-action, loaded words, or parallelism as persuasive language/rhetorical devices.) 

This will serve as the first of three subpoints in your thesis statement and a topic for your first body paragraph.

Type a topic sentence introducing the first rhetorical method or device below:

Provide evidence of the first rhetorical element from both texts.

“ as you such to explain to your six years old daughter why she can’t go to the public amusement park that has just been advertised on television and see fears welling up in the eyes when she is told Funtown is closed to colored children” 3rd page.

“We were taking the black young men who had been drippled by our society and sending them eight thousand miles away to guarantee liberties in Southeast Asia which they had not found in Southwest Georgia and East Harlem”. 2nd paragraph

]\Explain the textual evidence from both texts.

This personal expert on Dr. King helps the audience to sue “more” in-depth how Black people are affected by Certain Situations.

Explain how the first rhetorical element will impact the audience and improve the effectiveness of King’s argument.

The element (pathos) helps the audience to emotionally connect to Dr. King’s perspective. He is trying to represent. Many Black people’s points of view to the masses to help support. This is why he uses so many experiences of people he knew and his own personal experiences.

Graphic Organizer#2

The argument does not change.

What second rhetorical element does King utilize to strengthen his argument? 

(1. consider reasoning: moral, social, religious, political, or logical reasoning; 2. Consider types of evidence: examples, statistics, or historical facts as evidence; 3. Consider language choices: analogies, allusions, personification, metaphors, calls-to-action, loaded words, or parallelism as persuasive language/rhetorical devices.) 

This will serve as the second of three subpoints in your thesis statement and a topic for your second body paragraph.

Type a topic sentence introducing the second rhetorical method or device below:

Provide evidence of the second rhetorical element from both texts.

“My next reason moves to an even deeper level of awareness, for it grows out of my experience in the ghettoes of the North over the last three years- especially the last three summers. As I have walked among the desperate, rejected, and angry young, men, I have told them that Molotov cocktails and rifles would not solve their problems.” 3rd paragraph

“In 1957 when a group of us formed the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, we chose as our motto: “To save the soul of America”. 4th paragraph

Explain the textual evidence from both texts.

This personal expert on Dr. King helps the audience to really understand what happened during this time period when Dr. King was trying to change the world for the better.

Explain how the second rhetorical element will impact the audience and improve the effectiveness of King’s argument.

The element (logos) helps the audience really understand and believe Dr. King and also understand his perspective. Dr. King is trying to connect to the audience on a deeper level. This is why he uses his own stories with the dates and times so they really know what happens during his time.

Graphic Organizer#3

The argument does not change.

What third/final rhetorical element does King utilize to strengthen his argument? 

(1. consider reasoning: moral, social, religious, political, or logical reasoning; 2. Consider types of evidence: examples, statistics, or historical facts as evidence; 3. Consider language choices: analogies, allusions, personification, metaphors, calls-to-action, loaded words, or parallelism as persuasive language/rhetorical devices.) 

This will serve as one of three subpoints in your thesis statement and a topic for your third body paragraph.

Type a topic sentence introducing the third and final rhetorical method or device below:

Provide evidence of the third rhetorical element from both texts.

“It seemed as if there was a real promise of hope for the poor- both black and white- through the poverty program.” 1st paragraph

“Perhaps a more tragic recognition of reality took place when it became clear to me that the war was doing far more than devastating the hopes of the poor at home.” 2nd paragraph.

Explain the textual evidence from both texts.

This personal expert on Dr. King helps the audience to really know if what King is saying is really true.

Explain how the third rhetorical element will impact the audience and improve the effectiveness of King’s argument.

The element (Ethos) helps the audience to really know or not if what Dr. King is saying is really right. King is trying to really connect with the audience.

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