Anatomy Worksheet

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ANATOMY biology

BIOL 102 Worksheet 2- Week 3

Chapters 4, 5, 7, 8, and 9. Work submitted should include the question number, the question and your original answer. If you include a quote from another source as part of an answer it should also include proper citation AND be followed with an explanation of the answer in your own words. All work must in your own words for grading.

40 points total.
1. For the following epithelial tissues, in your own words describe where each can be found in the body and the functions of each in those locations: (4 points)
a. Simple squamous
b. Stratified squamous
c. Simple cuboidal
d. Simple columnar
2. Pick one specific type of fibrous connective tissue, bone tissue or cartilage tissue and describe the structure, function and where in the body it can be found in your own words. (2 points)

3. In the above image of skin, identify all the labeled structures and layers. (2 points)
4. Explain in your own words what immunosuppressive drugs are and when/why you would use them (2 points).

5. In the above image of the digestive system, identify all the numbered organs. (2 points)

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6. In the above image of the endocrine system, identify all the numbered organs. (2 points)
7. List all the structures and functions of the skeletal system. In your own words which function do you think is the most important and why? (3 points).
8. List all the structures and functions of the cardiovascular system. In your own words which function do you think is the most important and why? (3 points)
9. Describe/explain in your own words one specific example of how two or more body systems work together to maintain overall homeostasis (2 points).
10. Discuss in your own words how skin color changes can be a sign of disease/disorder. Explain at least one specific example (2 points)
11. There are four major types of bones. List each category and give a specific example (name of a specific bone) for each. (2 points)
12. Explain in your own words the structure and function of the epiphyseal plate. (2 points)
13. Explain in your own words the functions of fontanels. (2 points)
14. In your own words explain why abnormalities of the spinal column bad for overall homeostasis? Give at least one detailed example.(2 points)
15. Discuss some of the positive results of exercise on skeletal muscle in your own words. (2 points)
16. How does the angle between the two bones differ in flexion and extension? (2 points)
17. In your own words, explain what the difference is between a muscle sprain and a muscle strain? (2 points)
18. In your own words explain how muscle contraction and relaxation effect internal temperature? (2 points)

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