Anatomy And Physiology Labs ||

Use this worksheet to document the results of your experiment.  Be sure to answer all questions using RED text and insert any required photos within this document before submitting the assignment in the upload area.

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0 Blood and the Heart BIO



Student Name:

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Access Code (located on the lid of your lab kit):

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Pre-Lab Questions:

“1. Research the process of erythropoiesis, and explain the role erythropoietin plays. Why is this a popular “doping” drug for athletes? “

Click here to enter text.

“2. How would the hemoglobin content differ in a person living in Philadelphia (Elevation:



feet) compared to someone living in Denver (Elevation:




0 feet)? Why? “

Click here to enter text.

Experiment 1: Heart Valves and Pumps Table 2: Experimental Observations

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Observations (with valve) and mL H2O Displaced?

Observations (without valve) and mL H2O Displaced?

Post-Lab Questions

“1. What happened when you pressed on the balloon stretched over the jar? What does this result represent? “

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“2. What structure in this experiment mimics a heart valve? “

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“3. How did the valve influence the experimental results? If possible, indicate the difference (in mL) in water displaced with the valve versus without the valve. Does the valve enhance the water flow, and why? “

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. What other organs or body systems incorporate valves? How are they used? “

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Experiment 2: Effect of Chelation Therapy on Arterial Plaque Levels

Table 3: Eggshell Observations

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Water Observations

4% EDTA Observations

8% EDTA Observations










Post-Lab Questions

“1. Describe the differences you observed between the water beaker, the 4% EDTA beaker, and the 8% EDTA beaker. “

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“2. Does the beaker without EDTA serve as a positive or negative control? How do you know?

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“3. Research and determine the composition of eggshell. State your findings below, and, indicate why this composition makes eggshell a good material for EDTA to chelate. “

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“4. EDTA is a synthetic amino acid, which the body perceives as a foreign substance. EDTA is therefore delivered to the kidneys and removed from the body in urine. Explain how this process also leads to the removal of heavy metals. “

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“5. Based on your results, do you believe chelation therapy would be an effective treatment for atherosclerosis? Support your argument with experimental evidence. “

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Experiment 3: Microscopic Anatomy of Blood

Post-Lab Questions

“1. What makes red blood cells unique, compared to other cells in the body? “

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“2. How is new blood made? “

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“3. What is the main function of platelets? “

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“4. Describe how the body stops bleeding. “

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“5. Sickle cells are named so because of their characteristic shape. What problems can this shape cause? “

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“6. Explain how the absence of a nucleus affects a red blood cell’s life span. “

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Experiment 4: Blood Typing Experiment

Table 4: Blood Typing Results

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A (Blood Sample A)

B (Blood Sample B)

C (Blood Sample C)

1 (Anti-A Serum)

2 (Anti-B Serum)

3 (Anti-Rh Serum)

Blood Type:

Post-Lab Questions

“1. What determines blood type? “

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“2. What type of blood antigens are expressed if a person is blood type AB negative? “

Click here to enter text.

“3. Why doesn’t a transfusion reaction occur the first time an Rh negative patient is exposed to Rh positive blood? “
Click here to enter text.

Experiment 5: Virtual Model – The Heart Coloring Activity

Insert screenshot of the myocardium:

Insert screenshot of the mitral valve:

Post-Lab Questions

1. What component of the heart separates the left and right ventricles?

Click here to enter text.

Which is more superior: the arch of the aorta or the atrioventricular septum?

Click here to enter text.

What component of the heart prevents the flow of the blood from the right ventricle to the right atrium?

Click here to enter text.

Experiment 6: Sheep Heart Dissection

“Insert photo of dissected sheep heart showing at least one atrioventricular valve with your name and access code handwritten clearly in the background: “

Post-Lab Questions

1. What surprised you about the anatomy of the sheep’s heart?

Click here to enter text.

Research diseases of the heart valves. How might a valvular insufficiency affect heart function? How would valvular stenosis (tightening or less ability to open easily) affect heart function?

Click here to enter text.

Lab12 The Lymphatic System BIO202L

Student Name:

Click here to enter text.

Access Code (located on the lid of your lab kit): Click here to enter text.

Pre-Lab Questions:

”1. In what areas are lymph nodes clustered? Why is this desirable?”

Click here to enter text.

”2. Explain how the flow of lymph is controlled through lymphatic vessels. ”

Click here to enter text.

Experiment 1: Examining the Microscopic Anatomy of Lymphatic System

Post-Lab Questions

”1. Label the items in the following slide pictures based on your observations. ”

A- Click here to enter text.

B- Click here to enter text.

C- Click here to enter text.

D- Click here to enter text.

E- Click here to enter text.

F- Click here to enter text.

”2. Are there more afferent or efferent vessels attached to a lymph node? What is the functional purpose of this? ”

Click here to enter text.

”3. What structural similarities did you observe between the lymph node and spleen? ”

Click here to enter text.

Experiment 2: The Virtual Model – The Lymphatic System

Insert screenshot of the spleen:

Insert screenshot of the thoracic duct:

Insert screenshot of the axillar lymph node:

Post-Lab Questions

”1. Is the cisterna chyli or the spleen more medial to the spinal cord? ”

Click here to enter text.

”2. What is the name of the most superior lymph nodes in the head region? ”

Click here to enter text.

”3. Where are the popliteal nodes located? ”

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”4. What are the most inferior lymph nodes in the body called? ”

Click here to enter text.

”5. What component of the lymphatic system filters lymph from the upper limbs and upper external prat of the thorax?

Click here to enter text.

Experiment 3: Fetal Pig Dissection: The Lymphatic System

”Insert photo of your pig’s exposed spleen with your name and access code handwritten clearly in the background: “

Post-Lab Questions

What observations did you make regarding the lymphatic system of the fetal pig?

Click here to enter text.

Compare and contrast the vessels of the lymphatic system and the circulatory system.

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Lab11 The Circulatory System BIO202L

Student Name:

Click here to enter text.

Access Code (located on the lid of your lab kit):

Click here to enter text.

Pre-Lab Questions:

”1. Describe the pathway of blood traveling through the closed system of the circulatory system starting with the right atrium.”

Click here to enter text.

Alternatively, you may also draw a map of blood traveling through the closed circulatory system and insert it below

”2. What are the main resistance vessels of the circulatory system? How are they controlled? ”

Click here to enter text.

Experiment 1: Microscopic Examination of Blood Vessels

Post-Lab Questions

”1. Label each of the items in the following slide pictures based on your observations. ”

A- Click here to enter text.

B- Click here to enter text.

C- Click here to enter text.

D- Click here to enter text.

E- Click here to enter text.

F- Click here to enter text.

G- Click here to enter text.

”2. What differences did you observe in the structure of an artery versus the structure of a vein? ”

Click here to enter text.

”3. Explain the direction of blood flow and the type of blood (oxygenated or deoxygenated) found in each vessel in the pulmonary and systemic circuits. ”

Click hear to enter text.

Click hear to enter text.
Click hear to enter text.

Click hear to enter text.
Click hear to enter text.

Click hear to enter text.
Click hear to enter text.



State of Blood


Click hear to enter text.


Pulmonary Artery


Click hear to enter text.



Pulmonary Vein

”4. Which vessels allow diffusion of oxygen and nutrients across their cell layers? ”

Click here to enter text.

”5. List the vessels in order of ascending pressure within the circulatory system. ”

Click here to enter text.

Experiment 2: Virtual Model – The Circulatory System

Insert screenshot of the descending aorta:

Insert screenshot of the brachial veins:

Insert screenshot of the femoral artery:

Post-Lab Questions

”1. In what body region does the aorta originate? ”

Click here to enter text.

”2. What organ does the renal artery supply?”

Click here to enter text.

”3. What branch of the external carotid artery supplies the chin/jaw region with blood?

Click here to enter text.

4. Is the common iliac artery anterior or posterior to the common iliac vein?

Click here to enter text.

”5. What is the name of the artery in the pelvic region that directly feeds into the femoral artery?

Click here to enter text.

Experiment 3: Blood Pressure

Table 2: Blood Pressure and Pulse Readings

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Click here to enter text.


Blood Pressure (Systolic/Diastolic; mmHg)

Pulse (beats/minute)

Basal (Normal)

Lying Down

After Exercise

Post-Lab Questions

”1. What is systolic pressure? Diastolic pressure? ”

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”2. Why is pressure a sensible reading to measure circulatory health? ”

Click here to enter text.

”3. Explain the “lub-dub” sounds of the heartbeat. ”

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”4. Why do blood pressure and heart rate change after exercise? ”

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”5. How might the results in Table 2 change if someone else preformed the activities? Why? ”

Click here to enter text.

”6. Why is it important for blood to flow in only one direction? ”

Click here to enter text.

Experiment 4: Fetal Pig Dissection: The Circulatory System

Post-Lab Questions

”1. What is the process that is responsible for moving molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration? In what part of the circulatory system does this happen? ”

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”2. What observations did you make about the fetal pig’s circulatory system? ”

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”Insert photo of your pig’s exposed heart, aorta, and jugular vein with your name and access code handwritten clearly in the background: “

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