Analyzing A written rhetorical

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English Composition II – Week 3 Assignment

Analyzing a Written Rhetorical Text
Purpose of assignment: To analyze the rhetoric of an op-ed or argumentative piece.

Procedure: Last week, you selected an argumentative article from a well-known news source to
summarize. This week, you will write a rhetorical analysis of the same article. Your rhetorical
analysis should address the following questions (from Chapter 3 of your textbook):

• What is the main point? How does the author support this point or make it convincing?
How do these attempts to support the point further the author’s purpose?

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• What sort of character (ethos) does the author create through the text? What are all the
ways the author uses to build credibility? How do these attempts to build credibility
further the author’s purpose?

• How does the author appeal to the audience’s emotions (pathos)? What are the
emotions? How do these emotional appeals further his or her purpose?

• Does the author appeal to the reader’s logic (logos) or timeliness (kairos)? How? How do
these appeals further his or her purpose?

• What tone or style does the author use? Is the language formal or informal? What do you
notice about word choice and the arrangement of ideas? Are certain words repeated?
What effect does this tone and style create? How does it further his or her purpose?

Your analysis must adhere to the following guidelines:

1. Introduce the source by title and author early in your paper.
2. Include a brief summary of the article.
3. Include examples, quotations, and paraphrases from the article to support your points.
4. All quotations, paraphrases, and summaries must be cited in APA Style.
5. Write in third person. Do not refer to yourself in the paper.
6. Include an APA Style References page.
7. Proofread carefully so your summary contains few or no mechanical errors.

Length: 500 words.

Format: Standard essay format of introduction, body, and conclusion. Your introduction should
include a thesis statement that expresses the main point of your analysis. For an example of a
rhetorical analysis, see Chapter 3 of your textbook. Note that your essay does not have to be as
long as this example, but it should address all of the key points.

Format the assignment in APA Style: one-inch margins, page numbers at the top right, title page,
in-text citations, and a references page.

Submitting the assignment: Attach your essay as a single file Word document or file and
submit to the W3 assignment drop box.

View your assignment rubric.

9/23/20, 4:00 AM
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Running head:



Article Summary







The news article Could COVID-19 set off a wave of heart disease by Euan Ashley illustrates or attempts to find further opinions regarding if the disease is triggering a wave of heart disease. The author developed the idea from a teacher who wanted to quit her profession after the author contracted the disease.

The author states that there are various health issues in recovery from the disease, which appear common. Hence, the author is asking if there is a need to worry about many patients presenting with heart disease related to COVID-19. “So, should we be worried about millions of patients presenting with COVID- related heart disease” (Ashley, 2020)? The article says that there might be a possibility that the disease affects other parts of the body and not the lungs only. This is mostly because most patients recover fully in cases of different diseases, which is uncommon among coronavirus patients. From the article, news or headlines regarding a coming wave of heart disease originating from coronavirus may be misleading or premature, and people should continue being hopeful.


In conclusion, the article tries to argue if there is a connection between coronavirus and heart diseases. The author says that there is no confirmation of such news, and chances might be low, but there is room for further research.


Ashley, E. (2020). Op-Ed: Could COVID-19 set off a wave of heart disease?. Retrieved 19 September 2020, from

Running head:



Article Summary







The news article Could COVID-19 set off a wave of heart disease by Euan Ashley illustrates or attempts to find further opinions regarding if the disease is triggering a wave of heart disease. The author developed the idea from a teacher who wanted to quit her profession after the author contracted the disease.

The author states that there are various health issues in recovery from the disease, which appear common. Hence, the author is asking if there is a need to worry about many patients presenting with heart disease related to COVID-19. “So, should we be worried about millions of patients presenting with COVID- related heart disease” (Ashley, 2020)? The article says that there might be a possibility that the disease affects other parts of the body and not the lungs only. This is mostly because most patients recover fully in cases of different diseases, which is uncommon among coronavirus patients. From the article, news or headlines regarding a coming wave of heart disease originating from coronavirus may be misleading or premature, and people should continue being hopeful.


In conclusion, the article tries to argue if there is a connection between coronavirus and heart diseases. The author says that there is no confirmation of such news, and chances might be low, but there is room for further research.


Ashley, E. (2020). Op-Ed: Could COVID-19 set off a wave of heart disease?. Retrieved 19 September 2020, from

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