analyze a case in 500 words

Tips, structure, and rubric provided, don t use any outsources. Everything base on the case.

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For Bally Total Fitness

Question: Recommend an action that Bally Total Fitness should take to address their two biggest external threats. You may find it useful to describe Bally’s strategy.

Main idea/ recommendation clearly stated

2 pts

Appears to have a main idea/ recommendation, but it is not clearly stated.

1 pts

Needs Improvement
Has no main idea/recommendation or it takes some sort of work to find it.

3 pts

Applied systematically, and developed fully.

4 pts

Applied, but application needs more development or application could be more systematic.

2 pts

Needs Improvement
No, barely, or incorrectly applied concepts, or does not address question.

6 pts

6 pts

Case Evaluation


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This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMain Idea

3 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConcepts

6 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvidence

6 pts

Facts, exhibits, or appendices are clearly linked to applied concepts and clearly support the main idea.

4 pts

Facts, exhibits, or appendicies relate to concepts or main idea.

2 pts

Needs Improvement
Little or no evidence is used to support concepts and main idea or evidence used does not support idea.

Total Points: 15

Case Tips

Bally Total Fitness

Just did:

External and internal analysis

Stick to case facts & time periods•Cite case facts with “(Case)” or page number if available.

Bally Total Fitness Question
Recommend an action that Bally Total Fitness should take to address their two biggest external threats. You may find it useful to describe Bally’s strategy.
Economic Climate
Technical Change
Legal/Political Conditions
Demographic Trends
Cultural Trends
Specific International Events
Focal Firm

Things to Chew Over
Why is Bally Total Fitness successful? How would you describe their strategy?
Classify “threats” from the case into different concept buckets
E.g. rivalry, substitute products, suppliers, cultural trends, demographic trends
As you read assess all the threats, and then select the two most significant
Ok to show why some potentially relevant threats aren’t that big.
See discussion of implications of external concepts to connect threats to your recommendation.

Still stuck? A structure to start you off.
Paragraph 1
State your recommended action & biggest threats.
Briefly describe Bally’s strategy (based on facts from the case): what is their theory of gaining/sustaining advantage?
Paragraph 2
Threat #1
Describe use the facts of the case and concepts to argue that this threat is important.
Describe how the threat contradicts Bally’s strategy? (which would then make them less likely to gain and sustain a competitive advantage)
Explain how your recommendation would help.
Paragraph 3
Threat #2

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