An integrative case analysis

An integrative case analysis

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Anintegrative case analysis which applies pertinent course concepts and theories to illustrate actual organizational issues

1. The final integrative case analysis should be typed, double-spaced, use MLA format, and a minimum of ten (10) pages and maximum of fifteen (15) pages.

· The First page should be an Executive Summary which outlines the observations of the organization. The following sections should address these topics (use the rule of 3 theories for each concept):


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· Mintzberg Five Basic Parts of the Organization

· Type of Organization – vertical, horizontal, etc.

· Organizational Chart


· Interpersonal Dynamics

· Group Dynamics


· Power, Conflict, & Coalition

· The Manager as Politician

· Organizations a Political Arenas and Political Agents

· “Coalition building, internal and external influences”


· Organizational Culture and Symbols

· “the way we do things around here”

· The Last Page should summarize the organization case analysis identifying three (3) key concepts

· Your Opinion regarding success of company and/or recommendations for improvement

· Works Cited Page

Grammar and style. Papers must be written in proper English. Avoid colloquialisms, slang, contractions, sexist language, etc. Good grammar and appropriate style are essential; papers using poor grammar and style will lose points. Write in a narrative style; third person probably will be best, but use “I” when you refer to your thoughts, interpretations, observations, opinions, etc.

Use appropriate transitions so that your narrative “flows” smoothly from one idea to the next. Clear, short sentences are always better than long, convoluted ones.

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