An analysis of Costco’s financial statement

1. Present a recent (2020, 2019, 2018) three-year high-level summary of the COSTCO’s income statement, the balance sheet, and the statement of cash flows for the last three fiscal years. Do not include the full financial statements in the body of your paper. Discuss the key results over the last three years. Please get inside the numbers and provide in-depth explanations of the:

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i. Income Statement – Numbers and a brief comment about the activity

ii. Balance Sheet – Numbers and a brief comment about the activity

iii. Statement of Cash Flows – Numbers and a brief comment about the activity

2. Perform a key ratio analysis from the most recent year to explain what caused the improvement or weakening of the ratios. Create five summary schedules, one for each ratio category, presenting four to five ratios for each category.

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i. Liquidity (Solvency) ratios

ii. Efficiency ratios

iii. Debt ratios

iv. Profitability ratios

v. Market value ratios

The analysis should not be a list of ratios and it needs to include comments that only say that the ratio increased or decreased. It should try to highlight why the trends are what they are – your analysis should get inside the numbers. Do not define the ratios.





08/30/2020 09/01/2019 09/02/2018 09/03/2017 08/28/2016


08/30/2020 09/01/2019 09/02/2018 09/03/2017 08/28/2016



0.45 0.51

08/30/2020 09/01/2019 09/02/2018 09/03/2017 08/28/2016





08/30/2020 09/01/2019 09/02/2018 09/03/2017 08/28/2016

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Costco Wholesale Corp (NMS: COST)
Exchange rate used is that of the Year End reported date
Profitability Ratios 08/30/2020 09/01/2019 09/02/2018 09/03/2017 08/28/2016
ROA % (Net) 7.95 8.51 8.14 7.5 7.08
ROE % (Net) 23.94 26.17 26.66 23.06 20.77
ROI % (Operating) 22.73 22.97 24.47 23.

33 21.66
EBITDA Margin % 4.2 4.1 4.24 4.17
Calculated Tax Rate % 24.37 22.27 28.43 32.81 34.35
Revenue per Employee 612524 602845 579449 549517 546079
Liquidity Ratios
Quick Ratio 0.6 0.47 0.45 0.41 0.38
Current Ratio 1.13 1.01 1.02 0.99 0.98
Net Current Assets % TA 5.9 0.55 0.89 -1.08
Debt Management
LT Debt to Equity 0.34 0.51 0.61
Total Debt to Equity 0.42 0.62 0.43
Interest Coverage 72.47 73.44 61.36 45.33
Asset Management / Efficiency Ratios
Total Asset Turnover 3.31 3.55 3.68 3.65 3.57
Receivables Turnover 108.41 95.58 91.56 94.59 96.16
Inventory Turnover 12.26 11.8 11.9 11.51
Accounts Payable Turnover 12.94 13.36 13.62 14.74 14.32
Accrued Expenses Turnover 35.75 36.43 36.8 30.52
Property Plant & Equip Turnover 7.83 7.55 7.21 7.34
Cash & Equivalents Turnover 16.19 21.21 26.78 32.03 29.11
Per Share / Market value ratios
Cash Flow per Share 20.09 14.49 13.2 15.09 7.53
Book Value per Share 41.44 34.67 29.21 24.65 27.61

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