Amanda Smith

Discussion: Leadership Perspectives: Transactional and Transformational

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Although often difficult to define, leadership presents a pivotal aspect in any organization. Over the course of history, various leaders have embodied characteristics and qualities that have proved effective and ineffective within various situations. For example, a health director of a small clinic might exhibit a different leadership perspective than a director of staff for an intensive care unit at a large hospital. Though characteristics and qualities may vary among leaders, their primary goals for followers and organizations may be similar. Understanding the most appropriate leadership perspective may impact your future leadership perspective in the field of health care administration.

For this Discussion, reflect on your understanding of the theories in relation to various situations. Additionally, consider how these theories relate to previous leadership perspectives of Trait Theory, Skills Approach, and behavioral perspective covered in this course.


Post an explanation of how transformational leadership and transactional leadership relate to Trait Theory, Skills Approach, and behavior perspective. Then, explain under what circumstances a transformational leadership might be preferred and under what circumstances a transactional leadership might be preferred for the practice of health care administration. Provide an example and justify your response.

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