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Review the advantages of database management systems in the Connolly textbook. Which two advantages do you think are the most important? Why? Give an example of a database or application you use that demonstrates those advantages.

A web search for relevant articles and information could be employed to further assist you in your response.

Check the attached PDF file for the list of advantages

300 Words Minimum

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The OSI Model and TCP/IP

The Reference Model is a conceptual framework for understanding how computers communicate. The OSI model defines seven different layers of communication rules. Each layer of the OSI model has its own means of communication or protocol. The OSI model is used as a reference when explaining how data passed over the network moves through each layer. Each of the seven layers has specific responsibilities and logically interfaces to the layer above or below it. Each layer in the OSI model provides a different service needed for communication across an IP network and physical media. The top three layers often are called the “upper layers” since they deal primarily with application data. The lower layers deal primarily with getting packets to their destination. Many refer to these layers as infrastructure.


For this discussion, compare and contrast two layers of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Reference Model, including the protocols that run on each layer.

What was the reason that IPv6 was introduced? Why do you think many organizations are not upgrading their network solely to IPv6 and run that protocol instead of running IPv4?

What is the purpose of subnetting when using IPv4 addressing? What role does subnet mask play in subnetting of IPv4?

300 Words Minimum

Networking Concepts: OSI Model and TCP/IP Protocols

Answer the following questions:

· Map the layers of the TCP/IP model to the OSI model

· Each layer of OSI has a body/group that is responsible for the standards, please name them

· Describe the progression through the OSI model of the following:

· A web browser request and connection to

· An email being sent from Outlook on a Windows machine from your email account to

· Submit these assignments as a single Word document

500 Words Minimum

Password Management

Answer the following:

· What is the difference between a Windows Authentication and a SQL Server Authentication?

· How does SQL Server perform authentication when a user connects from a nontrusted connection with a specified logon name and password?

· Why is it not advisable to enable the SA account in SQL Server?

300 words minimum

Password Management

Describe the steps involved in modifying the default password policy in Oracle?

300 Words Minimum

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