Advanced Strategic Management Assignment

 Responses to each question should fully answer and explore the question, and should be supported with scholarly research from your textbook and also often from outside internet sources, excluding wiki sources. Remember that well-written responses do not need to be excessively wordy. Price is FIRM!    

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Responses to each question should fully answer and explore the question, may be less than or around 250- 300 words each, and should be supported with scholarly research from your textbook and also often from outside internet sources, excluding wiki sources. Remember that well-written responses do not need to be excessively wordy.

Book: Pearce, J. A., & Robinson, R. B. (2015). Strategic Management (14th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. (ISBN: 9780077862510)

1. Discuss in scholarly detail how strategic analysis at the corporate level differs from strategic analysis at the business unit level.  How are they related?      

2. Discuss in scholarly detail, “When would multibusiness companies find the portfolio approach to strategic analysis and choice useful?”

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3. Discuss in scholarly detail what “patching” refer to? Describe and illustrate two rules that might guide managers to build value in their businesses

4. What are key concerns functional tactics must address in marketing? Finance? POM? Personnel? Discuss in detail.

5. How can policies control decisions while defining allowable discretion in which operating personnel can execute business strategies? Describe several ways in scholarly detail.

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