Advanced Industrial Hygiene

The two basic types of ventilation systems that are used as engineering controls are general dilution ventilation and local exhaust ventilation. What is one example of a time where you have seen general dilution ventilation systems used? As you respond to your classmates’ posts, explain why you think it was used over the local exhaust ventilation system.

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In my previous place of employmen, Thermofisher, I was exposed to the general dilution ventilation system.  At Thermofisher they produce product for the biotechnology field, such as reagents for COVID 19, and many other products that their clients suggest.  In this setting they strive to have the cleanest environment to make the specific produces and there is a stringent no contamination protoco, so to achieve this the entire building is a general dilution system to constantly filter everything.  In the production rooms there is an enterance and an exit, you must follow struck protocol when suiting up to enter the work site as to not contaminate the product.  Some rooms have their own general dilution system in them, so as the employees are filling container with liquids or powder the environment remains sterile.  

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