Advanced Ergonomics

This assignment is designed to provide an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of the ergonomic assessment process. Specifically, you will be conducting an ergonomic assessment of a videotaped task and identifying opportunities to improve the task using the concepts presented in your Unit III–VII Lessons. 

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to access the video. Please note that this video contains audio. 

You are required to develop a three-page written report, which must include each of the following elements:

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  1. A task description must address the work environment, work layout, tools, and equipment.
  2. Include identification of musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) risk factors (you must include at least three risk factors) with a brief description of the risk factors, and use one of the evaluation tools (e.g., rapid upper limb assessment [RULA], rapid entire body assessment [REBA], checklist, National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health [NIOSH] lift equation) presented in your Unit VII Lesson to evaluate the task. A copy of your completed assessment tool must be included with your report. 
  3. Provide the potential for an MSD injury (quantification of risk). Note that, the exact weight of the logs and the total amount of time devoted to complete the task are unknown. If you have a need to use any information not provided, please make arbitrary choices, and provide the reason why this information might be important for the risk’s assessment.
  4. A brief discussion of potential MSD injuries that could result from exposure to the risk factors must be included.
  5. Recommendations for controlling the risk factors associated with the task using the hierarchy of controls. You must include at least one of each of the controls—engineering control, administrative control, and personal protective equipment (PPE).

You are encouraged to revisit the unit lesson for explanations of the tools, and below are copies of the tools and checklists. You may use one of the provided checklists or research your own. You must include the completed tool within an appendix. 

Lifting/Lowering Tasks

  • Click here to access the Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act (WISHA) Lifting Equation. 
  • Click here to access the NIOSH Lifting Equation.

Upper Body Posture

  • Click here to access the Rapid Upper Limb Assessment tool. 

Entire Body Posture

  • Click here to access the Rapid Entire Body Assessment tool. 
  • Click here to access the Body Map Questionnaire. 
  • Click here to access the WISHA Caution Zone Checklist. 
  • Click here to access the WISHA Hazard Zone Checklist.

Pushing/Pulling: Snook Tables

  • Click here to access the Snook tables. 

Hand-Arm Vibration

  • Click here to access the Hand-Arm Vibration Calculator. 

Your completed project must include a minimum of two outside sources, one of which must be from the CSU Online Library. The three-page written report length requirement excludes the title and references pages. You must also include your completed assessment tool in an appendix section of your report. You may also include graphics to illustrate your design recommendations.

  • Acknowledgements
  • Foreword
  • Table of Contents
  • List of Figures
  • List of Tables
  • Introduction
  • 1. The Revised Lifting Equation
  • 1.1 Definition of Terms
    1.2 Lifting Task Limitations
    1.3 The Equation and its Function
    1.4 The Lifting Index

  • 2. Procedures for Analyzing Lifting Jobs
  • 2.1 Options
    2.2 Collect Data (Step 1)
    2.3 Single-Task Assessment (Step 2)
    2.4 Multi-Task Procedure

  • 3. Example Problems
  • 3.1 How to Use the Example Problems
    3.2 Jobs Performed a Few Times Per Shift
    3.3 Single Task, Performed Repetitively
    3.4 Repetitive Multi-Task, Short-Duration
    3.5 Repetitive Multi-Task, Long Duration

  • Glossary
  • References
  • Appendix I

RULA Employee Assessment Worksheet

Original Worksheet Developed by Dr. Alan Hedge. Based on RULA: a survey method for the investigation of work-related upper limb disorders, McAtamney & Corlett, Applied Ergonomics 1993, 24(2), 91-99

A. Arm and Wrist Analysis

Step 1: Locate Upper Arm Position:

Step 1a: Adjust…
If shoulder is raised: +1
If upper arm is abducted: +1
If arm is supported or person is leaning: -1

Step 2: Locate Lower Arm Position:

Step 2a: Adjust…
If either arm is working across midline or out to side of body:

Add +1

Step 3: Locate Wrist Position:

Step 3a: Adjust…
If wrist is bent from midline: Add +1

Step 4: Wrist Twist:
If wrist is twisted in mid-range: +1
If wrist is at or near end of range: +2

Step 5: Look-up Posture Score in Table A:
Using values from steps 1-4 above, locate score in
Table A

Step 6: Add

Muscle Use Score

If posture mainly static (i.e. held>10 minutes),
Or if action repeated occurs 4X per minute: +1

Step 7: Add Force/Load Score
If load < .4.4 lbs. (intermittent): +0 If load 4.4 to 22 lbs. (intermittent): +1 If load 4.4 to 22 lbs. (static or repeated): +2 If more than 22 lbs. or repeated or shocks: +3

Step 8: Find Row in Table C
Add values from steps 5-7 to obtain
Wrist and Arm Score. Find row in Table C.

B. Neck, Trunk and Leg Analysis

Step 9: Locate Neck Position:

Step 9a: Adjust…
If neck is twisted: +1
If neck is side bending: +1

Step 10: Locate Trunk Position:

Step 10a: Adjust…
If trunk is twisted: +1
If trunk is side bending: +1

Step 11: Legs:
If legs and feet are supported: +1
If not: +2

Step 12: Look-up Posture Score in Table B:
Using values from steps 9-11 above,
locate score in Table B

Step 13: Add Muscle Use Score
If posture mainly static (i.e. held>10 minutes),
Or if action repeated occurs 4X per minute: +1

Step 14: Add Force/Load Score
If load < .4.4 lbs. (intermittent): +0 If load 4.4 to 22 lbs. (intermittent): +1 If load 4.4 to 22 lbs. (static or repeated): +2 If more than 22 lbs. or repeated or shocks: +3

Step 15: Find Column in Table C
Add values from steps 12-14 to obtain
Neck, Trunk and Leg Score. Find Column in Table C.

Upper Arm Score

Lower Arm Score

Wrist ScoreWrist Twist Score

Posture Score A

Muscle Use Score

Force / Load Score

Wrist & Arm Score

Neck Score

Trunk Score

Leg Score

Posture B Score

Muscle Use Score
Force / Load Score

Neck, Trunk, Leg Score





+Scoring: (final score from Table C)
1-2 = acceptable posture
3-4 = further investigation, change may be needed
5-6 = further investigation, change soon
7 = investigate and implement change

RULA Score

Task Name: Date:

+1 +2 +2



+2 +3

Add +1

+1 +2 +3


+1 +2


CautionZone Checklist Use one sheet for each position evaluated.

Movements or postures that are a regular and
foreseeable part of the job, occurring more
than one day per week, and more frequently
than one week per year.

If done in this
job position

the box

Job Position


No. of employees
in these jobs?

  • Awkward Posture
  • Comments/Observations
  • 1. Working with the hand(s)
    above the head, or the elbow(s)
    above the shoulders more than
    2 hours total per day.


    2. Working with the neck or
    back bent more than 30
    degrees (without support and
    without the ability to vary
    posture) more than 2 hours
    total per day.


    3. Squatting more than 2
    hours total per day. !

    4. Kneeling more than 2 hours
    total per day. !

    High Hand Force Comments/Observations

    5. Pinching an unsupported
    object(s) weighing 2 or more
    pounds per hand, or pinching
    with a force of 4 or more
    pounds per hand, more than 2
    hours total per day (comparable
    to pinching half a ream of


    6. Gripping an unsupported
    objects(s) weighing 10 or more
    pounds per hand, or gripping
    with a force of 10 or more
    pounds per hand, more than 2
    hours total per day (comparable
    to clamping light duty
    automotive jumper cables onto
    a battery).


    Highly Repetitive Motion Comments/Observations
    7. Repeating the same motion
    with the neck, shoulders,
    elbows, wrists, or hands
    (excluding keying activities)
    with little or no variation every
    few seconds, more than 2
    hours total per day.

    8. Performing intensive keying
    more than 4 hours total per
    day. !

    Repeated Impact Comments/Observations
    9. Using the hand (heel/base
    of palm) or knee as a hammer
    more than 10 times per hour,
    more than 2 hours total per

    Heavy, Frequent or Awkward Lifting (A simple scale
    can be used to determine the weight of materials) Comments/Observations

    10. Lifting object weighing
    more than 70 pounds once per
    day or more than 55 pounds
    more than 10 times per day.

    11. Lifting objects weighing
    more than 10 pounds if done
    more than twice per minute,
    more than 2 hours total per

    12. Lifting objects weighing
    more than 25 pounds above the
    shoulders, below the knees or
    at arms length more than 25
    times per day.

    Moderate to High Hand- Arm Vibration
    (Closely estimate or obtain the vibration value of the tool in use)


    13. Using impact wrenches,
    carpet strippers, chain saws,
    percussive tools (jack
    hammers, scalers, riveting or
    chipping hammers) or other
    tools that typically have high
    vibration levels, more than 30
    minutes total per day.


    14. Using grinders, sanders,
    jigsaws or other hand tools that
    typically have moderate
    vibration levels more than 2
    hours total per day.


      Awkward Posture
      High Hand Force
      Highly Repetitive Motion
      Repeated Impact
      Heavy, Frequent or Awkward Lifting (A simple scale can be used to determine the weight of materials)
      Moderate to High Hand- Arm Vibration
      (Closely estimate or obtain the vibration value of the tool in use)

    Manual Handling Guidelines: Using Liberty Mutual Tables

    Tables for evaluating lifting, lowering, pushing, pulling, and
    carrying tasks.

    Since the late 1970s, Liberty Mutual has been analyzing and evaluating lifting, lowering,
    pushing, pulling, and carrying tasks using “Psychophysical Tables.” These tables are
    research based using psychophysical methodology that includes measurements of
    oxygen consumption, heart rate, and anthropometric characteristics. Psychophysical
    tables provide important information about capability and limitations of workers and the
    design of manual handling tasks to reduce low back disability.
    During these studies, research subjects could either control the weight or force variable,
    and the experimenter controlled all other task variables such as frequency, size, height,
    distance, etc. The subject monitored his or her own feelings of exertion or fatigue,
    and adjusted the weight or force of the object accordingly. Details of the experimental
    designs are found in the individual papers (Ciriello and Snook 1983, Ciriello et al. 1990,
    Ciriello et al. 1993).

    The tables used by Liberty Mutual Risk Control are called Liberty Mutual Tables. They
    are much different from those used in published literature. Some have referred to those
    in the published literature as “Snook Tables” (Snook, 1978) or “Snook and Ciriello
    Tables” (Snook and Ciriello, 1991). Liberty Mutual Tables provide the male and female
    population percentages able to perform these tasks, while the published tables provided
    Maximum Acceptable Weights and Forces for 10, 25, 50, 75, 90 percent of the male and
    female population. CompuTask™ is an ergonomic software analysis program based, in
    part, on the Liberty Mutual Tables.
    Liberty Mutual Tables
    The goal of the Liberty Mutual Tables (hereafter called “Tables”) is to help control costs
    associated with manual handling operations. These costs can be attributed to high low-
    back disability costs and reduced productivity and quality due to poor job design. These
    Tables provide the user with an objective assessment of a problematic manual handling
    job and the foundation on which to build a solution in the following ways:

    ■ By helping recognize risk factors associated with manual handling activity and,
    ■ Helping make good business decisions on implementing cost effective

    ergonomic solutions that offer the highest degree of control.
    Using these Tables effectively requires basic level training in ergonomics and
    manual handling task analysis and evaluation. Users should be knowledgeable of
    biomechanical, physiological, and psychophysical workload criteria (Waters, 1994)
    and evaluation methods. Training should include developing an analysis strategy
    and collection of basic measurements including weights, initial and sustained forces,
    distances (lifting, lowering, carrying, hand distance from body) and task frequency.

    Using the Tables: Population Percentage Criteria
    As a general rule of thumb, designing manual tasks for greater than 75 percent of the
    female work population will offer the best protection from manual handling injuries.
    Studies have shown that two-thirds of low back claims from low percentage tasks (tasks
    capable of being performed by a small percentage of the population) can be prevented
    if the tasks are designed to accommodate at least 75 percent of the female work
    population (Snook et al., 1978). Tasks having population percentages of less than 10
    percent should be prioritized for task redesign.

    RC 5812

    Risk Control from Liberty Mutual Insurance

    With certain industries and jobs, however, it is very difficult to design jobs that can be
    performed by 75 percent of the female work population. The Tables can be used to
    perform what-if scenarios of various ergonomic interventions to help determine the most
    cost effective and practical solution that offers the highest degree of control.
    The Tables are self-explanatory and easy to use. The following is an example.
    Suppose you want to find the female population percentage for lifting tote pans. Your
    measurements show the following:

    ■ Tote pan weight of 29 lbs.(Object Weight)
    ■ Hand distance of 7 in. (Hand Distance Away from Body)
    ■ An initial hand height of 30 in. (Hand Height at Start)
    ■ A final hand height of 50 in. (Hand Height at End)
    ■ Pans are lifted once every 5 min. (Task Frequency)

    The first step is to find the correct table. Since this is a lifting task ending between
    knuckle and shoulder height (≥28” and ≤53”) and you are looking for female population
    percentage, go to Table 2F. Using the object weight of 29 lbs. to select the row, and
    hand distance of 7 in. to select the column, locate the data in the large cell as shown
    Since lifting Distance is 20 in. and frequency is once every 5 minutes, this task is
    acceptable to 60% of the female work population.

    Since measurements seldom correspond exactly to the data points used in the tables, it
    will often be necessary to estimate the population percentage. For example, if the object
    weighed 30 lbs., it would fall between the 29 lb. cell as shown above and the 32 lb. cell.
    Interpolation gives a population percentage of 55.
    Hand Distance
    Determining hand distance is one dimension that can be confusing. Hand distance is the
    distance from the front of the body to the hands. Note: This is a different measurement
    from the one used for the NIOSH model. Hand distance will normally be half the width of
    the object that is being handled, unless the object is purposely held away from the body.
    Pushing and Pulling Tasks
    For pushing and pulling tasks, you will need to obtain a spring scale, a load cell, or other
    force measurement device and enter the initial force, in pounds, that is needed to start
    the object moving. Take several measurements and enter the highest value particularly
    when floor or wheel conditions are poor.
    For pushing tasks, if you only have a spring scale device, you can measure the force by
    pulling. However, while the effect on the worker may be different between a push and
    pull, the measured force will be the same. Also, obtain the sustained force measurement
    to keep the object moving. Take all measurements at an acceleration representative of
    the task as performed in the actual operating environment.

    RC 5812 2

    We define frequency as the average time between handling individual objects.
    Frequency can be confusing when more than one task component is present. For
    example, lifting an object, carrying it a distance, and putting it back down. In our
    example, if objects are lifted, carried, and lowered within a job cycle time of 30 seconds,
    the frequency would be 30 seconds for the lift, 30 seconds for the carry, and 30 seconds
    for the lower.

    Important Considerations
    A word of caution about using the Tables. Do not evaluate tasks based solely on
    population percentages. Other important considerations include the following:

    ■ Injuries: Any job that is producing injuries is a good candidate for redesign.
    ■ Bending: Any task that begins or ends with the hands below knuckle

    height presents some degree of risk. The deeper the bending
    motion, the greater is the physical stress on the low back. Frequent
    bending, regardless of weight, is not recommended.

    ■ Twisting: This motion puts uneven forces on the back, thereby, presenting additional
    physical stress. The greater the twist, the more physically stressful the task.

    ■ Reaching: The distance away from the body that a load is held
    greatly affects the forces on the back, shoulders, and arms. The
    farther the reach, the more physically stressful the task

    ■ One-Handed Lifts: The Tables cannot be used to evaluate one-
    handed tasks. By nature, these tasks place uneven loads on the back
    and present a greater physical stress than two-handed lifts

    ■ Handholds: Inability to get a good grip on the load
    presents a greater physical stress.

    ■ Catching or Throwing Items: The Tables cannot be used to evaluate
    these types of tasks. Any task involving catching or throwing items is
    physically stressful and, therefore, a good candidate for redesign.

    Population Percentages
    The population percentages in these Tables are based on weights selected by subjects
    in the laboratory working as hard as they could without straining themselves, or without
    becoming unusually tired, weakened, overheated, or out of breath. Jobs designed
    ergonomically should fit most workers. That is why 75 percent of the female work
    population is used as a design starting point.

    ■ Do not use population percentages in the Tables to determine whether male or
    female workers can perform certain jobs and then place workers accordingly.

    ■ Use the Tables to design manual handling jobs with physical requirements so
    that as many workers as possible can perform them without risk of injury.

    As previously mentioned, effectively using the Tables requires training in ergonomics
    and task evaluation methods. Users of the Tables should be trained in collecting hand
    distance, lifting distance, and task frequency measurements. Liberty Mutual Group
    workers compensation insured customers may contact their Risk Control Consultant or
    the Risk Control Consulting Center for more information.

    Ciriello, V. M. (2001). The effects of box
    size, vertical distance, and height on
    lowering tasks. International Journal
    of Industrial Ergonomics, 28:61-67.

    Ciriello, V. M. & Snook, S. H. (1983).
    A study of size, distance, height, and
    frequency effects on manual handling
    tasks. Human Factors, 25:5, 1983.

    Ciriello, V. M., Snook, S. H., &
    Hughes, G. (1993). Further studies of
    psychophysically determined maximum
    acceptable weights and forces.
    Human Factors, 35:11, 175-186.

    Ciriello, V. M., Snook, S. H., Blick,
    A. C., & Wilkinson, P. L. (1990).
    The effects of task duration on
    maximum acceptable weights and
    forces. Ergonomics, 33:2, 187-200.

    Ciriello, V.M., McGorry, R.W.,
    Martin, S., & Bezverkhny, I.B. (1999).
    Maximum acceptable forces of
    dynamic pushing: comparison of two
    techniques. Ergonomics, 42:1, 32-39.

    Snook, S.H. (1978). The design
    of manual handling tasks.
    Ergonomics, 21:12-963-985.

    Snook, S. H., & Ciriello, V. M. (1991).
    The design of manual handling
    tasks: revised tables of maximum
    acceptable weights and forces.
    Ergonomics, 34:9 1197-1213.

    Waters, T.R., Putz-Anderson, V.,
    & Garg, A.. (1994). Applications
    Manual for the Revised NIOSH Lifting
    Equation. U.S. Department of Health
    and Human Services, Centers for
    Disease Control, Cincinnati, OH,
    DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 94-110. @LibertyB2B

    The illustrations, instructions, and principles contained in the material are general in scope and, to the best of our knowledge, current
    at the time of publication. Our risk control services are advisory only. We assume no responsibility for: managing or controlling
    customer safety activities, implementing any recommended corrective measures, or identifying all potential hazards.
    No attempt has been made to interpret any referenced codes, standards, or regulations. Please refer to the appropriate government
    authority for interpretation or clarification.
    Insurance underwritten by Liberty Mutual Insurance Co. or its affiliates or subsidiaries.
    © 2017 Liberty Mutual Insurance, 175 Berkeley Street, Boston, MA 02116. RC 5812 07/17

    For each “caution zone job” find any physical risk factors that apply. If a hazard exists, it must be reduced
    below the hazard level or to the degree technologically and economically feasible.

    Movements or postures that are a regular and forseeable
    part of the job, occurring more than one day per week, and
    more frequently than one week per year.


    Job Position evaluated:


    No. of
    employees in
    these jobs?

    Awkward Posture Comments/Observations

    1. Working with the hand(s)
    above the head, or the
    elbows above the shoulders

    More than
    4 hours

    total per


    2. Repeatedly raising the
    hand(s) above the head, or
    the elbow(s) above the
    shouder(s) more than once
    per minute

    More than
    4 hours
    total per

    3. Working with the neck
    bent more than 45° (without
    support or the ability to vary

    More than
    4 hours
    total per

    4. Working with the back
    bent forward more than 30°
    (without support or the ability
    to vary posture)

    More than
    4 hours
    total per

    5. Working with the back
    bent forward more than 45°
    (without support or the ability
    to vary posture)

    More than
    2 hours
    total per

    6. Squatting

    More than
    4 hours
    total per

    7. Kneeling

    More than
    4 hours
    total per


    High Hand Force


    Pinching an unsupported object(s) weighing 2 lbs or more per hand, or pinching with a force of 4 lbs or more
    per hand (comparable to pinching a half a ream of paper)



    Highly repetitive motion


    than 3

    total per



    than 3

    total per


    No other risk factors

    than 4

    total per

    Gripping an unsupported object(s) weighing 10 lbs or more per hand, or gripping with a force of 10 lbs or more
    per hand (comparable to clamping light duty automotive jumper cables onto a battery)


    Highly Repetitive motion

    than 3
    total per



    than 3
    total per


    No other risk factors
    than 4
    total per

    – 2 –

    Highly Repetitive Motion


    Using the same motion with little or no variation every few seconds (excluding keying activities)




    High, forceful exertions with the

    More than
    2 hours
    total per



    No other risk factors

    More than
    6 hours
    total per


    Intensive keying



    More than
    4 hours
    total per



    No other risk factors

    More than
    7 hours
    total per


    Repeated Impact


    Using the hand (heel/base of
    palm) as a hammer more than
    once per minute

    More than
    2 hours
    total per


    Using the knee as a hammer
    more than once per minute

    More than
    2 hours
    total per

    – 3 –

    Calculator for Hand-Arm


    1. Find the vibration value for the tool. (Get it from the manufacturer look it up
    at this website
    On the graph below mark the point on the left side shown as Vibration value.

    2. Find out how many total hours per day the employee is using the tool and mark
    that point on the bottom of the chart below.

    3. Trace a line into the graph from each of these two points until they cross.

    4. Interpretation
    a. If that point lies in the crosshatched “Hazard” area above the upper curve, then the vibration

    hazard must be reduced below the hazard level or to the degree technologically and
    economically feasible.

    b. If the point lies between the two curves in the “Caution” area, then the job remains as a
    “Caution Zone Job.”

    c. If the point falls in the “OK” area below the bottom curve, then no further steps are required.

    Note: The caution limit curve (bottom) is based on an 8-hour energy-equivalent frequency- weighted

    acceleration value of 2.5 m/s2. The hazard limit curve (top) is based on an 8-hour energy-equivalent frequency-

    weighted acceleration value of 5 m/s2.





    – 4 –

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