Adrians paper

#1-Please answer each question separately and in complete paragraphs (at least 3 and APA).

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1. Describe the impact of autism on all members of the family. (parents and siblings)

2. Describe the changing effects of ASD through the life span (infancy, early childhood, elementary years, adolescence and adulthood)

3. Describe the selection of interventions in home-based interventions.

4. Explain three limitations and/or problems related to the exclusive use of consequences strategies to modify the behavior of students with autism.

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5. What are the steps for completing functional behavior assessment? Why should it be conducted, and who should be involved in the process?

6. Explain the benefits and limitations of embedded instruction on the learning and various academic, social, and communication behaviors of students with autism.

Please see Lecture 1 for additional resources.

#2-A primary source of strain between school districts and parents comes when choosing between the two leading ways of teaching children with ASD. They are: Treatment and Education of Autistic and Related Communication-Handicapped Children (TEACCH) versus Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA). 

Describe and analyze both approaches and determine which one do you think is most effective.

At least 3 paragraphs/ APA

#3- ( i will upload the research paper and the rest of the materias for the forst paper ) Create your outline for your first research paper.

Look at the MLA sample outline below. You MUST do your outline like the MLA sample.

Where it says “Introduction”– write your THESIS STATEMENT




Title: Media Images and Eating Disorders




Date: March 8, 2020


In today’s world, many people have an access to the media comprised of the Internet which includes social media platforms, the print media which is comprised of newspapers and magazines, and broadcast media which includes televisions and radios. The exposure to the aforementioned types of media has been associated with the increasing cases of eating disorders as reported by some researchers (Latzer, Spivak-Lavi, & Katz, 2015, p. 375). Studies have shown that children and young adolescents spent about 5 hours a day watching the television and about 7 hours using the various types of media combined (Morris & Katzman, 2003, p. 287). Effects of the media on eating disorders have been influenced by the decreasing weights of the beauty pageants, actresses, and models who many young people especially the young girls look up to in terms of setting standards of beauty (Spettigue &Henderson, 2004, p. 16). Generally, girls want to weigh less while on the contrary, boys want to get bigger and muscular which is influenced by their various role models who are displayed by the media (Morris & Katzman, 2003, p. 287). Magazines, advertisements, and television shows have contributed a lot to eating disorders in girls and women and researchers have found out that women’s magazines have about 10 times more promotion of diet foods as compared to men’s magazines (Spettigue & Henderson, 2004, p. 16). Despite the cases of eating disorders being associated with the young people, it does not mean that it is not present in older adults. In fact, people of all ages have been affected by the media which has led to this health condition. On the bright side, one can avoid being influenced by the media to embrace bad eating patterns by being keen with the content they choose to view and also relying on the advice of health care providers on the healthiest ways of living to mention but a few.

Causes of Eating Disorders

Mentioning that the media has contributed to eating disorders is not sufficient enough and therefore the topic needs to be tackled deeply. The most affected groups are children, adolescents, and emerging adults. The social media can be said to be one of the major platforms which is associated with body image and eating complications (Rodgers & Melioli, 2016, p. 96). The Internet and specifically the social media have a new kind of mass media which highly promotes content of why people should become thin or why particular diets are the best, the nature of the modern forms of media encourage users to create their personal profiles and post their pictures and this has been used by celebrities to influence other people, and the existence of groups which promote weight loss by misleading people into making bad feeding decisions (Rodgers & Melioli, 2016, p. 96). In addition, young people are the heavy users of the Internet and many of them spend many hours in social media platforms and also, the Internet is vital tool of development of certain qualities in adolescents which include, identity, self-worth, and peer relations (Rodgers & Melioli, 2016, p. 97).

However, the media cannot be entirely blamed for promoting eating disorders. Actually, there are other factors which play a major role in causing this health condition and they may contribute solely to the problem or work together with the media to cause it. These factors include; genetic factors which means that the eating disorder can be inherited from family members, body dissatisfaction which could cause individuals to engage in disordered eating behavior with an aim of moving closer to the thin ideal which is mostly promoted by the media, perfectionism which may lead to a person wanting to have a perfect body, high levels of stress, anxiety, anger, and depression may also lead to eating disorders, and abuses such as sexual and childhood problems may cause eating disorders (Salafia, Jones, & Schaefer, 2015, para. 9-12). Some of these factors can be accelerated further by the media making it a major factor that contributes to eating disorders generally.

Solutions to Eating Disorders

Eating disorder is a health condition which can be avoided or treated with time. There are some practices which an individual can embrace for media self-care which include; choosing and using media which supports one’s values and beliefs and contributes to building their personal attributes, limiting oneself from spending a lot of time watching television or engaging in social media platforms, questioning any content posted on the media in terms of its authenticity, the target audience, and the reason for the provision of the message and who benefits from it, giving the media platforms feedback on the type of content they post and the reasons why one thinks they should maintain or remove some content, and advocating for positive body talk by posting helpful content which promotes healthy living and not one that influences people to engage in disordered eating habits (“Media and eating disorders,” n.d., 10-14). There have been many online campaigns which fight against body shaming, sexism, and use of unrealistic model images (“Social media and eating disorders,” n.d., para. 8). These campaigns have led to people accepting themselves the way they are and this reduces the risk of indulging in unhealthy eating behaviors so as to fit in or feel accepted. Social media platforms are working very hard to ensure that everyone is comfortable using the social networks where a sense of community is being instilled into every user. The media should be used to promote healthy living rather than spread misleading information which affects the health of its users.


The media has contributed a lot to the increasing cases of eating disorders through various outlets like the broadcast media, print media, and the Internet. Children and adolescents have been found to be the heavy users of the Internet and broadcast media which display the images and videos of famous people. Many of these platforms promote thinness in women and muscularity in men. The young people who look up to these celebrities may wish to look like their idols, and in the process engage in disordered eating behaviors. Media may not solely contribute to eating disorders but it can accelerate other causes like perfectionism, mental disorders, abuses, and genetic factors. In order to mitigate the risks of media and eating disorders, it should start as a personal initiative where one chooses the content which to view on the media, promote healthy lifestyle, and provide feedback to media platforms on what content they should display to the people. The media can therefore, be used to also reduce cases of eating disorders.


Latzera, Y., Spivak-Lavia, Z., & Katza, R. (2015). Disordered eating and media exposure among adolescent girls: the role of parental involvement and sense of empowerment. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 20(3): 375–391.

Mirror Mirror. Eating Disorder Help. (n.d.). Social media and eating disorders. Retrieved March 8, 2020 from,

Morris, A.M. & Katzman, D.K. (2003). The impact of the media on the eating disorders in children and adolescents. Pediatrics Child Health, 8(5): 287-289. doi: 10.1093/pch/8.5.287

NEDA. Feeding hope. (n.d.). Media and eating disorders. Retrieved March 8, 2020 from,

Rodgers, R.F. & Melioli, T. (2016). The relationship between body image concerns, eating disorders, and Internet use, part I: A review of empirical support. Adolescent Research Review, 1(2016): 95-119.

Salafia, E.H.B., Jones, M.E., & Schaefer, M.K. (2015). Perception of the causes of eating disorders: a comparison of individuals with and without eating disorders. Journal of Eating Disorders, 3(32).

Spettigue, W. & Henderson, K.A. (2004). Eating disorders and the role of media. Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 131): 16-19. Retrieved


Tests that are used to diagnose autism are done in various fields such as psychology, psychiatry, pediatrics, and neurology. Diagnosis is established after observing the child’s behavior and testing the child’s abilities in these fields. Any child should be examined for developmental abilities from birth to the age of three. If a child is detected with some developmental delays or disabilities, the pediatrician should refer the child to a specialist in early Intervention.  

Some of the behaviors that need to be noticed are:

· Absence of babbling and making gestures by the age of 12 months

· Absence of any word utterances by the age of 16 months

· Absence of two-word unprompted phrases by the age of 24 months

· Loss of social and language skills at any age 

In order to determine whether a child has a disorder in the autism spectrum a psychiatrist will likely look at a variety of factors. These might include such things as:

· Evaluation of the medical history of the child’s mother during her pregnancy

· Assessment of the developmental milestones

· Complete physical examination

· Habits of eating and sleeping

· Functioning of the stomach and bowels

· Coordination disabilities

· Sensory impairments

· Allergies

· Any medical diseases

· History of developmental disorders in the family

· History of genetic and metabolic disorders in the family

· Exposure of the child or parents to toxins 

Some tests may be done to confirm that the symptoms of the child are not due to other conditions which may seem like autism spectrum disorder, such as genetic or metabolic diseases, mental retardation, and deafness. These tests are:

Chromosomal Analysis
This is performed to test for mental retardation. If there is mental retardation in the child’s family, this test may be conducted. For instance, fragile X syndrome that leads to symptoms of low levels of intelligent may be diagnosed with chromosomal analysis.

Electroencephalograph (EEG)
 If there are symptoms of seizures and developmental regression, then an EEG is conducted.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
An MRI is done to detect any structural differences in the brain. 

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